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3! ! ! ! !! ! Itmaycausefailureofapplianceoraccident.Appearancemaybedeterioratedduetochangeofproductcolororscratchingofitssurface.Donotplaceobstaclesaroundair-inletsorinsideofair-outlet.Donotusestrongdeter-gentsuchaswaxorthinnerbutuseasoftcloth.Ifbracketisdamaged,thereisconcernofdamageduetofallingofunit.Thereisdangeroffireorelectricshock.Ensurethattheinstallationbracketoftheoutdoorapplianceisnotdamagedduetoprolongedexposure.Donotplaceheavyobjectonthepowercordandensurethatthecordisnotcompressed.Operationwithoutfiltersmaycausefailure.Itcontainscontaminantsandcouldmakeyousick.Alwaysinsertthefilterssecurely.Cleanfilteronceeverytwoweeks.Donotdrinkwaterdrainedfromairconditioner. !! Owner’s Manual Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Heat Controller, Inc. Ventilate the room well when used together with a gas stove or if there is a gas leak Do not allow water to enter inside the unit during cleaning When the air filter is to be removed, do not touch the metal parts of the unit ! • Water may enter the unit and degrade the insulation. It may cause an electric shock • It may cause an injury due to sharp edges of components. • An oxygen shortage may occur • May cause explosion, fire and/or burns Turn off the main power switch when not using the unit for a long time Hold the plug by the head of the power plug when taking it out When the unit is to be cleaned, switch off, and turn off the circuit breaker ! ! • It may cause electric shock and damage • Do not clean unit when power is on as it may cause fire and electric shock • It may cause failure of product or fire Always insert the filters securely. Clean filter once every two weeks Stop operation and close the window in storm or hurricane Ensure that the installation bracket of the outdoor appliance is not damaged ! ! ! • Operation with windows opened may allow rain to enter inside and damage property • Operation without filters may cause failure • Operation with dirty/clogged filters may cause failure • If bracket is damaged, there is concern of damage due to falling of unit. Do not drink water drained from air conditioner Do not place obstacles around air-inlets or inside of air-outlet Do not place heavy object on the power cord and ensure that the cord is not compressed • It contains contaminants and could make you sick • It may cause failure of appliance or accident • There is danger of fire or electric shock Do not use strong detergents such as wax or thinner; use a damp, soft cloth Use caution when unpacking and installing If water enters the unit, turn the unit off at the power outlet and switch off the circuit breaker. Isolate supply by taking power-plug out and contact a qualified service technician ! • Sharp edges could cause injury • Appearance may be deteriorated due to change of product color or scratching of its surface • Water may enter the unit and degrade the insulation. It may cause an electric shock 3 Heat Controller, Inc. Room Air Conditioner with R-410A Owner’s Manual IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONSBesuretheelectricalserviceisadequateforthemodelyouhavechosen.Thisinformationcanbefoundontheserialplate,whichislocatedonthesideofthecabinetandbehindthegrille.Besuretheairconditionerisproperlygrounded.Tominimizeshockandfirehazards,propergroundingisimportant.Thepowercordisequippedwithathree-pronggroundingplugforprotectionagainstshockhazards.Yourairconditionermustbeusedinaproperlygroundedwallreceptacle.Ifthewallreceptacleyouintendtouseisnotadequatelygroundedorprotectedbyatimedelayfuseorcircuitbreaker,haveaqualifiedelectricianinstalltheproperreceptacle.Ensurethereceptacleisaccessibleaftertheunitinstallation.Donotrunairconditionerwithoutsideprotectivecoverinplace.Thiscouldresultinmechanicaldamagewithintheairconditioner.Donotuseanextensioncordoranadapterplug. WARNINGForyoursafetyDonotstoreorusegasolineorotherflammablevaporsandliquidsinthevicinityofthisoranyotherappliance.Avoidfirehazardorelectricshock.Donotuseanextensioncordoranadaptorplug.Donotremoveanyprongfromthepowercord. WARNINGElectricalInformation NOTEForsomemodels,thepowersupplycordwiththisairconditionercontainsacurrentdetectiondevicedesignedtoreducetheriskoffire.PleaserefertothesectionOperationofCurrentDevicefordetails.Intheeventthatthepowersupplycordisdamaged,itcannotberepaired-itmustbereplacedwithacordfromtheProductManufacturer. , , Donot,underanycircumstances,cut,remove,orbypassthegroundingprong.Powersupplycordwith3-pronggroundingplugandcurrentdetectiondeviceOperationofCurrentDevice(Applicabletotheunitadoptscurrentdetectiondeviceonly)Thepowersupplycordcontainsacurrentdevicethatsensesdamagetothepowercord.Totestyo...
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