Manual de usuario Roland, modelo RV-70
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5.1996 Version : 1.02 1. RECOGNIZED RECEIVE DATA CHANNEL VOICE MESSAGE Program Change Status Second CnH ppH n = MIDI Channel OH - FH (ch.1 - ch.16) pp = Program Number OOH - 7FH (prog.1 - prog.128) The program number of internal memory, that corresponds to the received program number, can be called. SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGE Status data Status F(Jh iiH, ddH.....,eeH FTh” Status FOH System Exclusive iiH = Manufacturer ID (Roland = 41H) dd,.....eeH = data : OOH - 7FH (0 -127) F7H EOX (End of Exclusive) For more details, please refer to "3.EXCLUSIVE COMMUNICATIONS" and "Roland Exclusive Messages". 2. TANSMITTED DATA SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGE Status data Status FOH iiH, ddH,...., eeH fJTT FOiT* System Exclusive iiH = Manufacturer ID (Roland = 41H) dd...... eeH = data : OOH - 7FH (0 -127) F7H EOX (End of Exclusive) For more details, please refer to "3.EXCLUSIVE COMMUNICATIONS* and "Roland Exclusive Messages". 3. EXCLUSIVE COMMUNICATION Via Exclusive Messages, RV-70 can send or receive parameter setting data in conjunction with external MIDI devices. Exclusive communications of RV-70 are always conducted under the following One way communication format (shown as the Roland Exclusive Format, type IV). For more details, please refer to "Roland Exclusive Messages" in this Manual. For the Model ID, RV-70 accepts 69H. Deveice ID is OOH - OFH. Request Datai RQ1 (11H) Byte Description FOH Exclusive status 41H Manufacturer ID (Roland) Dev Device ID (Dev : OOH - OFH) 69H Model ID (RV-70) 11H Command ID (RQ1) aaH Address MSB bbH Address ccH Address LSB ssH Size MSB ttH Size uuH Size LSB sum Checksum F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive) * RV-70 dose not transmit this message. Data Set1 DT1 (12H) Byte Description FOH Exclusive status 41H Manufacturer ID (Roland) Dev Device ID (Dev : OOH - OFH) 69H Model ID (RV-70) 12H Command ID (DTI) aaH Address MSB bbH Address ccH Address LSB ddH Data eeH Data sum Checksum F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive) 4. ADDRESS MAPPING OF PARAMETERS The address and size are displayd under 7-bit hexadecimal notation. Address MSB LSB Binary Oaaa aaaa Obbb bbbb Occc cccc 7-bit Hexadecmal AA BB CC Address MSB LSB Binary Osss ssss Ottt tttt Ouuu uuuu 7-bit Hexadecmal SS TT UU Parameter base address The actual address of each parameter is the start address of the block plus the offset address. There are two type of the RV-70 exclsive message.One is an individual parameter communication, the other is a bulk dump communication. In bulk dump communication, RV-70 needs EOBtEnd Of Bulk Mark) end of communication. In individual parameter communication, One system exclusive message "FO.... F7" can only have one parameter. You cannot use any address having *#" for the top address in a system exclusive message. Copyright © 1996 BOSS CORPORATION All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of BOSS CORPORATION. - 1 - RV-70 MIDI Implementation □BOSS Table-1 SYSTEM PARAMETERS Address Block Map Table-1 SYSTEM PARAMETERS Address Block Sub Block Note Offset Data Size(H) Description 00 00 00H 0000_000пв MIDI MODE m 0:0MNI OFF KOMNI ON 00 00 ООН H-V 00 00 01H 0000_000св Rx. MCR-8 Control c 0:0FF 1 :on 1 SYSTEM I Bulk 1 PARAMETERS I Refer to Table-1 00 01 ООН 0000_ррррВ 00 00 02 Program Change Map No. 1 LSB (1 - 199) ■i-^ 00 01 01H# 0000_ррррВ Program Change Map No.1 MSB 00 04 ООН 00 01 02H 0000_ррррВ 00 00 02 Program Change Map No. 2 LSB (1 - 199) 1 PROGRAMS I 1 Program No.1 I Bulk OO 01 03H# 0000_ррррВ Program Change Map No. 2 MSB 1 PARAMETERS 1 1 Parameters I Refer to Table-2.1.1 00 01 04H 0000_ррррВ 00 00 02 Program Change Map No.3 LSB (1 - 199) ^-y H-(. Refer to Table-2.2 00 01 05H# 0000_ррррВ Program Change Map No.3 MSB ^-y oo oí 06H 0000_ррррВ 00 00 02 Program Change Map No.4 LS8 (1 - 199) 1 Program No. 2 1 00 01 07H# 0000_ррррВ Program Change Map No. 4 MSB 1 Parameters I 1 ■ + 1 1 00 02 7AH 0000_ррррВ 00 00 02 Program Change Map No. 126 LSB (1 - 199) - 00 02 7BH# 0000_ррррВ Program Change Map No. 126 MSB - 00 02 7CH 0000_ррррВ 00 00 02 Program Change Map No.127 LSB (1 - 199) 1 1 00 02 7DH# 0000_ррррВ Program Change Map No. 127 MSB 00 02 7EH 0000jjpppB 00 00 02 Program Change Map No. 128 LSB (1 - 199) 1 Program No.199 I 00 02 7FH# 0000_ррррВ Program Change Map No.128 MSB 1 Parameters I 04 00 ООН H--f A--1 Table-2.1.1 PROGRAM PARAMETERS (Bulk Area) 1 End Of Bulk Mark 1 Refer to Table-2.3 4--+ Address Data Description 10 00 ООН 00 04 ООН 0000_aaaaB Program No. 1 Parameters Refer to Table-2.2 1 SYSTEM 1 Individual 00 06 ООН OOOO.aaaaB Program No. 2 Parameters 1 PARAMETERS 1 Refer to Table-1 10 04 ООН __y _ 03 ОС ООН OOOO.aaaaB Program No.197 Parameters I PROGRAMS I 1 Program No. 1 I Individual 03 ОЕ ООН 0000_ааааВ Program No. 198 Parameters...