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3 Connect the MMS130/230/140/ 240 (if available) to a subwoofer (if available). 4 Connect the power supply for MMS130/230/140/240. 5 Tune the system using sound card/ sound source and speaker controls. Francais MMS130/230/140/240 1 Branchez les enceintes gauche et droite (pour MMS130/230/140/240). 2 Connectez la carte sonore a l’entree Audio In (MMS130/230/ 140/240). 3 Connectez le MMS130/230/140/ 240 (si disponible) au subwoofer (si disponible). 4 Branchez l’alimentation pour le MMS130/230/140/

Los usuarios de DOS y Windows 3.1 pueden bajar el device driver para la version DOS desde Internet en cualquier momento. Para mas informacion, se ruega consulten los siguientes sitios web: http// Para Usarios de Windows 2000 Pro/ XP [ Para garantizar el normal funcionamiento de la unidad, rogamos compruebe lo siguiente: • La unidad se visualiza en Windows 2000 Pro/XP : [paneles de control]-[sistema]-[Hardware]-[gestor de dispositivos]-[DVD/CD-ROM] • Se visualizan 32 bits en [paneles

2Connect the other end of the USB 2.0 cable to your computer. 3The drive may get its power from the PC USB power. All systems may not meet USB power requirements and full performance may not be achieved. In this case, connect to the USB power cable. When the computer is ready, confirm that the drive is detected. And then, insert the supplied software CD into the drive and install the software. • Please do not connect the USB cables by any means other than specified above. Using the wrong type of