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The volume control is adjust€d with th€ slider (00 to 99), and the panning is adjustod with the +/- arrow bufions, The panning is seven position, and lhe display will show <3, <2, <1, <>, 1>,2>, or 3>. As with th6 voice mode, pressinga drum pad will selecl that drum for mix ediling. Also like in voice mode, changes made to drum pads are temporary until stored by holding RECORD and pressingMlX. See IMPORTANT NOTE under storlng volcc asttlngs. NOTE: The Volume slider on th€ front controls output 1 only. TEMPO The TEMPO butlon is used to change th€ tempo ot a patt€rn or song. The tempo can b€ stored with a song, but not with a pattorn. Whil€ in paft€m mode, the tempo remains al ils provious setting until changed, While in song mode, the t6mpo changes to lhs programm€dtempo €ach timo a tompo step is encountered within a song. While in patternmode,pressinglhe TEMPObutton caus€s lhe TEMPO LED lo lighl, and results in th€ following display: =L2 Alesis HR-l 6 Instrucdons P8ge 17 Th€ +/-anows and the SELECTslider can be used to selecr a new rempo,or a lT?:..9T_T :lrered direcrtywirhrhr€€digirson th€ keypad. Tempocna,ig€s-ar" enecflveas soon as th€y ar€ €ntered, and the REcoRD buttondoes not hav; to be pressed. In SONGmod€,th€ t€mpois disllayed as a relativ€ amountof changefromlh€ pre_ programm€dsongtempo. Thedisplayreads: The. current tempo (th€ on€ most recently recalled within a song) will bedisplayedin the low€rdisplay,.and.theupp6rdisplayshows the perjentage ofprogrammedtemposto be.used. The k€ypadcan be used to enter a thr€€:digit numb€r,or th€ +/' arrow burtonscan be used ro incrementor decrement tre amount. Th€ range ot the shift is 50% .(halfi€mpo) to 2ooolo(doubl6tempo). This changeis shown as a p€rcentag€so that any tempo changesihat occurin'thl song will keep their tim€ ratios constant. MIDI / UTIL The MlDl / urll buttonis used to access a numb€r of miscellaneous functionslhat usuallydo not ne€d to b€ accessed very oflen. The lunctions are scrolled throughwith the SELECT slider, with th€ display showing th6 current funclion, and eaih function being numb€r€dfor easy reference. Th-ekeypad and +/- arrow buflons are us€d lo change lh€ param€tor. All of lh€se parametersare globalparamet€rs, e.9.,th6y are set once for lhe entire machineand are not programmablefor each patternor song. Th€pag€sare as follows: MIDI CHANNEL The first MlDl UTIL pageis MlDl CHANNEL.The disptay tooks tik6 rhis: 0r sET CHANNEL: The keypad and +/- buttons can be used to change the MlDl channelfrom 01 to i6. This sets lhe MlDl channel that the HR-i6 will transmit and rEceive on. lf OO is s€lecl€d,lh€ display will read OMNI. ln OMNI mode, the HR-16 will lransmit on channel1, and will receive on all channels. The default is OMNI. RECEIVE MIDI DRUMS The RECEIVE MlDl DRUMS function is used to determine whetheror not incoming MlDl notes from a sequencer, keyboard, or MlDl drum pad controltershould trigger the drums. The display looks lik€ this: AlesisHR-l6lnsrucdms .....,....,,....... pagB 18 02 DRUMNOTES: The +/- buttons are used to turn this function on or off. The defaultis OFF. TRANSMIT MIDI DRUMS The TRANSMIT MlDl DRUMS tunction is used to delermine whether or not the HR16 drum eventsshould be lransmittedout MlDl. Thedisplay looks like this: 03 TRANSMIT MIDI DRUMI{OTES: Th€ +/- arrow bultons are us€d to lurn this function on or off' The delault is OFF. MIDI NOTE ASSIGNMENT The MlDl NOTE ASSIGNMENT lunctionis us€d to assign a specilic MlDl nots lo each drumbutton. The display looks lik€ this 04 KtcK= 061 C#4 The lower display shows th€ currenlly solected drum pad name, and tho MlDl note numberand key assigned to it. The drum padscanbe used lo selecl another drum to assign, and the keypad and +/- arrow buttons can b€ used to select lh€ desired nole. DFII.JM MIDIT.IOTE KEY VALUE cllo( KIf,( SMFE CLSHAT MIDHAT PEFICS TOf\,43 TOi,,l4 RDE CRASH Alesis HR-16 Instructions cB4 A#0 G BO CO8 Dl 042 F#l O44 G#l 67 G3 041 Fl 6 D#3 61 D#2 049 c#2 ............ Page 19 MIDI ECHO The MlDl EcHo functionis usedlo echo any MrDrinformationlhat is receivedat rh€ MlDl inputto th€ MlDl output. The displiy lookslik€this: TOMIDIOTJT: The +/-arrow buttonsare used to turn rhis functionon or off. The defaurtis oN. The HB-l6 will not echo systemexclusiv€data. MIDI PROGRAMCHANGE Tho MlDl PROGRAMCHANGEfunctionis used to allow MlDl programchangecommands,to-select patt€rn numbers. MlDl programs oo throuih d9 wiil sele-ct patterns 00-99, and MlDl .programslOO-127till select pall;ns OO through 27. The display lookslike this: 05 PATTSELECT:QfP The +/- arrow buttonsar€ used ro turn this function on or off. The defaultis oFF. When ON, incoming. MlDl program change commands will select paiterns. Programchangeswill be ignoredwhilea patGrnor song is playing. CLOCKSOURCE The clock sourcefunctionis used to s€lect whatclockwill drive rhe HR-16. Th6 displaywill show one ol the three followingchoices: & INTERNAL ONLY SYNCIN By using lhe keypad or +/- arrow buttons, one of the three c...
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