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Nombre del archivo: QIG_Slim_Blu-ray.pdf

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Resumen del manual
Protect your investment – register for free technical support at Setup Steps 1. Connect the Mini USB plug to the Slim Blu-ray. 2. Connect the primary USB 2.0 A plug (without the lightning bolt sticker) to your computer. 3. Your drive is ready for general use. 4. Install the software on the included DVD for disc burning. NOTE: Your Slim Blu-ray must be connected to a USB 2.0 port. Performance is not guaranteed using USB 1.1. NOTE: The primary Y cable USB 2.0 A plug should provide ample signal and power for the Slim Bluray. The Y cable also includes a second USB 2.0 A plug for additional power. In the event that the device does not receive enough power, connect the additional A plug into a second USB 2.0 port on your computer. Please note that the secondary plug has a lightning bolt sticker. See the User Manual for more information. Precautions Do not stack multiple Slim Blu-ray drives. Do not expose the drive to liquids or temperatures over 35° C (95° F). Warranty Information LaCie warrants your product against any defect in material and workmanship, under normal use, for the designated warranty period. The warranty becomes effective from the date of shipment. In the event this product is found to be defective within the warranty period, LaCie will, at its discretion, repair or replace the defective product. This warranty is void if: • Theproductwasoperated/storedinabnormaluseormaintenance conditions; • Theproductisrepaired,modifiedoraltered,unlessLaCie expressly authorizes such repair, modification or alteration in writing; • Theproductwassubjectedtoabuse,neglect,electricalfault, improper packaging, accident or acts of nature; • Theproductwasinstalledimproperly; • Theserialnumberoftheproductisdefacedormissing; • Thebrokenpartisareplacementpartsuchasapickuptray, etc. • Thetampersealonthecasingisbroken. For the latest documentation and software updates, please go to: index.htm?id=10007 1. ............... Mini USB ... Slim Blu-ray. 2. .................... USB 2.0 A (........................................) .................. 3. ..................................... 4. ............................................ DVD ................. ........:.. Slim Blu-ray ......................... USB 2.0. ................................... USB 1.1. ........:....................... Y USB 2.0 A ...................................Slim Blu-ray. ......... Y ................................. USB 2.0 A ...................... .........................................., .......................A ................ USB 2.0 .................. ................................................................................. ........................................................... EL ..................1. Подключитеразъем Mini USB кприводу Slim Blu-ray. 2. Подключитеосновнойразъем A кабеляUSB 2.0 (безнаклейкиссимволоммолнии) ккомпьютеру. 3. Приводготовкработе. 4. УстановитепрограммноеобеспечениедлязаписидисковсDVD-диска, входящеговкомплектпоставки. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ:Привод Slim Blu-ray необходимоподключатькпорту USB 2.0. Работачерезпорт USB 1.1 негарантируется. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ:Черезосновнойразъем A разветвленногокабеля USB 2.0 обеспечиваетсядостаточноепитаниепривода Slim Blu-ray. Разветвленныйкабель USB 2.0 такжеснабженвторымразъемом A дляобеспечениядополнительногопитания. Еслипитаниянедостаточно, подключитеэтотразъемкпортуUSB 2.0 компьютера. Надополнительномразъеменаклеенсимвол«молния». Подробныесведен...