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Manual de usuario Roland, modelo CM-300

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The wire which is coloured BROWN musi be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured RED. For Germany Bescheinigung des Herstellers/Importeurs Hiermit wird bescheinig!, daß der die das in Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der GS SOUND MODULE CM 300 Amtsbl. Vfg 1046/1984 (Gerat Typ Bezeichnung) lAmlsblatlverfugung) funk-entstört ist Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde das Inverkehrbringen dieses Gerätes angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen emgeraumt. Roland Corporation Osaka/Japan Name des Hersteiiers-Imoorreurs • For the USA- RADIO AND TELEVISION INTERFERENCE WARNING — Th,s equipmen has been /eniieo :c comply with the limits ‘or a Oass B computing aevice. pursuant ic Sucpan j of Part i5 or FCC rules Operation with ncf.-cerniied u ncn-venf>ea equipment :s ¡i*eiy -o result ¡n .nienerence to radio and TV reception Tne equipment described .n ¡his manual generates arc uses radio frequency energy !f it is not ^stalled ana used proper1/ mat >s ¡n strict accordance with our instructions t may cause nterference with radio ana television reception This equipment has ceen tested and found to comply with tne ¡imits tor a Class 3 computing device ¡n accordance n\t, the spec-.ficai.ons >n Suppan j ci Part i 5 of FCC Rules Tnese ruies are designed to provide reasonaoie protection against such a interference m a rasidentiai installation However there s no guarantee that tne interference will nor occur in a particular installation if iris equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception which can oe determined by turning rre equipment or and Df4 the use? -s encou?aged to try to correct ine interference by the toitowmg measure • Disconnect other devices ana their .npurcutput cacies one at a time if tne interference stops it ,s caused by either the other aevice or :is I 0 cabie Tr.ese devices usually require Roiand designated shielded f O cacies For Roiann devices, you can ootam the proper sr>ieideo cable from your deatei For non Rciano devices contact me manufacturer or deaier for assistance if your equipment sees cause interference to radio or television reception ycu can try to correct ;re -nterference Oy using one or more oi the fottowr-g measures • Turn the T'J or radio antenna until the interference steps • Wove the equipment to one side cr tne other of the TV or raaio • Move me equipment latihet away >rorr me TV or radio » Plug me equipment ,nto an outlet that ¡s on a dtrterent circuit than :ne Tv or radio 'That is mane certain the equipment anq ¡he radio or lelevsion set are on circuits controlled by different circuit breams or fuses > • Consider installing a rooftop television antenna wrth coaxial cable .ead-n berween the antenna and TV if necessary you snoula consul* your dealer or an experienced radio-tetevisicn technician tor additional suggestions Ycu may i nct heipfui the following booklet prepared oy the Feoerai Commun.caiions Commission How to icent^y and Rescive Radio — TV interference P'ociems Tms Docket -s a^ailade from the U S Government Printing Office Washington D C . 2CW02 Stock No 004-000-00245-J -For Canada - CLASS B NOTICE This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Depariment of Communications. CLASSE B AVIS Cet appareil numérique ne dépasse pas les limites de la classe B au niveau des emissions de bruits radioélectriques fixes dans le Règlement des signaux parasites par le ministère canadien des Communications. ■ Before You Begin Thank you for purchasing the Roland CM-300 Sound Module. The CM-300 contains a variety of quality GS sounds which can be used to enhance any MIDI music system. In order to realize the full potential of the CM-300, and to ensure years of trouble-free service, please read this manual in its entirety. ■ Main Features ♦ The CM-300 contains a GS sound source, Roland’s newly implemented sound-arrangement format. The GS Format was created so that sound modules would respond in a somewhat uniform manner to incoming MIDI message. Song data written specifically for a GS-compatible sound module should play back in roughly the same way on any other GS-compatible sound module. ♦ The CM-300 is capable of producing up to 24 voices at any one time. With the availability of such a variety of sounds, it is very easy to achieve any number of unique ensemble textures. ♦ The CM-300 also comes equipped with reverb and chorus effects that can further enhance any sound. Copyright C 1991 by Roland Corporation All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Roland Corporation. ■ Contents ■ Important Notes..................................................................3 1. Part Names............................................................5 2. Making The Connection ....................................


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