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HEATING 27.C or less -20.C to 24.C __ Internal protection triggers and the air conditioner will stop. DRYING 18.C to 32.C -5.C to 43.C __ Condensation may occur on the indoor unit with risk to have either water blow off or drops on the floor. ENGLISH •Thestandardizedtemperatureforheatingis7.C.Iftheoutdoortemperaturedropsto0.C/32.Forbelow,theheating capacity can be reduced depending on the temperature condition. If the cooling operation is used at over 32.C (indoor temperature), it does not cool at its full capacity. •Theuseoftheairconditioneratarelativehumidityabovetheexpectedone(80%)maycausetheformationofcondensate and the leakage of water drops on the floor. NOTE 7 Cassette type MINI 4way_IB_DB98-32162A_E.indd 7 2012-3-20 9:36:44 8 Maintaining your air conditioner Internal protections via the unit control system .This internal protection operates if an internal fault occurs in the air conditioner. Type Description Against cold air The internal fan will be off to against cold air when the heat pump is heating. De-ice cycle (Defrost cycle) The internal fan will be off to against cold air when the heat pump is heating. Anti-Freezing of Indoor Heat Exchanger The compressor will be off if the heat exchanger temp of indoor unit decrease to 0.C or more to protect from ice build up on the heat exchanger. Protect compressor The air conditioner does not start operating immediately to protect the compressor of the outdoor unit after it has been started. Checking before use •IftheheatpumpisoperatinginHeatmode,De-icecycleisactuatedtoremovefrostfromanoutdoorunitthatmayhave deposited at low temperatures. The internal fan is switched off automatically and restarted only after the de-ice cycle is completed. NOTE 8 Maintaining your air conditioner Internal protections via the unit control system .This internal protection operates if an internal fault occurs in the air conditioner. Type Description Against cold air The internal fan will be off to against cold air when the heat pump is heating. De-ice cycle (Defrost cycle) The internal fan will be off to against cold air when the heat pump is heating. Anti-Freezing of Indoor Heat Exchanger The compressor will be off if the heat exchanger temp of indoor unit decrease to 0.C or more to protect from ice build up on the heat exchanger. Protect compressor The air conditioner does not start operating immediately to protect the compressor of the outdoor unit after it has been started. Checking before use •IftheheatpumpisoperatinginHeatmode,De-icecycleisactuatedtoremovefrostfromanoutdoorunitthatmayhave deposited at low temperatures. The internal fan is switched off automatically and restarted only after the de-ice cycle is completed. NOTE Cassette type MINI 4way_IB_DB98-32162A_E.indd 8 2012-3-20 9:36:44 Tips on using air conditioner Here are some tips that you would follow when using your air conditioner. TOPIC RECOMMENDATION Cooling •Ifcurrentoutsidetemperaturesaremuchhigherthantheselectedindoortemperature,itmaytake time to bring the inner temperature to the desired coolness. •Avoiddrasticallyturningdownthetemperature.Energyiswastedandtheroomdoesnotcoolfaster. Heating •Sincetheairconditionerheatstheroombytakingheatenergyfromoutdoorair,theheatingcapacity may decrease when outdoor temperatures are extremely low. If you feel the air conditioner insufficiently heats, using an additional heating appliance in combination with the air conditioner is recommended. Frost & De-ice •WhentheairconditionerrunsinHeatmode,duetotemperaturedifferencebetweentheunitand the outside air, frost will form. If this happens: -The air conditioner stops heating. -The air conditioner will operate automatically in De-ice mode for 10 minutes. -The steam produced on the outdoor unit in De-ice mode is safe. No intervention is required; after about 10 minutes, the air conditioner operates again normally. .The unit will not operate when it starts to de-ice. Fan •Fanmaynotoperateforabout3~5minutesatthebeginningtopreventanycoldblastswhiletheair conditioner is warming up. High indoor/outdoor temperatures •IfbothindoorandoutdoortemperaturesarehighandtheairconditionerisrunninginHeatmode, the outdoor unit’s fan and compressor may stop at times. This is normal; wait until the air conditioner turns on again. Power failure •Ifapowerfailureoccursduringtheoperationoftheairconditioner,theoperatingimmediatelystops and unit will be off. When power returns, the air conditioner will run automatically. Protection mechanism •Iftheairconditionerhasjustbeenturnedonafteroperationstopsorbeingpluggedin,cool/ warm air does not come out for 3 minutes to protect the compressor of the outdoor unit. Automatic air flow blade control •Iftheairconditionerisoperatinginabnormalconditions(suchasoperatingtheairconditionerwith windows open or when small capacity indoor unit is installed and operating in a room that is too large) indoor can become very humid when the angle of the air flow blade is small and performance of the product may decrease. When...
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