Manual de usuario Gigabyte, modelo GA-8I915P-D Pro
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Default doesn't include the "Shunter" to prevent from improper use this jumper. Open: Normal 1 1 Short : Clear CMOS GA-8I915P-D Pro Motherboard -26 18) BAT(Battery) Danger of explosion if bat tery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer's instruct ions. If you want to erase CMOS. .. 1.Turn O FF the computer and unplug the power cord. 2. Remove t he batt ery, wait f or 30 second. 3. Re-install the batt ery. 4.Plug the power cord and turn ON t he comput er. English -27 -Hardware Installation English English GA-8I915P-D Pro Motherboard -28 Chapter 2 BIOS Setup Chapter 2 BIOS Setup BIOS (Basic Input and Output Sy stem) includes a CMOS SETUP utility w hich allow s user to configure required settings or to activ ate certain sy stem features. The CMOS SETUP sav es the configuration in the CMOS SRAM of the motherboard. When the pow er is turned off, the battery on the motherboard supplies the necessary pow er to the CMOS SRAM. When the pow er is turned on, pushing the button during the BIOS POST (Pow er-O n Self Test) w ill take y ou to the CMOS SETUP screen. You can enter the BIOS setup screen by pressing "Ctrl + F1". When setting up BIOS for the first time, it is recomm ended that y ou sav e the current BIOS to a disk in the ev ent that BIOS needs to be reset to its original settings. If y ou w ish to upgrade to a new BIOS, either Gigaby te's Q-Flash or @BIOS utility can be used. Q-Flash allow s the user to quickly and easily update or backup BIOS without entering the operating sy stem. @BIOS is a Window s-based utility that does not requ ire users to boot to DOS before u pgrading BIOS but directly dow nload and upda te BIOS from the Internet. CONT ROL KEYS < >< >< >< > Mov e to select item Select Item Main Menu -Quit and not sav e changes into CMOS Status Page Setup Menu and Option Page Setup Menu -Ex it current page and return to Main Menu Increase the numeric v alue or make changes Decrease the numeric v alue or make changes General help, only for Status Page Setup Menu and Option Page Setup Menu Item Help Restore the prev ious CMOS v alue from CMOS, only for Option Page Setup Menu Load the file-sa fe default CMOS v alue from BIO S default table Load th e Optimized Defaults Dual BIOS/Q-Flash utility Sy stem Information Sav e allthe CMOS changes, only for Main Menu Mai n Me nu The on-line description of the highlighted setup function is display ed at the bottom of the screen. Statu s Page Se tup Menu / Option P age Setup Menu Press F1 to pop up a small help w indow that describes the appropriate key s to use and the possible selections for the highlighted item. To ex it the Help Window press . English -29 -BIOS Setup EnglishEnglish The Main Menu (For example: BIOS Ver. : F3c) Once y ou enter Aw ard BIOS CMOS Setup Utility, the Main Menu (as figure below ) w illappear on the screen. Use arrow key s to select among the items and press to accept or enter the sub-menu. CMOS Se t up Utility Cop y right (C) 198 4 2004 Awa rd S oftwa re }Stan da rd CM OS Fe a t ure s }Advanc e d BIOS Fe a ture s }Inte gra te dP e riphe ra ls }P owe r Mana g e m e nt Se tup }P nP /P C IConfigur a tions }P C H e a lth St a tus }MB In te llige nt Twe a ke r(M. I.T.) Se le c t L angua ge Loa d Fa il Sa fe De fa ults Loa d Optim iz e d De fa ults Se t Su pe rvisor P a ssword Se t Use r P a ssword Sa ve & Exit S e tup Exit W ithout S a ving ESC : Qu it F3: C hange Lan gua ge F8: Du a l BIOS/Q Fla sh F10: Sa ve & Exit S e tup Tim e , Da te , Ha r d DiskTy pe ... If y ou can't find the setting y ou w ant, please press "Ctrl+F1" to search the adv anced option hidden. Please Load Optimized Defaults in the BIOS w hen somehow the sy stem w orks not stable as usual. This action makes the sy stem reset to the default for stability . • Stan dard CM OS Feat ures This setup page includes all the items in standard compatible BIOS. • Adva nced BI OS Feat ures This setup page includes all the items of Aw ard special enhanced features. • Integrated Peripherals This setup page includes all onboard peripherals. • Power Manag ement S etup This setup page includes all the items of Green function features. • PnP/PCI Con figuration This setup page includes all the configurations of PCI & PnP ISA resources. • PC H ealth St atus This setup page is the Sy stem auto detect Temperature, v oltage, fan, speed. • MB In telligent Tweaker(M. I.T.) This setup page is control CPU clock and frequency ratio. • Sel ect L angu age This setup page is select multi language. • Load Fail -Safe Defau lts Fail-Safe Defaults indicates the v alue of the sy stem parameters w hich the sy stem w ould be in safe configu ration. GA-8I91 5P-D Pro Moth erboard -30 • Load Optimiz ed Defaults Optimized Defaults indicates the v alue of the sy stem parameters w hich the sy stem w ou...