Resumen del manual
7. Behördliche Vorschriften
Lead-free Product
Lead free display promotes
010+A12:2011 (Einrichtungen der
environmentally sound recovery
Informationstechnik – Sicherheit)
and disposal of waste from electrical
EN55022:2010 (Einrichtungen
and electronic equipment. Toxic
der Informationstechnik –
substances like Lead has been eliminated
and compliance with European community’s
EN55024:2010 (Einrichtungen
stringent RoHs directive mandating restrictions
der Informationstechnik –
on hazardous substances in electrical and
electronic equipment have been adhered to
EN61000-3-2:2006 +A1:2009+A2:2009
in order to make Philips monitors safe to use
(Grenzwerte für Oberschwingungsströme)
throughout its life cycle.
EN61000-3-3:2008 (Begrenzung
von Spannungsänderungen,
gemäß geltenden Vorgaben.
The EPEAT (Electronic
EN60601-1-2:2007 (Medical electrical
Product Environmental
equipment. General requirements for
Assessment Tool) program
safety Collateral standard, Electromagnetic
evaluates computer
compatibility Requirements and tests)
desktops, laptops, and monitors based on 51
2006/95/EC (Niederspannungsdirektive)
environmental criteria developed through
an extensive stakeholder consensus process
2004/108/EC (EMV-Direktive)
supported by US EPA.
2009/125/EC (ErP-Richtlinie, EGV
1275/2008, Richtlinie zum Stromverbrauch
EPEAT system helps purchasers in the public
im Bereitschafts- und im Aus-Zustand);
and private sectors evaluate, compare and
Produktion durch ISO9000-zertifizierte
select desktop computers, notebooks and
monitors based on their environmental
attributes. EPEAT also provides a clear and
2011/65/EU (RoHS Directive)
consistent set of performance criteria for the
Zusätzlich erfüllt das Gerät folgende Vorgaben:
design of products, and provides an opportunity
ISO9241-307:2008 (ergonomische
for manufacturers to secure market recognition
Anforderungen, Analyse- und
for efforts to reduce the environmental impact
Konformitätsverfahren für elektronische
of its products.
optische Anzeigen).
GS EK1-2000:2013
Reduce use of primary materials
Reduce use of toxic materials
TUV IEC60601-1 (EN 60601-1:2006
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1:
Avoid the disposal of hazardous waste EPEAT’S
General requirements for basic safety and
requirement that all registered products meet
essential performance)
EN 60601-1-2:2007 Medical electrical
means that these products will consume less
equipment - Part 1-2: General
energy throughout their life.
requirements for basic safety and
essential performance - Collateral
standard: Electromagnetic compatibility -
Dieses Produkt erfüllt folgende Vorgaben:
Requirements and tests