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(Default value) 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 Set IRQ 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 to PCI 4. PCI 1/5 IRQ Assignment Auto Auto assign IRQ to PCI 1/5. (Default value) 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 Set IRQ 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 to PCI 1/5. PCI 2 IRQ Assignment Auto Auto assign IRQ to PCI 2. (Default value) 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 Set IRQ 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 to PCI 2. PCI 3 IRQ Assignment Auto Auto assign IRQ to PCI 3. (Default value) 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 Set IRQ 3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 to PCI 3. GA-8ST Series Motherboard - 40 PC Health Status CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2002 Award Software PC Health Status Reset Case Open Status [Disabled] Case Opened N o VCORE*** 1.778V VCC18*** 1.856V +3.3V*** 3.2V +5V*** 4.945V +12V*** 12.288V Current System Temperature*** 33°C Current CPU Temperature*** 68°C Current CPU FAN Speed 5113 RPM Current SYSTEM FAN Speed 0 RPM CPU Warning Temperature*** [Disabled] CPU FAN Fail Warning [Disabled] SYSTEM FAN Fail Warning [Disabled] Item Help Menu Level • [Disabled] Don’t reset case open status [Enabled] Clear case open status at next boot • • "#$%: Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults Figure 7: PC Health Status Reset Case Open Status Case Opened If the case is closed, "Case Opened" will show "No". If the case have been opened, "Case Opened" will show "Yes". If you want to reset "Case Opened" value, set "Reset Case Open Status" to "Enabled" and save CMOS, your computer will restart. Current Voltage (V) VCORE / VCC18 / +3.3V / +5V / +12V *** !Detect system's voltage status automatically. English *** Only for GA-8ST PCB Ver. 2.0. - 41 -BIOS Setup EnglishEnglish Current System / CPU Temperature *** !Detect System/CPU temperature automatically. Current CPU/SYSTEM FAN Speed (RPM) Detect CPU/System Fan speed status automatically. CPU Warning Temperature*** Disabled Don't monitor CPU's temperature. (Default value) 60°/140°F Alarm when CPU current temperature over than 60°/140°F. 70°/158°F Alarm when CPU current temperature over than 70°/158°F. 80°/176°F Alarm when CPU current temperature over than 80°/176°F. 90°/194°F Alarm when CPU current temperature over than 90°/194°F. CPU FAN Fail Warning Disabled Fan Warning function disable. (Default value) Enabled Enalbe FAN warning alarm when FAN stops. SYSTEM FAN Fail Warning Disabled Fan Warning function disable. (Default value) Enabled Enalbe FAN warning alarm when FAN stops. *** Only for GA-8ST PCB Ver. 2.0. GA-8ST Series Motherboard - 42 Frequency/Voltage Control CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2002 Award Software Frequency/Voltage Control CPU Clock Ratio Linear Frequency Control x CPU Clock (MHz) x DRAM Clock (MHz) x AGP Clock (MHz) x PCI Clock (MHz) [15X] [Disabled] 100 AUTO AUTO AUTO Item Help Menu Level • • • "#$%: Move Enter:Select F5:Previous Values +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save F6:Fail-Safe Defaults ESC:Exit F1:General HelpF7:Optimized Defaults Figure 8: Frequency/Voltage Control CPU Clock Ratio This option will not be shown or not be available if you are using a CPU with the locked ratio. 10X~24X It’s depends on CPU Clock Ratio. Linear Frequency Control Disabled Disable this function. (Default value) Enabled Enable this function. CPU Clock (MHz) 100~355 Select CPU Clock to 100MHz~355MHz. Incorrect using it may cause your system broken. For power End-User use only! DRAM Clock (MHz) This feature allows you to adjust the DRAM frequency, When "Linear Frequency Control" is set to Enabled. Please set DRAM Clock according to your requirement. If you use DDR200 DRAM module, please set "DRAM Clock(MHz)" to 100. If you use DDR333 DRAM module, please set "DRAM Clock(MHz)" to 166. Incorrect using it may cause your system broken. For power End-User use only! English - 43 -BIOS Setup EnglishEnglish AGP Clock (MHz) Please set AGP Clock according to your requirement. Incorrect using it may cause your system broken. For power End-User use only! PCI Clock (MHz) Please set PCI Clock according to your requirement. Incorrect using it may cause your system broken. For power End-User use only! GA-8ST Series Motherboard - 44 Top Performance CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2002 Award Software Figure 9: Top Performance !Standard CMOS Features Top Performance !Advanced Chipset Features Load Fail-Safe Defaults !Integrated Peripherals !Power Management Setup !PnP/PCI Configurations !PC Health Status !Frequency/Voltage ESC:Quit F8: Q-Flash Top Performance Disabled...................[ !] Enabled................... [ ] "#: Move ENTER: Accept ESC: Abort Top Performance If you wish to maximize the performance of your system, set "Top Performance" as "Enabled". Disabled Disable this function. (Default Value) Enabled Enable Top Performance function. English - 45 -BIOS Setup EnglishEnglish Load Fail-Safe Defaults CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright (C) 1984-2002 Award Software !Standard CMOS Features Top Performance !Advanced Chipset Features Load Fail-Safe Defaults !In...