Manual de usuario Roland, modelo CH-1E
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Typ. Bejetchnung) in Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der Amtsbl. Vfg 1046/ 1984 {Arntsbtattveffügung} funk-enstört ist. Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde das Inverkehrbringen dieses Gerätes angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeräumt. Roland Corporation Osaka/Japan Name des Herstellers/Importeurs CH-1 SUPER Chorus INSTRUCTIONS Thank you lot purchasing the BOSS CH-1. Please read the instructions carefully. • The BOSS CH-1, featuring stereo output system, creates spacious chorus effect. • Provided with four controls. Effect Level, Equalizer, Rate and Depth, the CH-1 allows wide variety of chorus sounds. *— PANEL DESCRIPTION ¡1-® SUPER Chorus CH-1 O AC Adaptor Jack Connect an optional AC adaptor (BOSS PSA-120, 220 or 240) to this jack for AC operation. * Using the AC adaptor, you can enjoy long and secure operation without having to worry about battery's life. A manganese battery lasts about 20hours. Q Check Indicator This lights up when the eflect is turned on, and therefore can be used as an effect on/off indicator. ■ The Check Indicator also serves as battery check. When it. becomes dimmer or does not tight at all, battery replacement is required. Q Effect Level Knob This sets the mixing level of the ellect sound (whose pitch is changing) to the normal sound. Clockwise rotation (CO increases the volume of the eflect sound, while counterclockwise rotation (O) decreases it. O Equalizer Knob This controls the tone of the effect sound. Clockwise rotationCO) boosts higher frequencies and counterclockwise rotation (O) cuts them. Q Modulation Rate Knob This sets the rate of the chorus effect. Clockwise rotation (O) quickens the rate and counterclockwise rotation (O) slows down. Q Modulation Depth Knob This sots the depth ol the chorus effect. Clockwise rotation (O) deepens the eflect and counterclockwise rotation (O) creates the opposite effect. Q Output Jackf A/B Connect an amplifier to these jacks. For monaural output, use only Output A. © Input Jack Connect an electric/electronic musical instrument such as a guitar to this jack. * Plugging in this jack will automatically switch the unit on. Be sure to disconnect the cord from this jack when the unit is not to be used. 0 Pedal Switch Pressing the pedal turns on or off the effect. Thumb Screw Loosen this screw to open the cover for battery replacement. • Do not remove the screw from the cover so that you will not lose it. CONNECTIONS i O Amplifier oOOOO »O o Amplifier ■ SPECIFICATIONS Power: 9V DC 006P (x 1), AC adaptor (PSA series: optional) Currant Draw: 15mA (9V DC) Controls: Effect Level, Equalizer, Modulation flate. Modulation Depth Indicator: Effect On/Off (Battery Check) Jacks: Input, Output A, Output B, AC Adaptor Residual Noise: Less than -95dßm (IHF-A) willi EQ sot to ihe center position Input Impedance: IMfl Output Load Impedance: Over lOkfl Dimensions: 70(W) x 55(H) x 125(D) mml2'V x 2-Vtt' x A-'Vit" Weight: 400g/14 oz * Specifications are subiect to change without notice CLASS • NOTICE This d»giui appa/atu» doas not axcaad the Oaw B IvtMi tor f**o hcmm amtftuons mH out in tha Radio tntarfafanca Aaguatxra at ftf Canacfcan Department of Communicator». CLASSC ■ AVI8 Cat açpt'f* m*n*fx)us ne pas las limitas oa la cl&sm B uj r»v*au Om amtuiora da bruttt rat>oA*«fcVfe>jat l*4a dant ta fWgtacnant de» ngnaui parisnss pai ta minoiai» cana&uA da» Corrmuncaura. HBass Products of Roland Printed in Taiwan r— OPERATION«......................".......................—................................................... ..........I......... RADIO AND TELEVISION INTERFERENCE “Warning - This equipment has been verified lo comply with the limits (or a Class B computing device, pursuant to Subpart J, of Part 15, of FCC rules. Operation with non-cenifted or non-verified equip* ment is likely to result in interference to radio and TV reception.* The equipment described in this manual generates and uses radio-frequency energy. If it is not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with our instructions, it may cause interfer* ence with radio and television reception. This equipment has been tebted and found to comply with the limits for a Class 8 computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart J, of Part 15, of FCC Rules. These rules are designed to provide reasonable protection against such a interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that the interference will not occur in a particular installation, if this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment on and off, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by the following measure: • Disconnect other devices and their input/output cables one at a time. If the interference stops, it is caused by either the other device or its I/O cable. T...