Resumen del manual
The rncreyoj use an dl. the mere slowly it v/ill pour. Its viscosity change beoause of chafes t> the dl'smdeajlar structure VMwn smoke appears cn the ci's surface befcre tie terrperatjre reaches 375* f.ycurdl wil no Icr^er deep-fry effectively. ♦ Wien frying foods with strong flavcr and/or aroma like fch. use tie dl cn(/ cnce. ♦ Also, use ife dl only cnce when tying fresh a frozen chicken. A great deal d rrcisture is released when frying tie chicken, tiis breaks dewn the ci easiy and can cause the cil to fcarn and lewer the snrcfce pcint ♦ fllterhg the dl with a codong dl fltercr fire-mesh strainer can hdptokeepitfresh Co not stre used dl in the refrigeratcr. Co not chill dl. This might cause excessive splattering dung the heating prccess. ♦ Stcre tfe dl oouered in a ood dark place. Cil may be stcred fcr up to three rncnths. Gieokthe dl befcre using fcrcdcr. srnel cr excessive foaming dscand thecil if it shows any of these qualities. CLEANING Prcper maintenance will ensure many years cf service tern ycur appliance. Oean the deep fryer after every use. This appliance ccntains no user serviceable ports and requires littie maintenance. Leave any servidng cr repairs to qualifed p^rscnnel WARM IMG: AM/ays turn the temperature ccntrd kneb (12) to ♦. then disccnnect the po/^rplug (10) from the wall cutlet before dscarnecting the magnetic plug (19) frcrn the sccdcet. alio//all part of the ifeepfyer toccd daon ccrrpieteiy. CAUTION: ♦ Co not immerse tie poAerccrd v/itfi fdug (10) into water cr any liquids. ♦ Co rot attempt to attach tie rnognetic plug (19) permanently to the teep fyer. ♦ Co rot stick pns cr other sharp ctjects in the hdes cn the magnet*: sets. ♦ Cor»:>tuse abraswe cleaners, sted wed. or szcuriro pods. ♦ Oean the surface of the deep fryer, tie lid (3) and the bosket handle (5) with a darrp doth. 9 Clent >*ntie£ndi CN Pa$> 9 £fl2po^) eorCDte 4295035 100C020021S CLEANING ♦ Replace oil if you rotice: - Dcoessive smddng atncrrnal temperatures - Strcng dl dsccfcraticri - Arana'dsmdl - free save foarring arcund tie frying fcod ♦ Remove tte frying basket (4). ♦ Remove tte bosket tandle (5) frcrn the fyir»} basket (4) ДО. Cjpi. ♦ Wash tie frying bosket (4) in the dishvwsher cr with hat soapy wafer tins* and dry it carefully. ♦ Theftying bosket (4) (remove the basket handle)(5). lid ©(remove the fitterl and the dl resersor(£)are distwasher safe. CAUTION: Conotclean the basket handle (5) h the dishwasher. ♦ lift ф the ccotrd panel assembly (20) frcrn the bock of the deep fryer ♦ Corefjlly lift tie dl reservdr (S) ty hcWing the rirn CAUTION: The ccotjd ponel asserrtly (20) should never be mmersed into '/.oter cr otier liquids ♦ Gefitjy clean the surface of tie ccntrd pond asemby (20) with a darrp cltfh end a rrild scopsduticn cr plain water ♦ After cleaning, reasserrtle the ccritrcl pond asserrtly (20) crito tbs housing (9) ftV. GDf. If the orntrcl pond asserrtly (20) is not properly placed in its pcaticn, the ccritrcl panel assembly wil not operate. ♦ Dry all ports thcrcughly after cleaning befcre using the fyer Cleaning Permanent Filter NOTE Clean perrronent fltef (21) evefy 3 months a* after ever/12 uses. 1. Open ihe fiter cover (22) and remove tte perrronentflter (21). 2. Oean the permanent filter (21) in hot scopy water, finse and dry. 3 Oean the inside of the filter cover (22) with a damp soapy sponge. tinse and dry thaojghly. 4. hserttie permanent filter Cl). Then replo:ethe flteroover(221 CAUTION: i>Dnotclean the permanent filter (2Din ihe dshwasher. 10 Clent .tint ie>=nd (N
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