Ribbon microphones have very high quality sound reproduction qualities – especially higher frequencies sounds. However, they are very fragile and typically cannot handle high SPL’s. The most important thing to note about Ribbon microphones is that nearly all Ribbon Microphones do NOT require phantom power. In fact, unless a Ribbon microphone specifically calls for phantom power, sending phantom power to a ribbon microphone will destroy it – usually beyond repair. 2.3.3 USB and other types There are a vast number of microphone types available, and as technology increases, it is very likely more will surface. One type of microphone to emerge recently is the USB microphone. Most USB microphones have their own, built-in preamp and use drivers separate from the FP10. If you are using a new or non-standard type of microphone (i.e., USB, headset, laser, MEMS, etc.), please consult your microphone’s user’s manual for power requirement or compatibility information. Regardless of the microphone type you are using, we recommend reading your microphone’s user’s manual thoroughly before engagingphantom power or if any other usage questions may arise. 16 | PreSonus 2007 OPERATION 2.4 USING THE PREAMP OUTPUT AND LINE INPUT AS AN INSERT The FP10 features .” TRS balanced Send and Return jacks on Channels 1 and 2. These jacks are labeled as Preamp Output (Send) and Line Input (Return). These connectors allow the use of external processors such as compressors, limiters, EQ’s, de-essers, etc. Simply connect the Preamp Output jack to the line input of your external processor. Then connect the line output of the external processor to the Line Input 1 or 2 of the FP10. The input signal from channel 1 and/or 2 is now routed out of the FP10 into the external processor and back into the FP10. The final, processed signal can now be recorded using channel 1 or 2. NOTES: The line inputs on channels1 and 2 are normalled to the channel 1 & 2 preampoutputs, so take precedence over the corresponding combination Mic/Instrument input on the front of the FP10. (I.E., if a cable is plugged into channel one line input on the rear of the FP10, the channel one Mic/Instrument input will be inactive until the cable is removed from line input one.) The Preamp Outputs are not connected to the DAC (digital to analogue converters) in any way and so are only capable of routing the input signals from channels 1 & 2. If you need to route recordedaudioor input from channels 3-8, youwil llneed to use yourrecording softwareand one or more ofthe Line Outputs. 17 | PreSonus 2007 CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS 3.1 FP10 CONTROL PANEL Once you have successfully installed your FP10, the FP10 Control Panel will be available from your system tray (typically at the bottom right corner of your screen near the clock). Right-click the FP10 icon to access the FP10 Advanced Settings menu. Double-click on the FP10 icon to open the FP10 Hardware Control Panel. 3.1.1 FP10 Advanced Settings Right-click on the FP10 Control Panel icon to select between three different computer optimization settings. These settings optimize the buffers and audio streaming settings based on the speed of your processor. Ifyou are experiencingaudio drop outs, it is recommendedyou select a differentCPU setting. • High. Typically for 2GHz and higher processor speeds. • Medium (default). Typically for 1GHz to 2GHz processor speeds. • Low. Typically for 800MHz to 1GHz processor speeds. 18 | PreSonus 2007 CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS 3.1.2 FP10 Hardware Settings Microsoft Windows Mac OS X • Sample Rate. Sets the FP10 sample rate. Can be set to 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96 kHz. This mustbe set to the same sample rate as your recording software. NOTE: The Sample Rates 88.2 and 96 kHz are disabledwhen using multiple FP10’s. • Clock Source. Sets the FP10 digital sync source. The default setting is Internal. Selecting S/PDIF syncs the FP10 externally via the FP10’s S/PDIF input. To use the FP10’s S/PDIF input, it mustbe synced via S/PDIF. NOTE: As of driver version 2.42,S/PDIF input is disabled when using multipleFP10’s. • Latency. Sets the ASIO buffer size of your FP10 in milliseconds from 1.5 ms to 25 ms. Latency is the time it takes for the computer to process audio. Lower latency settings demand more CPU resources. We recommend you increase this settingin the case of inconsistent audio (i.e. dropouts, pops and clicks, digitaldistortion, etc.). NOTE: Asof driver version 2.42, WDM Latency is lockedat 10 ms and cannot be changed. • Edit Name… Edits the ‘FP10 name’ of the selected FP10 under Active Units. This allows you to nickname your FP10s for quicker and easier identification. Ensure you select ‘Include device name in ASIO’ after renaming your FP10. Mac OS X Only Sync Source is the only parameter in the FP10 Control application. The FP10 Sample Rate can be changed either throughAudio MIDI Setup or inyour recording software’s hardware or project preferences. 19 | PreSonus 2007 CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS 3.2 FRONT PANEL LAY...