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Resumen del manual
317 240 5662 Bryant AirConditioning Company iriâtructioris UNIT HEATERS 342S Series A Sizes 30 thru 400 Cancels; 39342D1 Before proceeding to install Models 342 and 342S Unit Heaters, refer to Bryant form No, 39003D1 “Procedures for Gas Appliances” (packaged with the equipment) for information concerning combustion, venting, piping, and other standard installation practices. The current edition of the American National Standard “Installation of Gas Appliances and Gas piping”, Z21.30, takes precedence over all other reference publications pertinent to this -installation instruction. Both models are shipped factory-assembled, Installation comprises the following; * I. Inspection * II. Location and Suspension * UL 'Gas . Piping ; IV, Wiring - • : * V. Venting VL Startup-arid Adjustment VII, Service and .Maintenance *To per form; these .sections (or -installation steps-), ;refer t the appropriate, section.з :;Of Bryant form No. S9003D1 (pack aged • with ’this “éqùipmè.n.t ), _ .1 ■ ; ^; 'f' '■ ■■ ■- . SPÉCIAL AIRPLANE HANGAR AND: : . (3ARAGE APPLICATION PRECAUTIONS • NOTE.: Refer .to KT:FPÀ No... 406-1966,’ “Standard .on .Air:..... craft Hangars,” andi-NPPA: No.. 88-19621 Standard. -for Gar ages, ” - ’ ' ^.v.....’■ - '"J"- - “Л? ■; ■ ■ V'' л ■........! 1. A clear an ce of 10 fe^tb : the l' the 'top -of .a-wing. or fuselage -or :aircraft likelyt-tO1 be'."^'"’.''”. housed in the hangar miist be'':maintained:-: Vi 2. A minimum cléarance of 8 .'feet from the.flooi to the bottom' of :thé heater in'. other', sections. of the :àirçr.aft, hangar, such ¿s ''offices and filiops ‘which 'Ъотт'ит-cate with areas used for servicing oï storage, must be maintained. 39342DP13 11/1/74 Figure 1 4, A clearance of 6 inches from combustible material must be maintained from the top and the sides of the 3- The heater, must also be so located, that it is protected..'._______"... ...... he ater. i',: from damage'by aircraft or other objects such as cranes 5, A service clearance of 18 inches at the rear and 12 in- or movable scaffoldings. In addition, it must be located ches from any obstruction at the bottom of the heater 1 to be accessible for servicing and adjustment. must be maintained. TABLE I---CONTROL OPTIONS1 : ' COMPONENT : . , : PROPANE GAS . ■ .. "’:4D2> NATURAL 04 NATURAL i D5 Bryant Auto Pilot ..•• ' ..'... ..:J. , ■■ x ■■ -, X Bryant Gas Valve* ■ ж X Gas Pressure Regulator11! '' ■■ X'. ■. X . Transformer.: .- ... .. -X'-; : ■ ........v...... X : X ■ Д00% .Shutoff..: .. ......../ . . .;. . .X/:;.: ... .. , ■ ■ X ...... Thermocouple .Pilot ......... , . ......:'X. •: . X ■■ ■. ■ Pilot.Relay-or Pilotstat . • ...... X- . .. ■■■■ X , ’All -.three options available on- 342 & -3423 are.-available with. D.2 propane and D5 natural gag only. -:|:A-64:3 B,ryftnt- Gas .’Valv.e with' integral gaBprGasure regulatOr is :used:an ;D4rand D5 for sizes 30 thru 160; A-641 Gas Valve without regulator ^ ■ uaed on D2 for all‘sizes. -A-641 with separate gas‘pressure•'regulator‘is used on D4 and D5 for sizei? 175 thru 400- SEP/09/2008/TUE 03:32 PM UTC TECH PUB FAX No. 317 240 5662 P. 002/006 -T-A0L-E-|l=DIMENSI0NS-INïNeHES _5'z6. .. A ... в С D Ê ' ¥ : - h J К ....... L______ _W __N_____ Gíié Inlet _Nfit PiPRi 30 11-.1/2 ■■■ 25-7/S •' 23-5/8 ' 10-1/1 ß . 15 • 12-1/16 “ 3-3/4 4-5/16 . 1:-.7/B 3 10-1/8 10 22-3/32 1/2 1/2 50 16-3/4 25-7/S 23-5/S 15-5/16 15 12-1/16 3-3/4 4-5/16 : 2-1/S 4 10-1/8 15-1/4 22-3/32 1/2 1/2 75 15-5/8 31-1/16., 30-1/8 ' 14-3/16 1Ö-7/B 1Ô-Ô/16 4-1/2 4-5/1В 2-1/8 5 12-1/8 14-1/8 25-31/32. 1/2 1/2 100 18-5/8 31-1/16 30-1/8 ' 17-3/1В 1Ô-7/Ô -, 1B-9/16 : 4-1/2 ’ 4-15/10 • 2-1/8 5 12-1/8- • 17-1/8 25-31/32 1/2 1/2 125 21-5/8 31-1/16., 31-5/8 " 20-3/IB. lB-7/8 18-9/16 •4-1/2 5-13/10 ; 2-11/16 6 12-1/8 20-1/8 25-31/32: 1/2 1/2 150 24-5/8 31-1/16 31-5/8 ’ 23-3/16 < 18-7/0 18-9/16 4-1/2 5-13/16 2-7/8 7 12-1/8 23-1/8 25-31/32 ; 1/2 1/2 175 21-5/8 37-1/4 34-5/8 20-3/16 23-7/8 21-9/16 4-15/10 5-13/16 2-7/8 7 14-1/4 20-1/8 30-31/32 1/2 ■1/2 200 24-5/8 ' 37-1/4 • 34-5/8 ' 23-3/16 23-7/9 21-9/16 4-15/16 5-13/16 . 2-7/8 8 14-1/4 23-1/8 . 30-31/32 1/2 1/2 '225 27-5/8 37-1/4 34-5/8 26-3/16 23-7/8 21-9/1.6 4-15/16 ' 5-13/16" '2-7/5 8 14-1/4 26-1/8 30-31/32 1/2 ■1/2 250 33-5/8 37-1/4 34-5/8 14-3/16 23-7/8 21-9/16 4-15/16 5-13/16 2-7/8 8 ГТ4-1/4 32-Ï/8 30-31/32 3/4 • 3/4 300 39-5/8 36-1/2 36-5/8 17-3/16 23-7/8 21-9/16 4-15/16 7-13/16 3-7/8 9 14-1/4 38-1/8 30-31/32 3/4 3/4 400 51-5/8 38 38 23-3/16 23-7/S 21-9/16 5-7/16 9-5/16 4-5/8 10 14-1/4 50-1/8 30-31/32 3/4 3/4 -2- /09/2008/TUE 03:33 PM UTC TECH PUB FAX No. 317 240 5662 P. 003/006 TABLE III—RATINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS—MODEL 342 Size Equivalent Sq Ft of Steam Radiation Temp Rise °F Total Air Delivery CFM Vàlûôlty ft/mln Effective Throw & Mounting Haight Fan ñPM Nominal Motor HP Approx Shipping Weight "’Ratine s Btuh Distance from Floor to Top of Healer Input Output 8' 10' 12' 1...
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