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25 5 Shoot. Smoothly press the shutter-release button the rest of the way down to release the shutter and record the photograph. Th e acce ss la mp wi ll light and the photograph will be displayed in the monitor for a few seconds (the photo will automatically clear from the display when the shutter- release button is pressed halfway). Do not eject the memory card or remove or disconnect the power source until the lamp ha s gone o u t and r e co rd ing is complete. Access lamp z AThe Shutter-Release Button The camera has a two-stage shutter-release button. The camera focuses when the shutter-release button is pressed halfway. To take the photograph, press the shutter-release button the rest of the way down. Focus: Press halfway Shoot: Press the rest of the way down AFlicker You may notice flicker or banding in the displays or in movies when shooting under certain types of lighting, such as fluorescent or mercury- vapor lamps. This can be reduced by choosing a Flicker reduction option that matches the frequency of the local AC power supply (0157). ASee Also See page 155 for information on silencing the beep that sounds when the camera focuses or the electronic shutter is used. 26 .. Choosing a Shutter Type To choose the shutter type for still image mode, press & and use the multi selector and J button to choose from the following shutter types: mechanical (Mechanical, suited to most situations), electronic (Electronic, a silent shutter for quiet surroundings), and high-speed electronic (Electronic (Hi)). AElectronic (Hi) Choose from frame rates of 10 fps, 30 fps, and 60 fps (0122). At the default setting of 10 fps, the camera takes pictures at about 10 frames per second (fps) while the shutter button is pressed and the camera focuses on the subject in the center of the frame; face detection (025) is not available. The camera can record up to about 34 frames in a single burst. At frame rates of 30 and 60 fps, face detection is available but focus and exposure are fixed at the values for the first photograph in each series; the number of frames that can be recorded in a single burst is about 30. For information on continuous shooting with Mechanical and Electronic shutters, see page 121. & button z .. Recording Movies in Still Image Mode In still image mode, you can record movies with sound at a frame size of 1,072 . 720 pixels (aspect ratio: 3 : 2). Press the movie -record button to start and stop recording (0 37); in still-image mode, recording will also end if the shutter- release button is held all the way down until a photograph is taken. Movie-record button 27 Viewing Photographs Press K to display your most recent photograph full frame in the monitor (fullframe playback). K button z Press 4 or 2 or rotate the multi selector to view additional pictures. To zoom in on the center of the current image, press the W control up (0 74). Press W down to zoom out. To view multiple images, press W down when the picture is displayed full frame (072). W control To end playback and return to shooting mode, press the shutter- release button halfway. ASee Also For information on toggling photo info on or off, see page 69. See page 77 for information on slide shows. 28 Deleting Pictures To delete the current picture, press O. A confirmation dialog will be displayed; press O again to delete the picture and return to playback, or press K to exit without deleting the picture. Note that once deleted, pictures can not be recovered. O button ADeleting Multiple Pictures The Delete option in the playback menu can be used to delete selected pictures (075), all pictures (075), pictures taken on selected dates (075), or pictures previously selected as candidates for deletion (075). z 29 zz 30 88Smart Photo Selector Mode Choose Smart Photo Selector mode for photos that capture a fleeting expression on the face of a portrait subject or other hard-to-time shots such as group photos in party scenes. Each time the shutter is released, the camera automatically selects the best shot and four best shot candidates based on composition and motion. 31 8 Taking Photos in Smart Photo Selector Mode 1 Select Smart Photo Selector mode. Rotate the mode dial to y. Mode dial 2 Frame the photograph. Ho lding t h e ca mera a s sh o w n on page 24, compose the photograph with your subject in the center of the frame. 3 Begin buffering photographs. Press the shutter-release button halfway to focus (025). An icon will be d i sp la y e d as the c amera begin s r e c o r d in g ima ge s to the m e m o r y buffer. Th e c a me ra conti n uou s ly adjusts focus to account for changes in the distance to the subject in the AF ar ea br ackets while the shutt e r release button is pressed halfway. AF area brackets 8 ABuffering Buffering begins when the shutter-release button is pressed halfway and ends after about 90 seconds or when the shutter-release button is pressed all the way down. Shutter-release Shutter-release button button pressed pressed all the way half...