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Manual de usuario Craftsman, modelo 973.11424

Fabricar: Craftsman
Tamaño del archivo: 2.07 mb
Nombre del archivo: L0903673.pdf

Idioma del manual:en

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Resumen del manual

parts are replaced. Fig. 1 Failure to iNSTRUCTiONS [] Inspect the tool carefully to make sure no breakage When unpacking the tool: or damage occurred during shipping. [] Carefully box. remove the tool and accessories from the [] Do not discard the packing material until you have carefully inspected and satisfactorily operated the tool. [] Make sure that all items listed in the packing list are [] If any parts are damaged or missing, please call 1-800-932-3188 for assistance. included. WARNING: Ifanypartsaremissingdonot operatethetooluntilthemissingpartsarereplaced. Failuretodosocouldresultin possible seriouspersonalinjury. PACKINGLIST 3/8in.(10mm)RightAngleDrill Charger BatteryPack(2) ScrewdriverBits(2) Operator'sManual Case A WARNING: Do not allow familiarity with tools to make you careless. Remember that a careless fraction of a second is sufficient to inflict severe injury. WARNING: Always wear safety goggles or safety glasses with side shields when operating tools. Failure to do so could result in objects being thrown into your eyes, resulting in possible serious injury. CHARGING BATTERY PACK The battery pack for this tool has been shipped in a low charge condition to prevent possible problems. Therefore, you should charge it at least 3 to 5 hours prior to use. Note: Batteries will not reach full charge the first time they are charged. Allow several cycles (drilling followed by recharging) for them to become fully charged. TO CHARGE [] Charge battery pack only with the charger and charging stand provided. [] Make sure power supply is normal house voltage, 120 volts, 60 Hz, AC only. [] Connect charger to power supply. [] Place battery pack in charging stand. Align raised rib on battery pack with groove in charging stand. See Figure 1. [] Press down on battery pack to be sure contacts on battery pack engage properly with contacts in charging stand. [] When properly connected, the red light on charging stand will turn on. [] Note: If charger does not charge battery pack, return battery pack, charger and charging stand to your nearest Sears Repair Center for electrical check. [] After normal usage, 3 hours of charging time is required to be fully charged. A minimum charge time of 3 to 5 hours is required to recharge a completely discharged tool. [] The battery pack will become slightly warm to the touch while charging. This is normal and does not indicate a problem. [] Do not place charger in an area of extreme heat or cold. It will work best at normal room temperature. [] When batteries become fully charged, unplug charger from power supply. SWITCH See Figure 2. To turn your drill ON, depress the switch trigger. To turn it OFF, release the switch trigger. SELECTOR CENTERPOSITION SWITCH (LOCK) TRIGGER Fig. 2 VARIABLE SPEED This tool has a variable speed switch that delivers higher speed and torque with increased trigger pressure. Speed is controlled by the amount of switch trigger depression. Note: You might hear a whistling or ringing noise from the switch during use. Do not be concerned, this is a normal part of the switch function. SWITCHLOCK SeeFigure2. TheswitchtriggercanbelockedintheOFFposition. Thisfeaturecanbe usedto preventthepossibilityof accidentalstartingwhennotin use.Tolockswitch trigger,placethedirectionof rotationselectorin centerposition. _. WARNING:Batterytoolsarealwaysinoperatingcondition.Therefore,switchshouldalwaysbelocked whennotinuseorcarryingatyourside. REVERSIBLE SeeFigure3. This tool has the featureof being reversible.The directionof rotationiscontrolledbya selectorlocated abovetheswitchtrigger.Withthedrillheldin normal operatingposition,the directionof rotationselector shouldbepositionedtotheleftoftheswitchfordrilling. Thedrillingdirectionisreversedwhentheselectoristo therightof theswitch.Whentheselectoris in center position,theswitchtriggerislocked. SELECTOR CENTERREVERSE POSITION (LOCK) SWITCH '_ TRIGGER FORWARD Fig. 3 CAUTION: To prevent gear damage, always allow chuck to come to a complete stop before changing the direction of rotation. To stop, release switch trigger and allow the chuck to come to a complete stop. TO INSTALL BATTERY PACK See Figure 4. [] Lock switch trigger on your drill by placing the direction of rotation selector in center position. See Figure 2. [] Place battery pack in your drill. Align raised rib inside drill with groove on battery pack. See Figure 4. BATTERYPACK LATCHES DEPRESSLATCHESTO RELEASEBATTERYPACK Fig. 4 [] Make sure the latches on each side of your battery pack snap in place and battery pack is secured in drill before beginning operation. CAUTION: When placing battery pack in your drill, be sure raised rib inside drill aligns with groove on battery pack and latches snap into place properly. Improper assembly of battery pack can cause damage to internal components. TO REMOVE BATTERY PACK [] Lock switch trigger on your drill by placing the direction of rotation selector in center position. See Figure 2. [] Locate latches on end of battery pack an...


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