Fabricar: Konica Minolta
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BA2C Requested circuit/channel not available Handling of the redial BA2F Resources unavailable, unspecified ON NG BA31 Quality of Service unavailable ON NG BA32 Requested facility not subscribed ON NG BA39 Bearer capability not authorized Handling in G3 fallback BA3A Bearer capability not presently available Handling in G3 fallback BA3F Service or Option not available, unspecified Handling in G3 fallback BA41 Bearer capability not implemented Handling in G3 fallback BA42 Channel type not implemented ON NG BA45 Requested facility not implemented ON NG BA46 Only restricted digital information bearer Handling in capability is available G3 fallback BA4F Service or Option not implemented, unspecified Handling in G3 fallback BA51 Invalid call reference value ON NG BA52 Identified channel does not exist ON NG BA53 Suspended call exists, but call identity not ON NG BA54 Call identity in use ON NG BASS No call suspended ON NG BA56 Call having the requested call identity ON NG has been cleared BA58 Incompatible destination Handling in G3 fallback BA5B Invalid transit network selection ON NG BASF Invalid message, unspecified ON NG BA60 Mandatory information element missing ON NG BA61 Message type non-existent ON NG or not implemented BA62 Message not compatible with call state/ ON NG message type non-existent or not implemented BA63 Information element non-existent ON NG or not implemented Kapitel 3: Berichte Kapitel 3: Berichte Code Beschreibung Alarm Ergebnis Anm. ... BA64 Invalid information element contents ON NG BA65 Message not compatible with call state ON NG BA66 Recovery on timer expiry ON NG BA6F Protocol error, unspecified Handling in G3 fallback BA7F Interworking, unspecified Handling in G3 fallback BB01 CONN message wait time out ON NG BB07 Reset request by network ON NG Klassifikation Code Beschreibung Alarm Ergebnis Bch layer 2 BC02 N2 times time out ON NG BC03 FRMR reception ON NG BC04 FRMR transmission ON NG BC05 The other party link disconnection ON NG BC08 T3 time out ON NG BD01 SABME wait time out ON NG Bch layer 3 B201 The other party terminal busy ON NG B203 Incorrect facility request ON NG B205 Network congestion ON NG B209 Connection impossible (failure or absent) ON NG B210 Packet that is not adaptable to ON NG Status transition (Packet level ready state) B211 Remote procedure error ON NG B212 Packet that is not adaptable to ON NG Status transition (DTE restart request state) B213 Local procedure error ON NG B214 Packet that is not adaptable to ON NG Status transition (Empty state) B215 Packet that is not adaptable to ON NG Status transition (CO packet wait) B216 Packet that is not adaptable to ON NG Status transition (CA packet wait) B217 Packet that is not adaptable to ON NG Status transition (During data transmission) Kapitel 3: Berichte Kapitel 3: Berichte Code Beschreibung Alarm Ergebnis B218 Packet that is not adaptable ON NG to Status transition (Outgoing/incoming collision) B219 Packet that is not adaptable to ON NG Status transition (CQ packet) B221 Unallowable packet (Packet type not clear) ON NG B222 Unallowable packet ON NG (Call by special incoming logic channel) B226 Unallowable packet (Too short packet) ON NG B227 Unallowable packet (Too long packet) ON NG B229 Unallowable packet ON NG (Restart packet in which LCN or LCQN is not 0) B22A Unallowable packet ON NG (Packet that is not adaptable to the facility) B231 Timer time out (CA packet wait time out) ON NG B232 Timer time out (CF packet wait time out) ON NG B241 Call setting problem (unallowable facility code) ON NG B242 Call setting problem ON NG (unallowable facility parameter) B243 Call setting problem (incoming address is invalid) ON NG B244 Call setting problem (outgoing address is invalid) ON NG B245 Call setting problem (invalid facility length) ON NG B246 Call setting problem (call termination reject) ON NG B247 Call setting problem (No empty logic channel) ON NG B248 Call setting problem (outgoing/incoming collision) ON NG B249 Call setting problem (overlapped facility request) ON NG B24A Call setting problem (address length other than zero) ON NG B24B Call setting problem (facility length other than zero) ON NG Bch layer 4 B702 Reception TDT length over ON NG B703 TDT length negotiation unsuccessful ON NG B704 Invalid block received ON NG B705 Abnormal parameter received ON NG B706 Illegal block received ON NG B707 TCR wait time out (T0.2 T.O) ON NG B708 TCA wait time out (T1.1 T.O) ON NG B709 Communication Interruption due to TCC reception ON NG B70A Communication interruption due to TBR reception ON NG Kapitel 3: Berichte Kapitel 3: Berichte Code Beschreibung Alarm Ergebnis Bch layer 5 B901 Command response reception error ON NG B902 Non-implicit command response received ON NG B903 Lack of essential parameter ON NG B904 Invalid parameter reception ON NG B905 Invalid parameter value reception ON NG B906 Window size over reception ON NG B907 Document reference number error ON NG B908 Length illegal ON NG B909 Ch...