Resumen del manual
P]225LGRL 527.25155 MODEL NO. P]227LGRLA 527.25165 1. READ THIS MANUAL CAREFULLY BEFORE STARTING ASSEMBLY. Read each step completely before beginning each step. 2. SOME SMALLER PARTSMAY BE SHIPPED INSIDE LARGER PARTS.CHECK INSIDE ALL PARTS AND CARTONS BEFORE ASSEMBLING OR ORDERING PARTS. 3. USE THE HARDWARE IDENTIFIER TO IDENTIFY AND SORT ALL FASTENERS. CHECK ALL CARTONS FOR KITS. ALL HARDWARE IS NOT LOCATED IN ONE KIT. THIS TABLEISCONTAINED IN THREESEPARATECONTAINERS: PLEASE DO NOT RETURN PRODUCT TO THE STORE! Contact Escalade® Sports customer service department at: Phone: 1-866-556-2757 Toll Free ! Fax: 1-866-873-3532 Toll Free ! E-mail: billiardtables@escaladesports.com Mailing Address (Correspondence Only): Escalade® Sports, PO Box 889, Evansville, IN 47706 Please visit our World Wide Web site at: On-Line Trouble Shooting Frequently Asked Questions Technical Assistance On-Line Parts Requests Additional Escalade® Sports Product Information 2L-6860-00 ESCAI.ADE SP0 RT S @2004 Escalade ® Sports Escdade® Spots products may be manufactured and/or licensed underthe following patents. D446275 Additional patents may be pending. One or more of the listed patents and/or pending patents may cover specific product. CAUTION THE SPRAY ADHESIVE USED FOR APPLYING PLAYFIELD CLOTH IS EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE AND UNDER PRESSURE! CAREFULLY READ CAUTIONS ON SPRAY ADHESIVE CONTAINER! KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN! DO NOT USE OR STORE NEAR HEAT SOURCE ! FLAMES ! SPARKS OR WHEN SMOKING! WORK AREA MUST BE WELL VENTILATED. OPEN DOORS AND WINDOWS WHEN USING SPRAY ADHESIVE. t.IMPORTANT t. THE DRAWINGS IN THIS MANUAL MAY BE EXAGGERATED OR MOl- TO SHOW DETAILS. Tools Needed: (Not Included) • Hammer (Claw Type) • Tape Measure • Hammer (Small Ball Peen Type) • Needle Nose Pliers • Sandpaper (80 grit) • Carpenters Levelor 36" Straight Edge • Phillips Screwdriver • Sanding Block • 7/16" Open End Wrench • Drill • Awl or 8d Nail • 1/2" Open End Wrench • 1/8" Drill Bit • Rachet with 3/8", 7/16", • Scissors or Sharp Knife and 1/2" sockets • Putty Knife NOTE: Rails are made with cushion rubber at a height that requires standard 2 1/4" diameter balls. Your dealer has a complete line Billiard Accessories. NOTE: This table adds weight to any floor. Be sure floor can withstand this kind of weight. If floor sags, table will be impossible to level. ASSEMBLE TWO LEG PEDESTALS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Begin by opening hardware kits and sod hardware. Remove the mounting plate from one leveler #22 and attach it to bottom of left leg # 19 using two screws #27 and two dowel connectors #26. Cover holes with adhesive hole covers #28. See Figure t. Screw leveler #22 back into mounting plate. 2. Repeat for other left leg #19 and two right legs #20. 19&20 Covered holes should face inward. \ Use 21 holes 3. Attach leg panels #21 to left leg posts# t 9 and right leg posts #20 using screws #45. Starl by installing the top screws in leg panel using the pre-drilled statler hole in post #19. Square edge of leg panel up to edge of post #19 then, install the bottom two screws #45. (SeeFigure 2) Do not tighten screws#45 until instructed to do so. 4. Set up pedestals so that they face each other. Pedestal 40 5O 15 WARNING Holes marked by arrows MUST be on the TOP when attached to leg pedestals. 4O 5o 15 5. Attach beam # 15 by using four bolts #40, eight washers #50, and four tocknuts #49 for each of the leg mounting location. Place one washer between the bolts and beam and one between leg posts and tocknuts. Tighten these bolts securely. (See figure 4) 6. Attach other beam # 15 to the other side the same way. (See figure 4) Make sure the holes in the edge of the beams #15 are on the top of the beams when attached. 7. Place the frame in its final location. Square the base frame assembly by measuring diagonally from the corner of one beam to the opposite corner of the other beam. (See Figure 5) Nudgethe frame until both diagonals are equal (within 1/16 inch). 8. Go back and tighten all loose screws, nuts and bolts. Detail A NOTE: Screwheads should be flush with or below the top of the slats #16 and #17. ,8H 36 15\ Slot should be straight up and down Hole for dowel connector #36 16 is closer to the top of beam. 9. Place long slats #16 (50 inches long) and short slats # 17 (36 inches long) across table from beam to beam as shown in figure 6. Make sure to use the two shorter slats #17 on the ends of the beams and the two longer slats #16 in the center as shown. Insert four dowel connectors #36 into the four holes in the side of each of the beams # 15, these holes should be doser to the top of the beams #15. (SeeDetaiIA).AttachthesIats#16, and #17 to the wooden beams #15 by pIacing screws # 18 through the slats and into the dowel connectors #36 that are in the beams # 15 and tighten, make sure not to over tighten them. (See figure 4 and detail A)) HINT: When holes are lined up, the slot in the dowel connector should be vertical. After holes line up, insert screw...
Otros modelos de este manual:Juguetes para Niños - P1227LGRLA 527.25165 (748.94 kb)