Resumen del manual
"you wish to use /fie inIBma/ CfIJSSO\f)( /0 _ • dtivef or 'I1IJCiflc frequency""", use /fIe"/.PF"or 7fPF" FOR /fie 'LOWPIISS" OR HIGHPASS' sem.. ,_ _ _ fna/i/e5/f1ematdIing 0/ input """Is to/fie otJtpu/ _ from _IHIR(or_signal svutaI). TIle input sensilivi/y 0/ ili/jUs/men/ ranges lrom6Yto2WTI.. c__ aency cantral W1IetJ crossover mode selector is in HIGHPASS mode, this COIlIrol sets the lower frequency limit foraudio prooram sent to tile speakers. When crossover mode selector is in LOWPASSmode. this control sets the upper frequency limit for audio pfO(Jram sent to the spea/(BrS. TtIe crossover is continuously variableadjustment from 40 to 250 HZ. .. II IOnic IInlr lWIb;h Ttlisselectorswitch permits the bass level an increase of 18dB. .... bDDIt level control Ttlis control permits adjustment o( the bass level up toan 1flCfBiJS8 of appfDl(imal,1y up to llkJB. ••lIlDlle control When the sub sonic selector switch is in ·ON·mode, thIs ntter control perml/s continuously variabl, adjus_t from 10to 100Hz., .. , .... '"pul TIIis i6TIfJ fflafures RCA type jacks frJr high impedanc8 input USB _ willi car sIrirBo output which usesRCA type connec/or cables. h'lh , .... '"pul "your car s1etriojacks at. no! RCA type output USB /fie higfl.kJw I,ve{ input adap/rJ( Iv conned /fie spealref otJtpu/ leads 0/ car sIrirBo "'"/fieRCA input jacks 0/"",. All ... .... TIIis"'"_RCAjacks /or AUXline outputs.Use IfIeS8 for un/imifl>d SJS/I1m IIIf/IIIIISiOI1Iv the r>JJd AMER/CNI. _I!IJ TIIis _ is ii_in GRfENwhen _is iI/IIlIied. !IIIIIOtIII1!IJ TIIis _is ii_in RED when /fielluill-inpm/eCIiOn ciIr:vihy is acliraled. _ _ TIle fus8 pro/ec/s the i1I1.J/ifier "'" _ car"s ,_ SJS/I1m from sIIo!I citr:uit condffi0tr3. ,_11111'." Use _ COI1I16Ctofsto deliver _ f}fDIJflI1, "'" """"" fum.on control Iv IIi8 i6TIfJlfflei: .... lkIr Dannlam Tflese lBrmina/s are to ouarantee hlah conductivity andminimum signal loss. LEGAC merle. A IIIJul paw.@IU,DC, 11Hz .".'14_,.04_.".01_,.01_ ..". ... ",-"..,114... LA,'''' 1511 W6IJsx 2 25IJ W6IJs x 2 25IJ W6IJs x 2 lXJ W61Jsx2 1500 W6IJsx 2 mJWllJSxl LA·t311 2OOwmtsx2 lXJwmtsx2 lXJwmtsx2 400wmtsx2 2tXXJ watts x 2 41XXJ wattsx I lXJwatlsx2 4511 watIs x 2 4511 watIs x 2 660 watlsx 2 2500 watIs x 2 5lXXJWlIJS x I IfIIIII'ICY rapDnu KHzInput Impedance _ SNIIII"" 10K Ohms ,.""reI;,pm 200mV-6V Adjustable l1/li mJl/II >95dB t:""'ol..".,.,,811 >65dB __ "/flits "",., 40Hz-25O Hz ... ,., 40Hz-250Hz ,.,..., O-+I&lB SllII_It:"1W 10-100Hz atd/If .... 'Cf ...... 2-40hms1It/IfII... 4-8 Ohms IIIJIJIa _I. 40A 50A 60A ""_"""'" WI".,. 14.4VDC Nell. Ground (ID.5-16V) dIIIIuIhIIIs (If .. H .. IJ .. 213x43x381 213x43x432 213x43x532 iJdII I0.14xl.69xI5 I0.14xl.69xI7 I0.14xl.69x21 sub sonic Ie.eI comol klw ... inpul> AUX lire OI.tpul> if'llUll""; control power terminals (@ (@ ...... ...... features and controls 2 ch amp LA-ISS9 • LA-23S9 • LA-2SS9 LIN(aUT bas:s l>o0oi level COIirol 111__-= H-alJUl .. ,;) JDll "i" ..O' ...... (@ power/protedion LED lowfrequeocy control higl fTeq,.oncy oorlml crossoYer mode selector sub sonice filef swilI:h ...... (@ speaker connections power fuse LEGACY Am.rlun OWIII!!.'S MANUAL · 7 features and specifications .q ch amp LA-6SS • LA-lOSS ..-__ • II7Ien_with_. full /aI1f/II sys/1lm. set /his"';1!:h ID 'FUll'.If yuu wish to use the inJemaJ aDSSINfJIiD fX1M1I il dtIvet or specific "-range. use the 'U'f"1J( 'IIPf" FOR the 1DIII'ASS' DR HlGHPASS'seJtings. .. _ _ fnabIeIJ the maI!:hir>g 0{ input _ID the ou/puI_ from head /RIa (orothersignal soon;e). The input SlJtJSitivity 0{ adjustment tangOS from 6V ID lYXi71v. CIIIIIftIr trlll .. lnq ClItnII When crossover mode SIJ/tJCtor is inHIGHP)S5 mode, this control sets the lower frequency limittor audiofJflJDraffl sent to tiJ6 speakers, When crosSOVfJf mode SBifJdor is in LDM'ASS mode, this control sets the upper freqUBncy limittor amiia program sent to th8 sp8akers. TheCfOSSOYfJ{is continuouslyvaJiablea.djustment from 40 to 250 HI. .... ba ..._Iletar This selector switch permits the bass 181/8/ an incrtJaS8 of 18dB. lowl_llnput This amp filalures RCA /yp8 jacks for high itnpll(ianc8lnpul. Uselhese with car sfBreo output whichUSBS RCA Iyp8 connector cables. hlah I_I Input Ifyourcar s//iteo jacks am nalRCA /yp8 0IJ1pu( the hlg!>-Ia. I,ve/ Input adaptor ID conned the speaker au/pllt leads al car 51efI1o .nd the RCA Input jacks ofamp.lUIlin. lutp"" This amp fBal1Jres RCA jacks torAllX line outputs. USB th8se ou/puIs Use these tor 1HIlimilBtl sysl8m expanslonlD the flBXI AMERICAN. ,...r lID Th.. indialJrJf .. illuminatedin GREEN .,." fJOWfIf .. app/ifJd. illMKlloo IS Th.. indialJrJf .. illuminated in Rill .,." the buih..n proIedion cirr:u11Ty tsiIW/aIBd. _ _ Thefuse pro/Iids the"""ilierandyrJIIf cats _ !ys/J!m from shoJI ckr;uit a>ndltions. _ _ UsethesecoonedrJr.i ID deli"" _ grwnd, and remtJi8funH1n control ID the """ifllil: ...... _.. ""'"_""ID fIIIIlIl1IIe< high ctJfIductivity and minimum signal"" LEGAC merle. N•• A aulliut plIWII@14A1DC,llHz LA·'" LA·"" _". tH _ 50 watts X...
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