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Manual de usuario Enerco, modelo 4000DF

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Resumen del manual

componets drawer 52 e20508 • • Fuse holder 53 e10313 • • Fuse (6x30) 20A 54 G06102 • • Switch support 55 e50437 • • Pressure switches HoNeYWell 56 e20319 • • Terminal board 57 e11125 • • Relay Finder 65.31 AC 58 e20305 • • Terminal board 59 E10917-2 • • Transformer H.T. 818C 11oV 60 G06109 • • Transformer H.T. flange 61 G06103 • • Support 62 e40107 • • LANDIS LOA 21-24 base 63 e40113 • • Control box LANDIS LOA 21-24 64 G06073 • • Plate for electrical components 65 E10102-P • • Switch 0-1 66 e20640 • • Thermostat plug 3P+T 67 e20665 • • Drain plug 68 e30443 • • eI. wire with plug and cable fastener 69 e11030 • • lamp230V 70 T20306 • Nozzle 1,25 GPH 80· S T20327 • Nozzle 3,00 GPH 80· S 71 G01077 • • Turbo disc G07024 • 72 G06150 • • Nozzle support 73 G01890 • Burner flange 0 80mm P20530 • Burner flange 0 102mm 74 131034 • • NutM14 75 120115 • • Nipplo Fe 1/8” MM 76 140192 • • Micropipe 77 e10215 • • electrode 78 G02076 • • H.T. Cable connect. 90· 79 e50306 • • ld ph. Unit l&G QRB1A 80 e50307 • • Fixing clamp 81 e50308 • • Photoresistance flange 82 T20411-1 • • Pump Danfoss BFP11 R3 Danfoss 83 T20118 • • Solenoid spool Danfoss 84 T20129 • • Solenoid valve Danfoss (No) 85 T20117 • • Solenoid valve Danfoss (NC) 86 e10514 • • Coupling K1 87 T20241 • • oR KIToil filter 88 T20242 • • Filter cartridge eNeRCo GRoUP, INC. |Direct Fired Portable Heater 9 operating Instructions and owner’s Manual Operating instructiOns and Owner’s Manual MoDelMr. Heater 4000DF 6000DF read instructiOns careFullY: Read and follow all instructions. Place instructions in a safe place for future reference. Do not allow anyone who has not read these instructions to assemble, light, adjust or operate the heater. Heatstar BY enercO MoDel 4000DF 6000DF warning: USe oNlY MANUFACTUReR’S RePlACeMeNT PARTS. USe oF ANY oTHeR PARTS CoUlD CAUSe INJURY oR DeATH. RePlACeMeNT PARTS ARe oNlY AVAIlABle DIReCT FRoM THe FACToRY AND MUST Be INSTAlleD BY A QUAlIFIeD SeRVICe AGeNCY. parts Ordering inFOrMatiOn: purcHasing: Accessories may be purchased at any Mr. Heater/HeatStar local dealer or direct from the factory FOr inFOrMatiOn regarding serVice Please call Toll-Free 800-251-0001 • our office hours are 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM, eST, Monday through Friday. Email to: Please include the model number, date of purchase, and description of problem in all communication. liMited warrantY The company warrants this product to be free from imperfections in material or workmanship, under normal and proper use in accordance with instructions of The Company, for a period of one year from the date of delivery to the buyer. The Company, at its option, will repair or replace products returned by the buyer to the factory, transportation prepaid within said one year period and found by the Company to have imperfections in material or workmanship. If a part is damaged or missing, call our Technical Support Department at 800-251-0001. Address any Warranty Claims to the Service Department, enerco Group, Inc., 4560 W. 160TH ST., Cleveland, ohio 44135. Include your name, address and telephone number and include details concerning the claim. Also, supply us with the purchase date and the name and address of the dealer from whom you purchased our product. The foregoing is the full extent of the responsibility of the Company. There are no other warranties, express or implied. Specifically there is no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose and there is no warranty of merchantability. In no event shall the Company be liable for delay caused by imperfections, for consequential damages, or for any charges of the expense of any nature incurred without its written consent. The cost of repair or replacement shall be the exclusive remedy for any breach of warranty. There is no warranty against infringement of the like and no implied warranty arising from course of dealing or usage of trade. This warranty will not apply to any product which has been repaired or altered outside of the factory in any respect which in our judgment affects its condition or operation. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state. enerco Group, Inc. reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice or obligation, in colors, specifications, accessories, materials and models. ENERCO GROUP, INC., 4560 W. 160TH ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO 44135 • 800-251-0001 Mr. Heater is a registered trademark of enerco Group, Inc. © 2004, eNeRCo GRoUP, INC. All rights reserved eNeRCo GRoUP, INC. |Direct Fired Portable Heater 10 operating Instructions and owner’s Manual 07/08 #50125 GARANTIE LIMITEE L’entreprise garantit ce produit contre tout defaut de materiel ou de main-d’oeuvre, dans des conditions d’utilisation normale et adequate, conformement aux instructio...

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