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- 2 0. - 8 6 1 2, - 2 0. - 8 6 1 * 1. 0 0 £ 5. %- -5% from the above item 1 *1.2 3 £ -0.05 2 * 2. 0 0 1 ( 0.05 is calculated and subtracted.) 2 * 4. 5 6 * 2. 9 5 S * 5. 7 9 ts 10. %- -> -10% from the sub-total ft 1 2 3 4.5 6 *0.05 £ —Customer No. (non-add No.) -0.30 * 2. 6 5 b j ($0.30 is calculated and subtracted.) *5.84 3 —Finalized as charge *0.04 P 0 01, 9 § *2.6 9 5 10-35 0 0 2. 0 § 10-37 -16- PAID OUT RECEIVED ON ACCOUNT Thank you Call again 1 2. - 2 0. - 8 6 * 5.0 0 8 $5.00 is paid out. 0 0 2.1 § 10-40 Thank you Call again 1 2, - 2 0. - 8 6 *10.00 2 0 0 2. 3 § 10-41 SHORT TENDERING, SPLIT-TENDERING NULTI-TENDERING, CHANGE COMPUTATION Thank you Call again 12-20-86 Thank you Call again 1 2, - 2 0, - 8 6 2 * 5.0 0 1 *300 £ 1 *3.0 0 £ *0.12 P * 8.0 0 & * 3,1 2 r* Sale Total *0,12 £ * 0, 3 0 5 $0.30 tendered, but short. * 8,1 2 h * 10. 0 0 £ Another $10.00 tendered, * 5. 0 0 5 * 7. i e s and Change $7.18 is *312 5 0 0 2 6B calculated, displayed and 0 0 2 7 § 10-44 printed. 10-46 $10.00 is received on account. Sale Total $5.00 Cash Tendered The balance $3.12 is finalized as Charge -17- RETURNED MERCHANDISE MITHIN A SALE RETURNED MERCHANDISE OUTSIDE A SALE Sale Item Sale Item Returned Item of Dept.l Sale Item The balance is paid in cash. Thank you Call again 1 2 - 2 a - 8 6 1 * 5. Q 0 E £ - 0. 2 0 £ -520 3 0 0 2, 9 g 10-49 Returned Item of Dept Tax to be returned Total is negative, so it must be paid to the customer in cash. NON-TAXABLE [*-] OPERATION Thank you Call again 1 2 - 2 0. - 8 6 10 [%-] results : non-taxable discount Compare the tax due. TAXABLE [*-] OPERATION Thank you Call again 1 2 - 2 0. - 8 6 *456 E *2.56 *7.12 H* CO 1 0. °/ - /0 -0.71 *0.1 8 X H *6.59 ■t o 0 0 30? 10-50 [TX/M] 10 [3°-] results taxable discount -18- RECEIPT POST-ISSUE When the register is operated with the [RECEIPT ON/OFF] switch positioned to "OFF", no receipt will be issued but the sales content is recorded on the journal roll only. If the customer claims the sale receipt in that case, depress the [RCFT ISSUE] key before going into another sale. The receipt with only the sale total printed will be issued, no matter in what media that sale was finalized. Journal Print 2 * 5. 0 0 1 * 3, 0 0 £ * 8.0 0 « *0.12 £ * 8.1 2 ^ * 5. 0 0 & *3,12 5 0 0 3; 4 g 11-01 IF POWER FAILS DURING PRINTING OF AN ITEM... ex .) Power failure took place when this item was being printed. When the power regained, the same entire line item is printed again from the top (i.e. double-print). The register memory is protected by the back-up battery. So there is no problem in that case. Thank you Call again 1 2, - 2 0. - 8 6 2 *20 0 2 *2,0 0 1 *3.0 0 *7.0 0 *0.12 *712 0 0 3 8? 11-12 Receipt Post-issued The receipt -19- READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS The following table shows the key operation to take each report. The "X" and "Z" reports have exactly the same print content, except that: 1. The "X" report allows to read the totals but not clear memories, while the MZ" report allow to read the totals and at the same time all the resettable memories will be cleared when the report has been taken. 2. The symbol "X" is printed as the header of a "X" report, while "Z" is printed on a "Z" report, to indicate the type of report. 3. A reset count is printed near the bottom of a "Z" report only. TABLE OF OPERATIONS FOR X AND Z REPORTS REMPORT NAME KEY OPERATION SAMPLE PAGE AUTO READ AUTO RESET Mode Lock: X ] [AT/TL] Mode Lock: Z 21 GT READ GT RESET Mode Lock: X ] 20 [AT/TL] Mode Lock: Z 22 NOTES: AUTO READ/RESET reports are for the daily accumulated sales data. GT READ/RESET reports are for the accumulated sales data in a week or a month (the reset period depends on each store). VERIFYING THE PROGRAMMED DATA and TAX CALCULATION TEST, which are also available in the "X" mode. As for these operations and print samples, refer to the page 31. -20- AUTO READ REPORT SAMPLE AUTO RESET REPORT SAMPLE Mode Lock : X Mode Lock : Z Depress [AT/TL] Depress [AT/TL] Thank you Call again Thank you Call again 12,-20.-86 Date 1 2, - 2 0, - 8 6 Y í A * i\eau Kepuri. ayiuuu i (\epur l jyitiuu i > L * ? 5 5,1 8 I- Cash Sales Amount Total * 1 7 6.6 9 5^ cu i u Charge Customer Count 3 35 * 1 2 0 8 x _...
Equipo de Taller - MA-205 (740.35 kb)