Fabricar: Wayne-Dalton
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To find your local Wayne-Dalton dealer, refer to your local yellow pages business listings or go to the find a Dealer section online at Attaching hor Tracks to Q.I. flag Angles Tools: Ratchet wrench, 9/16” Socket, 9/16” Wrench, level, Step ladder 14 NOTE: If you have Q.I. flag angles, complete this step. To install horizontal track, place the curved end over the top roller of the top section. Align key slot of the horizontal track with the Q.I. tab of the flag angle. Push curved portion of horizontal track down to lock in place. WARNING DO NOT RAIsE DOOR uNTIL hORIzONTAL TRACks ARE sECuRED AT REAR, As OuTLINED IN sTEP, REAR suPPORT, OR DOOR COuLD fALL fROM OvERhEAD POsITION CAusING sEvERE OR fATAL INjuRy. level the horizontal track assembly and bolt the horizontal angle to the first encountered slot in the flag angle using (1) 3/8”-16 x 3/4” truss head bolt and (1) 3/8”-16 hex nut. Repeat for other side. Remove the nail that was temporarily holding the top section in place, installed in step, Top Section. IMPORTANT: fAIluRE TO REMOVE nAIl BEfORE ATTEMPTInG TO RAISE DOOR COulD CAuSE PERMAnEnT DAMAGE TO TOP SECTIOn. NOTE: If an idrive® opener will be installed, position horizontal tracks slightly above level. Attaching hor Tracks to f.A. flag Angles Tools: Ratchet wrench, 7/16” Socket, 9/16” Socket, 9/16” Wrench, level, Step ladder 15 NOTE: If you have f.A. flag angles, complete this step. To install horizontal track, place the curved end over the top roller of the top section. Align the bottom of the horizontal track with the top of the vertical track. If you have Q.I. horizontal track, tighten the horizontal track to the flag angle with a stud plate and (2) 1/4”-20 flange hex nuts. If you have unV horizontal track, tighten the horizontal track to the flag angle with (2) 1/4”-20 x 9/16” track bolts and (2) 1/4”-20 flange hex nuts. WARNING DO NOT RAIsE DOOR uNTIL hORIzONTAL TRACks ARE sECuRED AT REAR, As OuTLINED IN sTEP, REAR suPPORT, OR DOOR COuLD fALL fROM OvERhEAD POsITION CAusING sEvERE OR fATAL INjuRy. level the horizontal track assembly and bolt the horizontal angle to the first encountered slot in the flag angle using (1) 3/8”-16 x 3/4” truss head bolt and (1) 3/8”-16 hex nut. Repeat for other side. Remove the nail that was temporarily holding the top section in place, installed in step, Top Section. IMPORTANT: fAIluRE TO REMOVE nAIl BEfORE ATTEMPTInG TO RAISE DOOR COulD CAuSE PERMAnEnT DAMAGE TO TOP SECTIOn. NOTE: If an idrive® opener will be installed, position horizontal tracks slightly above level. Adjusting Top Brackets Tools: 7/16” Wrench, Step ladder 16 With horizontal tracks installed, you can now adjust the top brackets. Vertically align the top section of the door with the lower sections. Once aligned, position the top bracket slide, out against the horizontal track. Maintaining the slide’s position, tighten the (2) 1/4”-20 flange hex nuts to secure the top bracket slide to the top bracket base. Repeat for other side. End Bearing Brackets Tools: Step ladder, Power drill, Ratchet wrench, 7/16” Socket driver, 9/16” Socket, 9/16” Wrench 17 IMPORTANT: RIGHT AnD lEfT HAnD IS AlWAYS DETERMInED fROM InSIDE THE BuIlDInG lOOKInG OuT. NOTE: End brackets are right and left hand. Break the end bearing brackets apart. Attach the left hand end bearing bracket through either the end bearing bracket’s upper or lower slots to the left hand horizontal angle using (2) 3/8”-16 x 3/4” truss head bolts and (2) 3/8”-16 nuts. IMPORTANT: THE EnD BEARInG BRACKET’S lOWER SlOTS ARE uSED On DOORS WITH 12” RADIuS TRACK; THE uPPER SlOTS ARE uSED On DOORS WITH 15” RADIuS TRACK. Secure the top of the end bearing bracket to the jamb with (1) 5/16” x 1-5/8” lag screw. Repeat for other side. 4 Center Bearing Bracket Tools: Step ladder, Power drill, 7/16” Socket driver, 1/4” Torx bit, Level, Tape measure, Pencil 18 locate the center of the door. Mark a vertical pencil line on the mounting surface above the door, at the center. Measure from the center of the bearing, in one of the end bearing brackets, downwards, to the top the door. using that measurement, measure that distance upwards from the top of the door to the mounting surface, and mark a horizontal pencil line which intersects the vertical pencil line. Align the edge of the center bearing bracket with the vertical pencil line and the center of the bearing in the center bearing bracket with the horizontal pencil line; this is to ensure the torsion tube is level between the center and end bearing brackets. Attach the center bearing bracket to the mounting surface, using (2) 5/16” x 1-5/8” lag screws and (1) 5/16” x 2” tamper-resistant lag screw. IMPORTANT: uSE A 5/16” x 1-5/8” TAMPER-RESISTAnT lAG SCREW InSTEAD Of THE 5/16” x 2” TAMPER-RESISTAnT lAG SCREW If MOunTInG SuRfACE IS MOunTED OVER MASOnRY. TAMPER-RESISTAnT lAG SCREW MuST BE ATTACHED THROuGH THE BOTTOM HOlE Of THE CEnTER BEARInG BRACKET. spring Assembly Tools: Step Ladder 19 IMPORTANT: RIGHT ...
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