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Manual de usuario Cecilware, modelo BC2-IT

Fabricar: Cecilware
Tamaño del archivo: 863.15 kb
Nombre del archivo: c56e564e-4bb1-4421-807b-fa469ef49b76.pdf

Idioma del manual:en

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Resumen del manual

PRE-INFUSION PRE-INFUSION ON/OFF Description – The Pre-Infusion feature gives the user the ability to “wet” the grinds for a period of time (Infusion Time) and then allow the grinds to “soak” for a period of time (Soak Time) before brewing. 8 INFUSION TIME INFUSION TIME ## SECONDS Description – The Infusion Time is the amount of time that the system will dispense (infuse) hot water into the grinds during the Pre-Infusion process. SOAK TIME SOAK TIME ## SECONDS Description – The Soak Time is the amount of time that the system will wait between the end of the hot water infusion period and the beginning of brewing. PULSE BREW PULSE BREW ON/OFF Description – The Pulse Brew feature gives the user the ability to brew by non-continuously dispensing (pulsing) hot water. PULSE ON TIME PULSE ON TIME ## SECONDS Description – The Pulse ON Time is the amount of time that the system will continuously dispense hot water during a Brew Cycle. PULSE OFF TIME PULSE OFF TIME ## SECONDS Description – The Pulse OFF Time is the amount of time that the system will wait between hot water dispenses during a Brew Cycle. DRIP TIME DRIP TIME ### SECONDS Description – The Drip Time is the amount of time that the system will wait after the completion of the hot water dispense before signaling the end of the Brew Cycle. This allows time for any water remaining in the funnel to drain out. DILUTION DILUTION (36) ON/OFF Description – The Dilution feature gives the user the ability to add hot water directly to the brew without passing through the grinds. This option is only available in models with a 36-Cup Dispense Key. DILUTION PERCENT DILUTION PERCENT ## % Description – The Dilution Percent is the percentage of the total volume of the brew (Brew Size) that is diluted DILUTION FILL CONSTANT DIL FILL CONST #.## OZ/SEC Description – The Dilution Fill Constant is the exact value of the rate at which hot water is dispensed from the Dilution Solenoid Valve during each Brew Cycle. The accuracy of this value is crucial to the proper operation of this system. This value is directly related to the orifice size of the Dilution Solenoid Valve. A simple method for calibrating the Dilution Solenoid Valve has been provided in Normal Mode (see Dilution Fill Constant Calibration section of Normal Mode Descriptions). DILUTION DELAY DILUTION DELAY ### SECONDS Description – The Dilution Delay is the amount of time the system waits from the start of Brewing to the start of Dilution. WATER TEMPERATURE WATER TEMP ### °F Description – The Water Temperature is the required (set point) temperature of the water in the reservoir tank. 9 TEMPERATURE SENSOR CALIBRATION TEMP SENSOR CAL ARE YOU SURE ? Description – The Temperature Sensor Calibration allows the user to offset (calibrate) the displayed water temperature to a reference thermometer. Instructions – Use the [Arrow] Keys to adjust (calibrate) the displayed temperature to match the reference thermometer. Depress one of the [Hidden] Keys when the calibration is complete. TEMP SENSOR CAL ### °F LOCKOUT TEMPERATURE LOCKOUT TEMP ### °F Description – The Lockout Temperature is the minimum brewing temperature. The system will not allow a Brew Cycle to begin unless the water is above the Lockout Temperature. SLEEP TIMER SLEEP TIMER ON/OFF Description – The Sleep Timer feature automatically reduces the water temperature to three degrees above the Lockout Temperature if the machine has not started a Brew Cycle within two hours. WARMER POWER WARMER POWER ### % Description – The Warmer Power feature allows the user to reduce the actual heating power of the warmers. The percentage displayed is percentage of maximum power. WARMER TIMER WARMER TIMER ON/OFF Description – The Warmer Timer feature allows the user to set the maximum length of time a brew remains fresh while being warmed. Once the Warmer Timer has expired an alarm is generated. An alarm consists of a blinking warmer LED and (optionally) the audible alarm (buzzer) sounding. The Warmer Timer is reset (restarted) by cycling the warmer Off and On. AUDIBLE ALARM AUDIBLE ALARM ON/OFF Description – The Audible Alarm feature allows the user to enable/disable the buzzer from indicating that the Warmer Timer has expired. WARMER TIME WARMER TIME ### MINUTES Description – The Warmer Time is the length of time that a warmer can be continuously energized before an alarm is generated. WARMER REDUCTION WARMER REDUCTION ON/OFF Description – The Warmer Reduction feature allows the user to gradually reduce the actual heating power of the warmers. This reduction of power is taken over the Warmer Timer period. REDUCTION PERCENTAGE REDUCTION PCT ### % Description – The Reduction Percentage is the percentage of Warmer Power that is gradually reduced over the Warmer Time. WEEKDAY TIMER WEEKDAY TIMER ON/OFF Description – The Weekday Timer function allows the system to automatically turn ON at a specified time and turn OFF at a specified time every weekday (Monday – Friday). WEEKDAY TIME O...

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