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IMPORTANT: There is a flail screen located inside the housing in the discharge area. If the flail screen becomes clogged, remove and clean as instructed in the Service and Adjustments section. velocity.Keep away from the area aroundthe dischargechute. Always stopthe engine and disconnectsparkplugwirewhen removingor attachingthe bag,changing containers, or removingtheshreddedmatarial.Wear safety glassesandgloveswheneverusingyour chipper-shredder. Shred materialupto 1/2 inch indiameter / Chip material upto 3 inches in diameter Catch shredded material in catcher bag Lower the hopper to collect raked material for shredding Figure 12 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS Alwaysobserve safetyruleswhen performing any maintenance. The warrantyonthischippershredderdoesnot coveritemsthathave beensubjectedtooperator abuse or negligence.To receivefull value from the warranty,operator must maintainthe chippershredderas instructedinthismanual. Someadjustmentswillneed to be made periodicallyto maintainyour unitproperly. Alladjustmentsinthe Serviceand Adjustments sectionof thismanual shouldbe checkedat least once each season. Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow. Periodicallycheck allfasteners and make sure these are tight. A A WARNING: Alwaysstopthe engineand disconnect the spark plugwire before performingany maintenanceoradjustments. Never remove discharge chute tillthe engine has completelystopped. CLEANING Clean the chipper-shredderby runningwater froma hosethrough the hopper assemblyand chipperchutewiththeengine running.Allowthe chipper-shredderto drythoroughly. Wash thebag pedodicallywithwater. Allow todry thoroughlyinthe shade. Do notuse heat. ENGINE MAINTENANCE Engine Oil Onlyusehighqualitydetergent oilratedwith API service classification SF, SG or SH. Select the oil's viscosity grade according to your expected 11 CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES o MAINTENANCE __ ..,P e,_P _3 =_ sc. oo, o,O { o ,v.C o,TEs Oil pivot points 0 Clean shredder _ a. Check engine oil ,,, Change engine oil <_ Service air cleaner ILl Clean engine _ Reset spark plug _ Clean muffler operatingtemperature. Refer to page 9 ofthis To Service Air Cleaner: manualfor viscositychart. 1. Service pre-cleaner after every 25 hours of use, The four-cycle engineof your chipper-shredder or at least once a season. willnormallyconsumesomeoil.Therefore, 2. Servicefilterevery 100 hoursofuse, orat least check engineoil levelregularlyapproximately once a season. averyfivehoursofoperationandbeforeeach 3. Service pre-cleanerand filtermore oftenunder usage. dustyconditions. Stop engineandwait several minutesbefore Remove wingnutandcover. checkingoillevel.Withengineon level ground, Slidepre-cleanerofffilter.Cleanthe insideof the oilmustbe toFULL mark ondipstick. baseand coverthoroughly. Change engine oilafterthefirstfivehoursof Clean pre-cleanaras follows:(See figure13.) operation,and every twenty-fivehours a. Washinwateranddetergentsolution,and thereafter. squeeze(donottwist)untilalldirtisramoved. To Drain Oil b. Rinsethoroughlyinclearwater. c. Wrap ina cleanclothandsqueeze(donot Drainoilwhileengine iswarm. Followthe twist) untilcompletelydry,orallowtoairdry. instructionsgiven below. d. Saturatewithengineoilandsqueeze(don't Remove oildrainplug.Catchoilin a suitable container. twist) to distributeoilandremoveexcessoil. When engine isdrainedofall oil,replacedrain Foam Filter - plugsecurely. Wing Nut-Refillwithfreshoil. RefertoGAS AND OIL FILL-UP section. Replace dipstick. Air Cleaner The air cleaner prevents damaging dirt, dust,etc., from enteringthe carburetorand beingforced into L Base PaperFilter the engineandisimportantto engine lifeand performance.Theaircleanerconsistsofapre-Figure13 cleaner orfoam filter,anda paperfilter. NOTE: If the pre-cleaner is torn ordamaged in any Never run the enginewithoutair cleaner completely way, replace it. assembled. 12 Ifnecessary,paper filter(do notattempt replace to clean). Installnew filter on base. Slide pre-cleaner overfilter. Installcoverand wingnut. Tightenwing nutsecurely. Clean Engine Clean engine periodically. Remove dirt and debris with a clothor brush. Frequently remove grass clippings, dirt and debris from cooling fins,air intake screen and levers and linkage. See figure 14. This will help ensure adequate cooling and correct engine speed. Clean cooling Figure 14 Yearly orevery25 hours, whicheveroccursfirst, removethe blower housing and clean the areas shownin figure14 to avoidoverspeeding, overheatingand engine damage. Clean more oftenif necessary. NOTE: Cleaning witha forceful spray of water is not recommended as water couldcontaminatethe fuel system. WARNING: Temperature of muffler and nearby areas may exceed 150° F(65°C). Avoidthese areas, Spark Plug Clean the spark plug and reset the gap to .030" at least once a season or every 50 hours of operation. See figure 15. Spark plug replacement is recommended at the start of each season. Refer to engine parts list for correct spark plug type. ' Feeler ( Plug Figure 15 NOTE: Do not sandbla...
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