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Manual de usuario Roland, modelo RE-150

Fabricar: Roland
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Resumen del manual

With a signal connected to one or more of the inputs, adjust the related VOLUME controls©©©so that the VU meter needle fluctuates between " — 3" and "0". 4. Set the OUTPUT LEVEL switch © at "-35dB" and raise the external amplifier volume control to its normal level. If the echo sound is too low, try the "-25dB" or 15dB" setting of the OUTPUT LEVEL switch ® . ©The "-35dB" setting should be used when connecting the RE-150 output directly to a microphone input. 5. Set the REPEAT RATE® , INTENSIRY © , and ECHO VOLUME № controls for the desired echo effect. Controls and Their Functions VU METER O Indicates input level. MIC VOLUME Controls ©©and INSTRUMENT VOLUME Control© For adjusting the input levels. All three inputs can be used dimultaneously for mixing three sound sources. Set the levels so as to produce the desired balance and so that the VU meter fluctuates between " - 3" and "0". MIC INPUT Jacks©© INSTRUMENT INPUT Jack © When using the RE-150 with a mixer, connect this jack to the mixer effect or echo send output. ECHO/NORMAL REMOTE SWITCHING Jack © For remote controlled switching of the instrument input between normal (no echo) and echo effect using a foot switch (Roland FS-1). FOOT SWITCH Jack © For remote control of the echo ON/ OFF function using a foot switch (Roland FS-1). The LED indicator © lights when the echo is ON. Echo ON Indicator Lamp © MODE SELECTOR Switch ® Selects the echo mode. In REPEAT, the echo is repeated over and over. In SINGLE, the echo feedback loop is broken so that the echo patterns are not repeated. In SINGLE 4 or 5, this means that only one echo will be produced; in SINGLE 6, two echoes will be produced because both playback heads are used. The INTENISTY control © does not operate in any of the SINGLE modes. REPEAT RATE Control ® Determines the timing between echoes by controlling the tape speed. Turning the REPEAT RATE © clockwise shortens the time between echoes. INTENSITY Control ® Determines the number of times the echo will be repeated. Turning clockwise increases the number of repetitions. Above about "6" or "7", the echo chamber will begin to oscillate, a condition useful for certain special effects. • Sometimes oscillations will not occur at "6" or "7" when the tape heads are dirty, in which case they should be cleaned. ECHO VOLUME Control © Controls the output level of the echo sound with no effect on the direct sound. OUTPUT LEVEL SELECTOR Switch © To match the output level of the RE-150 to the amplifier or mixer being used. OUTPUT Jacks ® © The echo effect alone appears at the ECHO OUTPUT iack © . If the ECHO OUTPUT jack © is being used, the direct sound alone will appear at the DIRECT OUTPUT jack © . If the ECHO OUTPUT jack © is not being used, both direct sound and echo effect will appear at the DIRECT OUTPUT jack © . POWER Switch © MODE SELECTOR REPEAT SINGLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 PLAY BACK HEAD 1 • • • • 2 • • • • Replacing the Tape SPECIFICATIONS For insured long life (over 300 hours), replace tape with Roland RT-1L tape. 1. Loosen the five screws and remove the plastic cover. 2. Remove and discard old tape. Clean the transport as outlined in "Cleaning the Transport" below. 3. Insert the tape pack and thread the tape as shown in the drawing. 4. Replace the plastic cover and tighten the screws. 5. Turn on the POWER switch © and let the tape run for approximately five minutes. This will iron out any. wrinkles in the tape and insure good tape-to-head contact. • It is not necessary to remove the empty box after loading the new tape. Dirt in the places marked in the drawing can cause deterioration in the quality of the echo sound. Use a tape recorder head cleaning solution to clean all metal parts which contact the tape. Use a tape recorder rubber cleaning solution to ciean the rubber capstan idler (pinch roller). Do not use the head cleaner to clean rubber parts. Jacks: Input jacks© © © Output jacks © © Foot switch jacks © © Controls: MIC VOLUME ©, © ; INSTRUMENT VOLUME ©; MODE SELECTOR ©; REPEAT . RATE ®; INTENSITY © ; ECHO VOLUME ©; POWER Switch © : INPUT LEVEL SELECTOR Switch © •Input level/impedance Microphone input: -50dB/5kQ Instrument input: -35dB/470kQ Output levels: -15dB, -25dB, -35dB Output impedance: less than 2 kO for all three levels Power consumption: 16W Dimensions: 415(w) x 186(h) x 310(d) mm Weightr: 8.2 kg Accessories: Connection cord (x 2) Tape (RT-1L) Head cleaner •Specifications are subject to change wit...


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