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Manual de usuario Panasonic, modelo SCPM41

Fabricar: Panasonic
Tamaño del archivo: 3.11 mb
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Idioma del manual:hrennn
Enlace gratuito para este manual disponible en la parte inferior de la página

Otros manuales para este modelo:
estéreo - SCPM41 (2.72 mb)en
Unidad - SCPM41 (3.52 mb)ennn
Unidad - SCPM41 (2.71 mb)en
Unidad - SCPM41 (1.09 mb)

Resumen del manual

V ouble
k shooting
Prije odlaska u servis,pogledajte u tablicu ispod,ako nije mogu e rije iti problem sa ovom tablicom,obratite
se obli njem serviseru.
Before requesting service, make the below checks. If you can’t fix the system as described below, or if something not listed
esti problemi
here occurs, refer to the enclosed directory to locate an Authorized Service Center convenient to you or contact your dealer.
Common problems
No sou
Nema zv nd.
Turn the volume up.
Poja ajte ton.
The speak
er cords
ure aj,te
prov not be c
jerite na onne
in sp cte
aja d properl
nja zvu y. Tu
rn the u
a(dali su nit off
ice , check
to no
and c
spojen orrect the
connections and turn the unit on (refer page 4).
Zvuk dolazi iz jednog zvu nika
Provjerite konekcije zvu nika (stranica 4).
Sound is unfixed, reversed or comes
Check the speaker connections (refer page 4).
from one speaker only.
uje se buka tijekom reprodukcije.
Kod kabla za napjanje se nalazi fluorescentna lampa,maknite je za to nu
Humming heard during play.
An AC power supply cord or fluorescent light is near the cables. Keep other appliances and cords
“ERROR” je prikazano.
away from this unit’s cables.
Neto na operacija je napravljena,pro itajte priru nik i probajte ponovno.
“ERROR” is displayed.
Incorrect operation performed. Read the instructions and try again.
“– –:– –” se pojavljuje na displayu.
Uklju ili ste ure aj prvi put,ili je nedavno do lo do nestanka struje (pogledajte stranicu 12).
“– – : – –” appears on the display.
You plugged the AC power supply cord in for the first time or there was a power failure
“F76” je prikazano.
erite i ispravite konekcije zvu nika. Stranica 4
Set the tim
Ako to ne re (refer page 1
ije i probl
em,posavjetujte se sa dobavlja em.
“F61” is displayed.
Check and correct the speaker cord connections (refer page 4).
If this does not fix the problem, there is a power supply problem. Consult the dealer.
Slu anje radija
Prijem je jako lo
Koristite vanjsku antenu (stranica 5).
Listening to the radio
Noise is heard.
Use an outdoor antenna (refer page 5).
The stereo indicator flickers or doesn’t

uju se udarci.
Ugasite TV i udaljite ga od ure aja.
Sound is distorted.
AM stanice se ne uju jasno.
Odvojite antenu od ostalih kablova.
A beat sound is heard.
Turn the TV off or separate it from the unit.
A low hum is heard during AM
Separate the antenna from other cables and cords.
Kada je TV u neposrednoj blizini
Lokacija i orijentacija antene je neto na.Ako koristite unutarnju antenu prilagodite joj
When th
ere i
s a
TV-u television
nestaje iset nea
pojavlj rby
uje polo aj. TV antena je pre blizu ure aju Odvojite antenu od ure aja.
The picture on the TV disappears or
The location and orientation of the antenna are incorrect. If you are using an indoor antenna,
stripes appear on the screen.
change to an outdoor antenna (refer page 5).
The TV antenna wire is too close to the unit. Separate the antenna wire of the TV set from the
Kori tenje kaseta
Snimanje nije mogu e.
Ako je skinuta za tita,pokrijte rupu sa ljepljivom vrpcom (stranica 10).
Using the cassette deck
Recording is not possible.
If the erasure prevention tabs have been removed, cover the holes with adhesive tape (refer page
Playing discs
Reprodukcija diskova
The display is wrong or play won’t
Display prikazuje krivo,ili ne eli
The disc may be upside down (refer page 7).
Disk je mo da pogre no okrenut (stranica7). Obri ite disk.
Wipe the disc.
po eti prikazivanje
Zamijenite disk ako je ogreban,ili nestandardan
Replace the disc if it is scratched, warped, or non-standard.
Condensation may have formed inside the unit due to a sudden change in temperature. Wait
about an hour for it to clear and try again.
The total number of tracks displayed
The disc may be scratched, or its data may be defective. Replace the disc.
Ukupan broj pjesama je druga iji kod
Disk je o te enmzamijenite ga novim.
differs each time the same disc is
svakog umetanja diska.
Unusual sound is heard.

CD-RW cannot be read.
The disc was incompletely formatted. Use the recording equipment to fully format the disc before
CD-RW se ne e o itati.
Disk je bio nepravilno formatiran,formatirajte ga ponovno i umetnite.
“VBR–” is displayed instead of the
The unit cannot display the remaining play time for variable bit rate (VBR) tracks.
“VBR–” je prikazano umjesto
Ure aj ne mo e prikazati vrijeme za varijabilne bit rate pjesme (VBR) tracks.
remaining play time.
preostalg vremena.
“TAKE OUT/ DISC” appears on the
There is a problem with the disc mechanism. (A power failure may have occurred.)
“TAKE OUT/ DISC” se pojavljuje na
Do lo je do problema sa diskovnim mehanizmom.
The tray will open automatically. Remove the disc from the tray, and after ensuring there is no
skljuin the tray
, close
ponovno it. T
uklju he unit will
ite ure
make the disc
aj za popravak
proble ging noises
for a few moments and
then it should operate normally.
The remote control
Daljinski upravlja
Remote control doesn’t work.
Check that the batteries are inserted correctly (refer page 5).
Daljinski upravlja ne radi.
Replace the batter
baterije,te if they are worn.
ih zamijenite ako su tople



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