Part No. Description No. Q ty. R ef. Part No. Description No. Q ty. 10 Suction Bell (with filter) AL111000AJ 1 11a Suction Tube Assembly AL138400SV 1 11b Option, Solvent Resistant AL138404SV 1 12 Bucket Support (with screws) AL168080SV 1 13 Wheel, Pneumatic (optional) WA005620AV 2 14 Cap, Rubber (optional) MJ110300AV 2 15 Bucket Support (w/screws & nuts) AL167953SV 1 16 Stand AL168020AD 1 15 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 Operating Instructions and Assembly Instructions Troubl

Suction filter Before each use Every 25 gal. or Yes and every 5 gal. more often if required Gun filter Before each use Every 25 gal. Yes Do not attempt to clean gun filter, only replace. Roller nap Before each use As required Yes Prime/spray valve Before each use Every 1000 gal. Yes 3/4” Wrench, torque to 80 in/lbs. Push button Before each use Every 1000 gal. Yes 7/8” Socket or wrench, torque to 200 in/lbs. Block bolts Before each use Do not require Yes Block bolts are to be torqued to 275 in/lb

No utilizar con un compresor de aire de uso continuo que no tenga tanque. VISCOSIDAD – Es la medida de la resistencia al flujo de un liquido. ATOMIZACION - Es el proceso para convertir liquidos en gotas minusculas (rocio). PERILLA DE CONTROL DE PATRON – Se usa para seleccionar el patron adecuado (tamano y forma) de la pintura rociada con la pistola cuando se quiere pintar una superficie. PERILLA DE CONTROL DE FLUIDO – Se usa para controlar la cantidad de pintura que se mezcla con aire. TANQUE DE

Filter housing is tightened down too much. * = Service Center Recommended EZ5000 Series 1. Push the spring inside the inlet valve & push on outlet valve ball. 2. Tighten clamp. 3. Turn control to prime position. 4. Rebleed pressure valve: Turn control between ON/OFF position and PRIME/CLEAN PUMP position and allow motor to run for a few minutes. Then turn lever to prime position. 5. Clean or replace suction tube filter. 6. Remove and clean or replace inlet and outlet valve. 7. Thin, mix and stra

5. Al rociar o limpiar el equipo, siempre siga las instrucciones y medidas de seguridad al respecto suministradas por el fabricante de los productos . ! ADVERTENCIA PELIGRO DE INYECCION EN LA PIEL: . La alta presion utilizada podria inyectarle toxinas en el sistema sanguineo. Si esto ocurre, vaya al medico de emergencia. ! ADVERTENCIA Use una mascara/respirador y ropa protectora cuando vaya a rociar. Siempre rocie en areas bien ventiladas para evitar problemas de salud y peligros de incendios. V

hOw TO ChANGE SPrAy TIPS It may be necessary to change spray tips during a paint job. Follow these steps for safe, easy tip changes. 1. Depressurize and turn off unit per manufacturer’s instructions. 2. Engage gun trigger lock. 3. Pull red tip insert out of spray base and replace with different tip, fully inserting tip into base. hOw TO ATTACh rOllEr ACCESSOry 1. Depressurize and turn off unit per manufacturer’s instructions. 2. Engage gun trigger lock. 3. Remove spray base, tip, seal and washer

2. GARANTIE ACCORDEE PAR (GARANT): Campbell Hausfeld/Scott Fetzer Company, 100 Production Drive, Harrison, Ohio, 45030, Telephone: (800) 543-6400 3. BENEFICIAIRE DE CETTE GARANTIE (ACHETEUR): L’acheteur original (sauf en cas de revente) du produit Campbell Hausfeld. 4. PRODUITS COUVERTS PAR CETTE GARANTIE: Ce pistolet de pulverisation Campbell Hausfeld. 5. COUVERTURE DE LA PRESENTE GARANTIE: Defauts importants de materiaux et de main d'oeuvre qui se produisent durant la periode de garantie a l'e

anti-drip canister • Stainless steel fluid needle and nozzle for corrosion-resistant life • HVLP increases transfer efficiency and reduces paint consumption • In-line paint filter removes dirt particles from paint, preventing defects • See-through chemical-resistant cup allows viewing of paint fluid level • Includes adjustable fluid and pattern controls HVLP Gravity-Feed Touch-up Spray Gun DH7700 2.8 Siphon-Feed Spray Gun DH6500 Siphon-Feed Spray Gun DH7500 7.0 6.3 Model Fluid Fluid tip Paint Vi

2 ApplicationChart................................. 2 SafetyGuidelines................................. 3 GeneralSafetyInformation ........................ 3 AssemblyInstructions ............................. 6 Preparation...................................... 6 SprayingInstructions.............................. 8 Cleanup........................................ 10 Storage........................................ 14 SprayGunMaintenance.......................... 15 MaintenanceChart.................