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or on top of each other. When packaged in switch enclosures, Nonstop™ Cluster
Switches can be installed on the floor or on top of a single system enclosure. (They
must not be installed on top of two stacked system enclosures).
How does a ServerNet II Switch become configured as an X-fabric or
Y-fabric switch? Newly ordered ServerNet II Switches are not configured for either
fabric. When SANMAN detects a ServerNet II Switch that is not configured for the X
or Y fabric, it automatically configures it for the X fabric or Y fabric, depending on
the fabric to which it is connected. For example, a ServerNet II Switch that is
connected to an MSEB in slot 51 will be configured for the X fabric. After a
ServerNet II Switch has been configured, its fabric setting can no longer be changed
automatically by SANMAN. However, an operator using TSM client software can
perform an action to reconfigure the fabric setting to X, Y, or NONE. The NONE
fabric setting may be used for a ServerNet II Switch to be returned to the spares
How do I replace a Nonstop™ Cluster Switch (Model 6770)? You or your
service provider must use the guided procedure to replace one of the components of
the cluster switch: ServerNet II Switch or AC transfer switch or UPS. It is
recommended, but not required, that the ServerNet II Switch or AC transfer switch
be replaced by a service provider. The UPS must be replaced by a service provider
only. The guided procedure can be performed while the cluster is online, provided
that the fabric of the peer ServerNet II Switch is operating normally.
How do I replace a Nonstop™ ServerNet Switch (Model 6780)? It is
recommended, but not required, that the components be replaced by a service
provider. You or your service provider must use the guided procedure to replace
these components of the 6780 switch: logic board, the plug-in cards that connect to
the nodes, or the entire 6780 switch. The guided procedure can be performed while
the cluster is online, provided that the fabric of the other 6780 switch is operating
normally. To replace a fan, power supply, or the plug-in cards that connect to other
6780 switches, follow the written procedures in the ServerNet Cluster 6780
Operations Guide.
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What does SNETMON do? SNETMON is the Subsystem Programmatic Interface
(SPI) server for ServerNet cluster subsystem management commands. SNETMON:
Monitors and responds to events relevant to ServerNet cluster operations.
Discovers systems in a cluster.
Brings up the message system connections
Re-integrates processors and nodes in a cluster after an interruption in
SNETMON is a fault-tolerant process pair with the process name $ZZSCL. There is
an SNETMON process pair on every node in a functioning ServerNet cluster.
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Can an external fabric contain multiple cluster switches? Yes. The
cluster switches are linked by fiber-optic cables.
The star topology does not support multiple cluster switches on the
same fabric.