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Manual de usuario Audiovox, modelo CDC-MCR2

Fabricar: Audiovox
Tamaño del archivo: 122.58 kb
Nombre del archivo: 8934338f-4a74-4e25-9b05-e13dd5c8ee1d.pdf

Idioma del manual:en

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Resumen del manual

CD changer models that will work with the CDC-MCR2. The Turn on the car stereo and select FM band operation. Tune the specific details on the handling of discs and the use of the CD radio to either 88.7 or 89.1 MHz. (depending on the frequency to magazine (loading, removal, etc.) will be found within the Owner.s which the installer has set the unit) or push the pre-set memory Manual of the compatible changer. pushbutton that has been set as per the above description. Since the CDC-MCR2/CD changer system will operate through the FM stereo section of your existing sound system, adjustment of the Turn on the changer system by pressing the Play/Pause button 2 audio functions (volume, tone, balance etc.) is made by using the on the commander. The display panel on the commander will controls on the car stereo. Control of disc play is by the wired illuminate and play of the first disc in the magazine will begin. commanderoftheCDC-MCR2whichcanbeconvenientlymounted Adjust the volume, tone, and balance to your taste by using the to the dashboard, as well as by the CDC-10R wireless remote controls on the car stereo. control. The output from the FM modulator of the CDC-MCR2 is When the last track on a disc has played, the unit will automatically at 88.7 or 89.1 MHz. (set by the installer) on the FM band. To advance to and begin play of the next disc in the magazine. When simplify operation of the system, it is recommended that a pre-set the last track on the last disc in the magazine has been played, the memory pushbutton on the radio be set to the selected output unit will automatically return to the first disc and begin play again. frequency of the modulator. Consult the operating instructions of the car stereo for directions on setting the memory pushbuttons. 1 1 WIRED COMMANDER OPERATION 1LCDDISPLAYREMOTE SENSOR blbm68745329 l The LCD Display Panel will illuminate when the CD changer is operating. Different symbols will appear depending on the function and operation in use. Each display is explained in the applicable function explanation below. 2 PLAY / PAUSE ( / ) Pressing this button turns on the CD changer, illuminates the LCD panel and begins play of disc #1 if a new CD magazine has been loaded into the changer. If a magazine was already in the changer, play will resume from the track on the disc previously in play. Play of the disc is shown by the indication and the rotating disc symbol on the LCD panel. Pressing the button again will temporarily stop play of the disc. The pause indication will be shown on the LCD panel and the disc symbol will stop rotating and flash instead. Press the button again to resume play of the disc. NOTE: If left in the PAUSE mode for 5 minutes, the unit will automatically shut off. 3 POWER OFF SWITCH (OFF) Press this switch to turn the CD changer off and return to normal FM reception. 4 DISCSELECT(-+) The Disc Select function is used to select the desired disc for play as shown on the LCD panel. The unit will automatically load the selected disc and begin play. To advance to a higher number disc, press the + side of the button. To return to a lower number, press the -side. 5 TRACK SELECT ( ) The Track Select function is used to quickly access the beginning of a particular track. Press Forward Track Select ( ) or Backward Track Select ( ) to locate the desired track as shown by the track number indication on the LCD panel. 6 TRACK SEARCH ( ) High-speed audible search to any section of the disc can be made by the search functions. Press and hold the button to advance quickly in the forward direction or press and hold the button to advance rapidly in the backward direction. During search operation, the rotating disc symbol will turn faster and the appropriate symbol ( ) or ( ) will flash on the LCD panel. When the forward search ( ) button is held down and the end of the last track is reached, or the backward search ( ) is held down and the unit reaches the beginning of the first track on the disc, the unit will enter the Pause mode until the button is released. 7 TRACK / DISC SHUFFLE (SFL) When the Shuffle button is pressed, the indication .SFL“ will appear on the LCD panel and the tracks on the disc will be played 2 inarandom,shuffledorder. TheTrackSelect 5functionwillalso select tracks in the shuffled order instead of the normal progression. The Track Shuffle mode can be cancelled by pressing the Shuffle button 7 again, or by activating the Scan 9 or Repeat 8 functions. When the Shuffle button is pressed and held longer than 2 seconds, the "SFL" and "DISC" indications will appear on the LCD panel and the discs in the magazine will be played in a random shuffled order, as well as the tracks on each disc. When all the tracks on the selected disc have been played, the next disc will be selected in shuffled order and its tracks will be played in shuffled order. The Disc Shuffle mode can be cancelled by pressing the Shuffle button again, or by activation the Scan 9 or Repeat 8 functions...


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