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Categoría: Computadoras

(100 m) USB 2.0 Hi-Speed (HS) Full-Speed (FS) USB A 2 Max. 480 Mbps (USB 2.0 Mode) Max. 12 Mbps (USB 1.1 Mode) Average 21W (USB devices not connected) 2.4 x 6.94 x 7.4 in. (60 x 173.5 x 185 mm) 4.05 lbs. (1.84 Kg) 5 - 35°C, 20-80% (non-condensing) LinkStation HS-D300GL HS-D400GL iSàdlna' CERTIFIED Package Contents LinkStation, LAN Cable, Power Cable, Quick Setup Quide, Setup CD Broadband Modem Wireless Desktop PC LinkTheater Media Player Wireless CableIDSL Router LinkStati

Descargado: 23   Tamaño del archivo: 211 kb   Fabricar: Buffalo Technology  
Categoría: Computadoras

Quick and simple installation allows you to instantly store and share your music, videos, images and other files from your home network. Built-in DLNA server allows you to easily stream mutimedia files to any DLNA compatible home electronic device. The LinkStation simplifies network printing with a built-in USB print server. An additional USB hard drive can be added for extra space or internal backups. Two or more Gigabit LinkStations can also be used to back up each other over your home or offi

Descargado: 1   Tamaño del archivo: 2 mb   Fabricar: Buffalo Technology  
Categoría: Computadoras

When the Run dialog opens, type d:\setup.exe (where “d” is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive). Press OK to continue. TeraNavigator should now be running. Press the Install Client Utility button, and then Start. When installation is finished, press Launch. Each TeraStation on the network will have a tab in the client utility. Make sure that your Terastation’s tab is selected, click Setup and choose Browser Management. Step 4: TeraStation Configuration Utility Step 4: TeraStation Configuration

Descargado: 5   Tamaño del archivo: 45 kb   Fabricar: Buffalo Technology  
Categoría: Computadoras

We strongly recommend that students use these devices instead of floppy disks, as floppies are highly susceptible to damage and have limited storage capacity. One 128MB flash drive has the 88 floppy disks. Follow the steps below to use a flash drive on your home or campus computer. same storage capacity as Please Note: Windows 98/ME users must download and install driver for USB flash drive before proceeding If you are running Windows 98/ME on your home computer, you must download and install
