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dairy products, sauces, fruit juices, soups, mixed drinks, shakes. • Mixing soft ingredients, e.g. pancake batter or mayonnaise. Note:Never use the pulse setting longer than a few seconds at a time. Use the mill Caution • Let hot ingredients cool down before you chop them in the wet mill or pour them into the blender beaker (max. temperature 80°C). • Never use the dry mill or wet mill for more than 30 seconds without interruption. • Always process cloves, star anise and aniseed in the dry mill together with other ingredients. If processed separately, these ingredients may attack the plastic materials of the dry mill. • Do not process dry ingredients such as coffee beans and dried beans in the wet mill. You can use the mill to grind and chop ingredients such as peppercorns, sesame seeds, rice, wheat, coconut flesh, nuts (shelled), coffee beans, dried soy beans, dried peas, cheese, breadcrumbs, etc. Note • Always process cloves, star anise and aniseed together with other ingredients. If processed separately, these ingredients may attack the plastic materials of the appliance. • The mill is not suitable for chopping very hard ingredients like nutmeg and ice cubes. • Do not exceed the maximum level indicated on the mill beaker. Dry mill (Fig 3) The dry mill is intended for grinding dry ingredients The dry mill is not suitable for chopping very hard ingredients like nutmeg. Note • Do not touch the sharp blades. If the blades get stuck, switch off the appliance and disassemble the dry mill beaker. Use a spatula to remove the ingredients that block the blades. • Do not operate the dry mill for more than 30 seconds at a time. Wet mill (Fig 4) The wet mill is intended for chopping moist ingredients such as meat, onions, garlic etc. The wet mill is not suitable for chopping dry ingredients such as coffee bean. Note • Do not use the wet mill to mix liquids or to crush ice cubes. Use the blender to process these ingredients. • Do not touch the sharp blades. If the blades get stuck, switch off the appliance and disassemble the wet mill beaker. Use a spatula to remove the ingredients that block the blades. Pork recipe Ingredients Quantity Time Number of operation Max load as wet mill Pork 30 g 30 sec One cycle Note: Always let the appliance cool down to room temperature each batch you process. Български Преди първата употреба Преди да използвате уреда за първи път, почистете старателно частите, които влизат в контакт с храна (вижте раздел „Почистване“). Пасатор (Фиг. 2) Внимание • Не оставяйте пасатора да работи повече от 1 минута непрекъснато. • Ако не сте свършили с разбъркването след 1 минута, изключете уреда и изчакайте 1 минута, преди да продължите. Ако уредът се нагорещи, оставете го да се охлади, преди да продължите. Пасаторът е предназначен за: • Разбъркване на течности, като млечни продукти, сосове, плодови сокове, супи, коктейли, шейкове. • Разбъркване на меки продукти, като тесто за палачинки или майонеза. Забележка:Никога не ползвайте импулсния реж...
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