Otros manuales para este modelo:
Resumen del manual
Front view of the computer
Rear view of the computer
1 Unpack
4 Connect the display
7 Turn on the computer
Windows help system
The Windows help system provides you with detailed information about using
Power cord
the Windows operating system.
To access the Windows help system, do the following:
Open the Start menu and then click or tap Get Started to get more details.
You also can enter Get Started or what you’re looking for in the search box
on the taskbar. You’ll get suggestions and answers to your questions about
Windows and the best search results available from your PC and the Internet.
* Selected models only.
To perform system recovery after a serious error in Windows 10, click or tap
NOTE: Some models may contain items not listed here.
the Start button and select Settings → Update & security → Recovery.
Then, follow the instructions on the screen for system recovery.
2 Connect the keyboard and mouse
5 Choose the right voltage
Connecting to the Internet
ATTENTION: The Windows operating system is provided by Microsoft
Corporation. Please use it in accordance with the END USER LICENSE
AGREEMENT (EULA) between you and Microsoft. For any question related
Selected models are equipped with a voltage selection switch. You can find it
To connect to the Internet, you’ll need a contract with an Internet Service
to the operating system, please contact Microsoft directly.
at the rear of your computer. Models without a voltage selection switch control
Provider (ISP) and some hardware.
voltage automatically.
IPSs and ISP offerings vary by country. Contact your ISP for offerings available
in your country.
If the electricity supply range is 100-127 V AC, set the switch to 115 V.
Your computer is designed to support a wireless (selected models only) or
If the electricity supply range is 200-240 V AC, set the switch to 230 V.
wired network that connects your computer to other devices.
Service and Support information
Wired network connection
For wired networks, connect one end of an Ethernet cable (purchased
separately) to the Ethernet connector on your computer, and then connect the
The following information describes the technical support that is available for
other end to the network router or broadband modem. Consult your ISP for
your product, during the warranty period or throughout the life of your product.
Hard disk drive indicator
Microphone connector
Power connector
Ethernet connector
detailed setup instructions.
Refer to the Lenovo Limited Warranty for a full explanation of Lenovo warranty
Power button
Headphone connector
Serial connector
Microphone connector
terms. See “Lenovo Limited Warranty notice” later in this document for details
NOTE: Broadband modem and router installation procedures vary
Optical Drive 1
Memory card reader 1
Security-lock slot
Audio line-out connector
on accessing the full warranty. If you purchased Lenovo services, refer to the
depending on the manufacturer. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
USB 2.0 connectors (2)
HDMI connector
Audio line-in connector
3 Connect the Ethernet cable
6 Connect the power cable
following terms and conditions for detailed information:
On-board VGA connector
PCI Express card area 1
– For Lenovo Warranty Service Upgrades or Extensions,
Wireless network connection
USB 3.0 connectors (2)
Wi-Fi antenna slot
go to: http://support.lenovo.com/lwsu
For wireless networks, you can use the built-in Wi-Fi antenna to access your
USB 2.0 connectors (2)
– For Lenovo Accidental Damage Protection Services,
wireless home network.
go to: http://support.lenovo.com/ladps
To connect your computer to the wireless network:
1 Selected models only.
1 Different cards provide different connectors.
– Online technical support is available during the lifetime of a product at:
Click or tap the network icon on the taskbar, then select the name of your
router. Click or tap Connect, then follow the steps on the screen.
Test the wireless network by opening your Web browser and accessing any
Web site.
ATTENTION: Be sure not to block any air vents on the computer.
Blocked air vents may cause thermal problems.
NOTE: This computer only can be placed in a vertical position.
NOTE: If your model has two VGA monitor connectors, be sure to use the
ATTENTION: Do not insert 3-inch discs into the optical drive.
connector on the graphics adapter.