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Manual de usuario Roland, modelo A-80

Fabricar: Roland
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Resumen del manual

kitchen sin!;, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool, or the like. 3. This product should Pa used only with a cart or 5land that is recommended fay the manufacturer. 4. This product, either alone or in combination with an amplifier and headphones or speakers, may Oe capable ot producing sound levels that could cause permanent heating toss. Do not operate for a long period of time at a high volume level w at level that is uncomfortable. If you experience any hearing loss or nngmg in the ears, you snouid consult an audiotootst, 5. The product snouid be located so that its location or position does not Interfere with Its proper ventilation. 6. The product -snouid be located ;away from heat sources such as radiators, heat' registers or other products mat. prooucs heat 7. The product should avoid-using in where it may be effected by dust S. The product snouid be connected to a power supply only of the type descnded In,Bib operating instructions or. as marKed on .the product. 9. Changing me voltage .selector may require the use . of a different tine cord or^attachment plug, or both. To reduce the risk of ire or.etectne shocn, refer ssrwong to.Quaiihed servrce personnel. This product must be grounded. If-it should malfunction or breaKdown, grounding provides a path of least resistance tor electric shock. This product is equipped with a cord hewig an equipment-grounding plug. The plug must be plugged imo an appropriate outlet that is properly installed and grounded- in. aceoraance with ail local codes ano ordinances. 10. The power-euppty cord at the product shoufcl be unplugged from the outlet when left unused for a long peripd ot time. it. Do not tread on the power-suppiy cord. 12. Do not puli the cord but hold the plug when unplugging. 13. When setnng uo wtth.any other mstruments, the procedure should-toe followed'in accordance with nstrucBDn manual. 14. Care should be.taken so that objects do not fafl and Squids are not.spilled Into the enclosure through openings. 15. The prodtsa snouid ie servicBd by qualified semca personnel wnen. A: The powBr-^uppiy cord or the. piug has been damaged; or B: Objects have -fallen, or iioufd haa^deen spilled ■ into the product; or C: The product has been exposed to rain; or D: The product .does : not appear to operate normally or exhibits a marked change , in perfor-nmance:Dr E; Thefirotiuct hasijeen dropped. or the enclosure damaged. ....... 16. Do not attempt: to service, the product beyond that described in the.user-maifrtenanee instructions. All other servicing should be referred to qualified .service personnel. INSTRUCTION' DANdER— Improper connection of the equipment -grounding conductor can result m a risk ol eieclnc chock. Chedi with a qualified electrician of servicemen it you are in doubt as to wnetner the product is. properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the product — if it will-not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician. i Lithiumbatien. Eksplosionsiare. S Udskiftnmg ma кип foretages ai en sagkyndig, I og som bssKrevet t servicemanual. SAVE. THESE INSTRUCTIONS. VARNING ! Lithiumbatten, Explosionsrisk. Far endast bytas av behörig servicetekniker. Se instruktianer i serviœmanuaien. ADVARSEL! lithiumbatteri. Fare .for eksplotion. Ma bare.skiites av kvaiifiserî-tekniker.som bsskrevet i servicemanualen. ■-VAROOTUS ! üthiumparisto. Räjähdysvaara. Pansion saa-vaihtaaainoastaan Laian amrnottimies. WÄRWBNG THIS APPARATUS MUST BE EARTH GROUNDED. The three conductors of the mains ¡sad attached to this apparatus are identified with color as shown in the table below, togetner with the matching .terminal on the .UK type power plug. .When connecting the mains lead to a plug, be sure to connect, each conductor to the correct terminal, as indicated. "This instruction applies to the product for United Kingdom." MAINS LEADS PLUG Conductor ! Color Mart on tne matching torminal Live 1 Brown Red or tetter L Neutral 1 Slue Sleek or letter N -Grounding I Green-I Vallow Green, Graen-Yeltow, letter E or symbol Bescheinigungd« Hersteller; /Importeur: hiirmii wifö tiesctieinigt, öaE aer/öte/dss Mint KEYBOARD CDNT30LLSR A-SO ; 4{*r«t. ba*ncm>unik ...... in Übereinstimmung mil aen Besiimmunücn der Amisbl. Vfg 1045 / 19B4 I AJntKbUI hfH nwraQ l iunk-entítari tu. Qer Detmcnea -Sundeipost wurtt das Invm-keftrDringín diííei Gefítes ançenigi una ate Bsrecmioung zur Uoerprutufig aer 5


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