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Descargado: 4   Tamaño del archivo: 3 mb   Fabricar: Intellivision Productions  
Categoría: Las consolas de juegos

BUT MORE BOMBS MEAN LESS FUEL! PREVIEW TARGETS. Move cursor to any target Press PREVIEW You see a closeup ot that target and its score value To checK another target, press MAP and relocate cursor Industrial targets and warships more distant from England nave higher score values Airports score 5 points; AA batteries score 1 pomi each. M -, * ♦ * * r J 5. BMLJc. + * mm INDUSTRY WARSHIP AA GUNS AIRPORT SET DESTINATION. Move cursor to any location Press ANY ACTION BUTTON. That position f

Descargado: 0   Tamaño del archivo: 1 mb   Fabricar: Intellivision Productions  
Categoría: Las consolas de juegos

This unit includes controller with built-in software and A/V cable. Please read the setup instructions and precautions/warnings before attempting to connect the Intellivision 25 Video Game System to your TV. The TV must have Audio/Video Input (AV) Jacks to be able to play the Intellivision 25 Video Game System - il the TV does not have the Input Jacks you may purchase a RF/Scart Adapter that has AV inputs built in. II you chose to connect the unit through your VCR you may need to select the LI

Descargado: 19   Tamaño del archivo: 413 kb   Fabricar: Intellivision Productions  
Categoría: Las consolas de juegos

If the offense fails to advance 10 yards within 4 Downs, the ball is turned over to the other team. 6. Run Play: When you are on offense, you control the Ball Carrier and the other player controls the defensive players. The Ball Carrier and two Blockers always move in formation. Use the directional disc to move the Ball Carrier and the defensive players. Football 13 7.Pass Play: The directional disc controls the Receiver on a pass play. Maneuver your Receiver down field and into horizontal align
