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Manual de usuario Roland, modelo PG-1000

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(F4H, F5H and Reset status) **Used as “Device ID” in Exclusive Messages. Mode 1 : OMNI ON, POLY Mode 2 : OMNI ON. MONO Mode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 4 : OMNI OFF, MONO O : Yes X : No PROGRAMMER FÜR D-50 MODELL PG-1000 MIDI-lmplementation Datum: 2. 6.1987 Version : 1.00 1. TRANSMITTED DATA !.l Undefined Status ( F4H, F5II ) of Common Messages. Transmits al! received MIDI messages except for Reset ( FFH ) 1.2 Created message. Third Description Second Okkk kkkk 0111 1011 0000 0000 Note OFF kkkkkkk =0-127 0000 0000 1111 0111 All notes off System exclusive Active Sensing *1-1 *1-1 *1-2 *1-3 Transmitted when the Parameter Request button is pushed or when MIDI IN’s Non Active condition is detected. See section 3 ( EXCLUSIVE COMMUNICATION ). This unit stops transmitting Active Sense message if this unit detects Non Active condition on MIDI IN. [ hh-mm-ll ] ’hh’,'mm' and ’U’ are showed by hex decimal. Ohhhhhhh Ommmmmmm Ollllill (binary), MS bit must be 0 . -2 When operating Parameter Request, the receive connector is not MIDI IN but PARAMETER IN *3-3 If aaaaaaa - ccccccc doesn’t indicate the address of the tone parameter or the patch factor, the message will be ignored. *3 — 4 The received value that exceeds the valid range of the parameter will be ignored. When the Manual button is pushed-, all the parameter values (knob’s positions on the panel) of the Partial, Common and Patch will be transmitted. *3-5 See section 4 ( ADDRESS MAPPING OF PARAMETERS AND REMOTE FUNCTION ). 4. ADDRESS MAPPING OF PARAMETERS AND REMOTE FUNCTION 4.1 Parameter base address (Top address) Address Description [ 00-00-00 ] Upper Partial 1 ( 0 - 53 ) 2. RECOGNIZED RECEIVE DATA [ 00-00-40 ] Upper Partial 2 ( 64 - 117 ) [ 00-01-00 ] Upper Common ( 128 - 175 ) Statu Second Third Description O o t o 1 JX O Lower Partial 1 ( 192 - 245 ) [ 00-02-00 ] Lower Partial 2 ( 256 - 309 ) 1111 0000 ......... 1111 0111 System exclusive *2-1 [ 00-02-40 ] Lower Common ( 320 - 367 ) [ 00-03-00 ] Patch ( 384 - 420 ) 1111 1110 Notes : *2-1 Active Sensing See section 3 ( EXCLUSIVE COMMUNICATION ). 3. EXCLUSIVE COMMUNICATION 3.1 Request ( One way ) ( Transmitted only ) RQ1 11H Byte Description a 111 0000 Exclusive status b 0100 0001 Roland-ID # c 0000 nnnn Device —ID # = MIDI basic channel. (0 —15 ) where nnnn + 1 = channel # d 0001 0100 Model —ID # ( D-50 ) e 0001 0001 Command-ID # ( RQ1 ) f Oaaa aaaa Address MSB *3-1 g Obbb bbbb Address h Occc cccc Address LSB i Oddd dddd Size MSB *3-1 j Oeee eeee Size k Offf ffff Size LSB 1 Oggg gggg Checksum m 1111 0111 End of System Exclusive ( EOX ) Summed value of the all bytes between Command-ID and EOX must be 00H ( 7 bits ). It doesn’t include Command-ID and 4.2 Patch write address ( Transmitted only ) Transmitted when the Manual Button is pushed twice while holding the Partial Mute button down. Address Description [ 00-20-00 ] Patch write function *4-1 *4—1 Transmitted a Data byte consisting of two 00H (2 bytes). 4.3 Partial parameters ( Parameter address = Base address + Offset ) Offset F unction Value EOX. 3.2 Data set ( One way ) ( Transmitted and Recognized ) DTI 12H *3-2 Byte a 1111 0000 b 0100 0001 c 0000 nnnn d 0001 0100 e 0001 0010 f Oaaa aaaa g Obb bbbb h Occc cccc i Oddd dddd j Oeee eeee k 1111 0111 Notes : *3-1 Description Exclusive status Roland —ID # Device-ID # = MIDI basic channel. (0 —15 ) Model —ID # ( D-50 ) Command-ID # ( DTI ) Address MSB *3—3,5 Address Address LSB Data *3-4,5 Checksum End of System Exclusive PG-1000 transmits this command only when the Parameter Request button is pushed. The following values of Address and Size are transmitted. Address Size [ 00-00-00 ] [ 00-03-25 ] ( 421 bytes ) 0 WG Pitch Coarse 0 - 72 ( Cl —C7 ) 1 WG Pitch Fine 0 - 100 ( -50 -+50 ) 2 WG Pitch Keyfollow 0 - 16 ( -1, ■ -1/2, -4/1, 0, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8, 1, 5/4, 3/2, 2, si, s2 ) 3 WG Mod LFO Mode 0 - 3 ( OFF, (+), (-), A&L) 4 WG Mod P-ENV Mode 0 - 2 ( OFF, (+), (-) ) 5 WG Mod Bender Mode 0 - 2 ( OFF, KF, NORMAL ) 6 WG Waveform 0 - 1 ( SQU, SAW ) 7 WG PCM Wave No. 0 - 99 ( 1 - 100 ) 8 WG Pulse Width 0 - 100 ( 0 - 100 ) 9 WG PW Velocity Range 0 - 14 ( -7 - - +7 ) 10 WG PW LFO Select 0 - 5 ( +1, ■ -1, +2, -2, +3, -3 ) 11 WG PW LFO Depth 0 - 100 ( o - 100 ) 12 WG PW Aftertouch Range 0 - 14 ( -7 - - +7) 13 TVF Cutoff Frequency 0 - 100 ( 0 - 100 ) 14 TVF Resonance 0 - 30 ( 0 - 30 ) 15 TVF Keyfollow 0 - 14 ( -1, 1/8, -1/2, -4/1, 0, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8, 1, 5/4, 3/2, 2 ) 16 TVF Bias Point/Direction 0 - 127 ( A1 - >C7 ‘17 TVF Bias Level 0 - 14 ( -7 ■ - +7 ) 18 TVF ENV Depth 0 - 100 ( 0 - 100 ) 19 TVF ENV Velocity Range 0 - 100 ( 0 - 100 ) 20 TVF ENV Depth Keyfollow 0 - 4 ( 0 - 4 ) 21 TVF ENV Time Keyfollow 0 - 10 ( 0 - 10 ) 22 TVF ENV Time 1 0 - 100 ( 0 - 100 ) 23 TVF ENV Time 2 0 - 100 (...


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