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Manual de usuario HP, modelo HP Integrity BL860c i2 Server Blade

Fabricar: HP
Tamaño del archivo: 103.31 kb
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Idioma del manual:en

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Resumen del manual

HP requires the installation of the HP-UX 11i v3 OE Update Release for March 2010 and the additional
components from this Errata document for the initial HP-UX support of these new HP Integrity server
blades. The new HP Integrity server blades cannot be supported on OE Update releases before March
2010. Please download the additional components from the HP Software Depot site (http:// and I
T Resource Center (
Please see the HP-UX 11i v3 Installation and Update guide for March 2010 (http://
) for known
problems and issues.
Instructions for Download and Installation of Required HP-UX
Please install the desired Operating Environment (OE) from the March 2010 release to the server
blades, then download and install the additional HP-UX components on your server blades. The
following web pages provide information on the required HP-UX products and patches for download
to your blade server:
• Go to
• Use the BL8x0-i2 keyword to locate the web page from
The web page will provide links for downloading the following three depots with the listed components.
BL8x0-i2 depot includes these HP-UX bundles and patches
(Server will reboot after installation)
This depot includes the following HP-UX bundles and patches.
• 10GigEthr-02 – B.11.31.1004 PCIe 10 Gigabit Ethernet
• FibrChanl-01 – B.11.31.1003.01 FibrChnl
• FibrChanl-02 – B.11.31.1003.02 FCLP
• nParProvider – B. nPartition Provider
• PHKL_40880 – 11.31 dump cumulative patch (enables compressed crash dump)
• PHKL_40942 – 11.31 cumulative vm patch (QXCR1000994413)
DiagProdCollection depot includes the following HP-UX bundles
(Does not require reboot)
The “Diagnostics Products Collection” depot includes the following HP-UX products and bundle names:
• Diagnostic and Support Tools – OnlineDiag
• System Fault Management – SysFaultMgmt
• Provider Services Base – ProviderSvcsBase
HP-UX Errata for HP Integrity BL860c i2, BL870c i2 & BL890c i2 Server Blades


Otros modelos de este manual:
Computadoras - HP Integrity BL870c i2 Server Blade (103.31 kb)
Computadoras - HP Integrity BL890c i2 Server Blade (103.31 kb)


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