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Manual de usuario Vitek, modelo VT-1315

Fabricar: Vitek
Tamaño del archivo: 330.31 kb
Nombre del archivo: Vitek-VT-1315-Pdf-Rus.Pdf

Idioma del manual:ruen

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Resumen del manual

О. пр. Тракторостроителей, 24 (Дмитрий Вершинин) 21. Мурманск CPS-Мурманск ул. Софьи Перовской, 37 (8152)45-50-31 22. Тамбов ООО БВС-2000 ул. Энгельса, д,, 5 (магазин Юбилейный) (0752)75-17-18 23. Кострома ЗАО АКСОН-сервис ул. Сутырина, д„ 5 (0942) 22-36-28 24. Тверь ТСН плюс пр-т 50-летия Октября, 36 (0822) 42-В2-95 25. Курган тп-сервис ул. Красина, 41 (35222) 5- 51 -85 28. Рыбинск САМСОН ул .Стоялая, 10 (0855) 20-14-04 27. Калининград Вестер-Сервис ул. Горького, 50 (0112) 27-20-54 2В. Оренбург КОМ ИНКОМ ул. Брестская, 7 (3532)62-77-01 29- Сыктывкар СД-СЕРВИС ул. Морозова, 169 (8212)27-14-71 30. Н. Новгород Электроника (ЧП Кузнецов) ул. Алексеевская, 9 (8312)19-41-08/10 31. Казань ТЕХНИКА ул. Вишневского, 14 (8432) 38-31-37/07 32. Таганрог КРИСТИ ул. Фрунзе, 45 (8634) 46-47-54 33. Ижевск Радиоком плекг ул. 9-я Подлвсская, 25 (3412) 59-28-05 34. Барнаул Vitek - сервис ул. Попова, 68 (3852) 35-37-50 35-37-51 35. Новосибирск ООО Техмастер" ул. Большевитская, 1S1 (3832)12-54-00 36. Омск Космос Космический пр-т, Э7А, к.4 (3919) 53-98-41 Получить информацию о других сервисных центрах Вы можете у продавца или по адресу в Интернет: 10 ENGLISH or other liquid, or come into contact with such. Do not use the device with wet or moist hands. • Should the device become moist or wet, remove the mains pluig from the socket immediately. Do not reach into the water • Use the device only for the intended purpose. • Damaged connective leads must be replaced immediately. This should only be carried out by a specialist as special tools are required. Only original spare parts or leads of the same type should be used. ATTACHMENTS 1 1. Cool/High/Low/Off switch setting 2. Release button for attachment 3. Retractable thermal brush 4. Concentrator 5. Flat vent brush 3 1315.qxd 10.07.03 16:59 Page -e- ENGLISH Switch settings 0 - Off 1 - For extra gentle styling of the hair 2 - For fast and intensive styling of the hair C - Cool air 1. Switch on the appliance. The unit is now operating. 2. For styling the hair, wind not too thick locks round the brush. 3. Move the brush outwards first and then inwards curling the hair tops towards the head. 4. Let the hot air act on the hair for a few seconds. 5. Unroll the loks. The useful rotating joinl will facilitate the application. Keep the hot brush away from the head skin. 6. Before combing out the hair the brush should cool down. 7. To remove an attachment: simply pull the attachment out from the front adaptor. Smoothing the Hair Smooth the hair with the Air Curler Brush by styling strands of hair several times from the roots down to the tips. Styling of Long Lasting Curls Take the strands of dampf hair and roll them from the tips upwards. Allow the warm air to dry the hair. Before removing the brush the hair can be cooled off and set by using the cool air setting. This retains the elasticity of the curls and guarantees a longer lasting hold. 4 РУССКИЙ УСЛОВИЯ ГАРА...


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