Manual de usuario Philips, modelo D6547
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Box 298,420 London Road, CROYDON CR9 3QR, or S (01) 689 2166 Consumer Advice. Ptease retain this card Produce tf service is required GUARANTEE AND SERVICE VALID FOR IRELAND This apparatus is made of high quality material and great care has been taken tn its manufacture. Philips, therefore, give you a guarantee on parts against failures arising from faulty workmanship or material for 12 months after date of purchase This guarantee is valid on the condition that this certificate is completed and signed immediately on delivery of the apparatus In case of failure ask your dealer for further information. If you have any questions which your dealer cannot answer, you may apply to Philips Electrical (Ireland) Ltd., Service Department, Newstead, Clonskeagh, DUBLIN 14-Q 693355 __ GUARANTEE AND SERVICE VALID FOR AUSTRALIA (Audio other than Car Radio) The benefits given to the purchaser by this warranty are in addition to all other rights and remedies, which, under the Trade Practices Act or other Commonwealth or State law, the purchaser or owner has in respect of the product. The Philips product carries the following warranties. Compact Disc Players. 12 months. Home Audio Systems. 6 months Clock radios, portable radios, cassette recorders, cassette players and radio recorders- 90 days Any defect in materials or workmanship occurring within the specified period from the date of delivery, will be rectified free of charge by the retailer from whom this product was purchased Note: Please retain your purchase docket to assist prompt service. Conditions of this warranty 1. All claims for warranty service must be made to the retailer from whom this product was purchased All transport charges incurred in connection with warranty service or replacement will be paid by the purchaser 2. These warranties do not cover batteries and extend only to defects in materials or workmanship occurring under normal use of the product where operated m accordance with our instructions. Philips Consumer Products Division, Technology Park, Flgtree Drive, Australia Centre, HOMEBUSH 2140, New South Wales GUARANTEE AND SERVICE FOR NEW ZEALAND Thank-you for purchasing this quality Philips product. The document you are now reading is your guarantee card Guarantee. Philips New Zealand Ltd guarantees this product against defective components and faulty workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date you bought it. If the product breaks down dunng the guarantee penod, Philips shall - subject to the following conditions * repair or replace the product at no charge to you This includes costs for labour, parts, and cartage. Conditions 1. The product must have been purchased in New Zealand, and this guarantee card completed at time of purchase (this is your proof of the date of purchase) 2 The guarantee applies only to faults caused by defective components, or faulty workmanship on the part of the manufacturer. 3. The guarantee does not cover failures caused by misuse, neglect, normal wear and tear, accidental breakage, use on the incorrect voltage, use contrary to operating instructions, or unauthorised modification to the product or repair by an unauthonsed technician 4. Reasonable evidence (in the form of a sates docket or completed guarantee card) must be supplied to indicate that the product was purchased no more than 12 months prior to the date of your claim 5. In the event of a failure, Philips shall be under no liability for any injury, or any loss or damage caused to property or products other than the product under guarantee. This guarantee does notprejudlceyourrights under common law and statute, and Is In addition to the normal responsibilities of the retailer and Philips. How to claim. Should your Philips product fail within the guarantee period, please return it to the retailer from whom it was purchased In most cases the retailer will be able to satisfactory repair or replace the product However, should the retailer not be able to conclude the matter satisfactorily, or if you have other difficulties claiming under this guarantee, please contact* The Guarantee Controller, Philips New Zealand Ltd, B P.O. Box 1041, AUCKLAND - © (09) 605-914_ GARANTIE ET SERVICE APRÈS-VENTE EN FRANCE Cet appareil a été fabriqué avec le souci de vous donner entière satisfaction PHILIPS fournira gratuitement au vendeur les pièces détachées nécessaires à sa réparation pendant les périodes suivantes, chacune prenant effet à compter de la date de vente. - 6 mois pour les magnétophones à cassettes portatifs, les récepteurs radio portatifs, les radiocassettes, les radio-réveils et les électrophones; - 12 mois pour les radiocassettes équipés de la fonction Compact Disc et les baladeurs Compact Disc; - 12 mois pour les récepteurs radio destinés à être installés à poste fixe dans un véhicule automobile. - 12 mois pour les appareils entrant dans la composition d’une chaîne électro-acoustique, y compris les chaînes compactes station...