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If x(/ur o',en is connected to a 208V electrical suppl_ "_e recommend that ?ou set }our clean time for 5 hem's. If I,OCKED flashes ill tile displa), the self:clean cxc]e has been selected but the door is not closed. (_]ose the oven d(/or. * Make sure the oven fight lens and lens frame are in place. * Do not use commerciaJ oven cleaners, abrasives or oven protectors in or near the self-cleaning oven. IMPORTANT: Tile health of some birds is extremely sensitive to the fumes given off during the self:cleaning cycle of any oven. Move birds to another well-ventilated room. NOTE: Self'Clean will not _ork if the temperatm'e probe is I)lugged,, in or if tile Sabbath feature is set. 0_ double ove_ models, you car_ ,set a (:lea_ cycle i_ both ove_s at the same time. 77_e last o'ue_ ,set will automatically delay its start u_til the e_d (j the,fi_:st o'ue_ 's (:lea_ cycle. 0_ double ove_ models, you cat_ use timed baki_g" it_ o_e o'ue_ (rod se(/=_lea_ b_ the other at the same time. Ooubleovendisplay shown ® ® @ 0- -0 P_ZOBE TIMEB CLOC'X COOK OELAy liME START Mini-Kn0b Turnto sebct Pushto enter The displa} will show (:LEAN and the clean time remaining. As the oven heats to the clean temperature, the door will lock automatically. The LOCKED light will mrn on. The display will show the clean time remaining. It will not be possible to open tile oven door until the temperature drops below the lock temperature and tile I_OCKED light goes off. After the clean cycle is complete and the oven has cooled, END will show ill the display and the I_OCKED light will ttlrll off. Turn the Oven Mode knob and tile Temperature knob to OFF. To stop a clean cycle, turn the Oven Mode knob and the Temperature knob to OFE When the LO(:KED light goes oft, indicating the o\ en has cooled below the locking temperature, you will be able to opell tile door. Self Cleaning Oven I.l_ll[ Ovum How to delay the start of cleaning lie? a clean cycle Doubleovendi,s731ay shown BROIL Yon can set the oven to delay the start of clemfing, clean for a selected length of dine and tuna off automatically. NOTE: Befiwebe_oning, make sure tile clock shows the correct tin/e of day Tunl tile Oven Mode knob to CI.AN. Turn tile O_en Temperature knob to CI_EAN. The o_en will be set to clean %r its normal clean fin/e of 5 hours. (If a clean fin/e less than 5 hours is needed, turn tile Mini-Knoll to the clean tinle desired.) Push to enmr it. You can change the clean time m any tin/e bemeen 3 and 5 hours, in 15 nlinum increments, depemling on tile }ltnOtlIlt of soil ill V_)fir o\en, NOTE: Tile Mini-Knob n/ust be pushed tor tile self-clean cxcle to be set. Push tile DHAY START button. Tile current time of (tar *dll flash in the displa?. 0_ double ov_z modds; push the DELAY START butto_z once to set the upper oven and twice to set the lower ovem Tunl tile l\,lini-_lob to select and push it to enter the tllne of day _,Otl want the ()Xell to tnrll (111 and start cleaning. NOTF: Tile Mini-Knob must be pushed for tile sell:clean Qcle to be set to start at the tin/e of day entered. Tile oven is mm set to tm_n on at the tinle of (la} "_ou set and clean tor the set anlount of clean time. You may notice some wltite ash in the oven. _,'\qpeit tip _qth a danlp cloth atier tile oxen cools. If wNte spots remain, *_mo',e fllem with *_mn su(tsv _:ttel" and rinse thoroughly with a vineg:u" and _ter nlixture. These deposits are usuall} a salt residue that cannot be remo\ed b_ the clean Qcle. OFF OFF MULTi CONVECTffiN 500 ' _ ' 4,00 ROAST 450 OvenModeknob Temperatureknob If_our, oven is connected to a 208\ electrical suppl?, we reconlnlend that _ou set _our clean tin/e for 5 hours. If I,OCI,IED flashes in tile displa}, tile self-clean c}cle has been selected but the door is not closed. Close the O_,ell door, To check tile start tinle, push tile DEI AY ST_M{T button. To change it, turn and push tile Mini-Knoll. The displ_9 will sh(m SZM{T TIME. "v\llen tile start tin/e is reached, the oxen will turn on autolnaticallv The display _dll sh(m C[,EAN and tile clean tin/e remaining. _k4the oxen heats to the clean temperature, tile door _dll lock amomaticallv. Tile I,OCKED light _villtoni on. _le displa? *dll sh(m die clean tin/e remaining. It will not be possible to open the o',en door until tile temperature drops belo*v the lock tenlpemmre and fl-te I,OCI{ED light goes ofll 3J_er tile clean cycle is complete and file o_en has cooled, END will sl/o_ ill tile displa! and file I,OCKED light will turn olil Turn file Mode Selector and tile Temperature knobs to OFF. To stop a dean cycle, turn tile Mode Selector and tile Temperam*e knobs to OFF. \_]len the I,OC/
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