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Supported an output function of the CLI command-execution log to the console. Specify an
environment variable to use this function.
Following are the specification changes from T-Code1:
existing point-and-shoot field of the filed names has been removed.
- Removed “1 -> 1”, “2 -> 2” and “3 -> 3” rows in the Previous Relocation Information section
in the Pool Status Detail and the Tiering Policy Group Pool Status Detail panels.
- The search of the Find command changed from case-sensitive to case-insensitive.
- After creating definition files, the main panel refreshes the panel display automatically to
show the newly-created files.
After pressing F6=Scan key on Device Scan Scope panel, the result of the scanning is not
displayed. The result of execution which indicates success or failure wil be displayed in Q-code.
In addition, the “Working” pop-up window which shows execution wil be displayed.
By pressing F3=Exit key on Device Scan Scope panel, the Confirm Configuration File Update
pop-up window is displayed even if scanning was not executed.
The Confirm Cancellation of Changes pop-up window appears when F12=Cancel key is
pressed on Device Scan Scope panel. The update for the configuration is saved even if the
Enter key is pressed on the pop-up window.
There is no “Working” pop-up window when IMPORT is executed in Policy CSV List area. In Q-
code, the pop-up window wil be added.
If there are any differences between Smart Manager for Mainframe configuration files and
storage system configuration, the following operations wil end abnormally:
- Selecting “V” or “P” to move to the Volume Status Detail panel or the Pool Status Detail
panel in the Volume Selection List panel.
- Selecting “D” in the Volume Selection List panel.
- Selecting “P” to move to the Pool Status Detail panel in the Pool Selection List panel.
- Selecting “V” or “P” to move to the Volume Status Detail panel or the Pool Status Detail
panel in the Tiering Policy Group Definition panel.
- Selecting “P” to move to the Tiering Policy Group Pool Status Detail panel in the Tiering
Policy Group Volume List panel.
In the panel with filtered list, cursor is not placed on the target position when
Select/Find/Rfind/Locate commands are executed.
When inserting a pool name on the Select Pool List pop-up window, certain characters like
space characters can cause the system to behave abnormally.
When inserting a pool name or a VOLSER on the Select Pool List pop-up window or the Select
Volume List, lower-case characters and/or apostrophes can cause the system to behave
datos de dispositivos de procesamiento - HP XP1024 Disk Array (107.22 kb)