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Resumen del manual
A disk with an impending failure will appear to be operating
If HP Command View EVA does not present a status consistent
normal y in HP Command View EVA, and the fault light on the
with the disk status indicators, or if HP Command View EVA or
disk will not be on. Therefore, it is important that you positively
your system monitoring tool indicates multiple hardware failures,
identify the disk before performing the replacement. Work with
contact HP support for assistance (ht p://www.hp.com/support).
the HP Solution Center to ensure you identify the correct disk for
• Analyze any failure messages received. Error messages identify
each disk by its rack, enclosure, bay, and UUID (World Wide
Name). Record this information to assist you in identifying the
Checking system redundancy
correct disk before replacing it.
The following is a sample of the disk identification information:
Before replacing a disk, check the redundancy status of the entire
storage system to ensure a disk can be removed without impacting
FRU List:
Storage System Name:
data availability.
Storage System World Wide ID: 5000-1FE1-0015-42A0
Disk Drive UUID:
Do not proceed with the disk replacement until you are certain
Drive Location ---
the storage system is redundant.
Enclosure ID:
Bay ID:
Rack Number:
1. Open HP Command View EVA and click the icon of the storage
system you want to check (Figure 1).
2. On the Initialized Storage System Properties window, click Check
The Disk Drive UUID corresponds to the disk Node World Wide
Redundancy (Figure 2).
Name displayed in HP Command View EVA.
3. If the system is redundant, continue with Verifying component
If the system is not redundant, information is displayed indicating
• Check the disk status indicators (Figure 3). If a hard failure has
the cause of the lack of redundancy. See the HP Command View
occurred, the fault indicator should be On.
EVA online help to interpret the information that is displayed. In
• Check the disk status using HP Command View EVA:
this situation, work with your HP call center agent to determine
1. In the Navigation pane, select Storage system > Hardware >
how to proceed.
Rack > Disk enclosure > Bay. Use the information from the error
message to guide you to the correct disk.
2. In the Content pane, select the Disk Drive tab.
3. Check the disk Node World Wide Name against the error
message UUID information recorded earlier to ensure you have
selected the correct disk (Figure 4).
4. Check the disk operational state. If a hard failure has occurred,
the operational state should be
Failed. A disk with an
impending failure indicates Good status until the condition of
the disk degrades enough to become a hard failure.
5. Verify that the Requested usage and Actual usage fields display
Ungrouped (Figure 6).
Figure 1 Selecting a storage system
Both fields must display Ungrouped before you remove the
Figure 2 Checking redundancy
If fields display Ungrouped, continue with Step 7. If you must
ungroup the disk, continue with the following step.
Verifying component failure
If the fields do not display Ungrouped after you at empt
Before replacing a disk, use the following methods to verify component
to ungroup the disk, contact your HP-authorized service
representative for assistance.
6. For an impending failure, you must ungroup the disk before
you remove it:
Page 2
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