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18 1993 Version : 1 „00 1. RECOGNIZED RECEIVE DATA [Channel Voice Messages] (l)Note off Status Second Third 8nH 9nH kkH kkH n = MIDI channel No. kk = Note No. w = Velocity wH ООН OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l 15 =ch.l6 15H - 6CH (21 - 108) ООН - 7FH (0 - 127) When the Velocity of the received Note On message is 0, the S-760 recongize it as a Note Off message and Velocity is 64. • Pan Status BnH n = MIDI channel No., w = Pan OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l 15 =ch„16 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) Adjusts the pan of the part corresponding to the receiving MIDI channel number1. Recognized when the pan receive switch (performance parameter) is On(o). =Hold 1 (2)Not e On Status Second 9nH kkH n = MIDI channel No. kk = Note No. w = Velocity OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l 15 =ch.16 15H - 6CH (21 - 108) 01H - 7FH (1 - 127) (3)Polyphonic Key Pressure Status Second Third AnH kkH wH n = MIDI channel No. kk = Note No. w = Value OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l 15 =ch.,16 15H - 6CH (21 - 108) 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) The S-760 accepts this message when the Aftertouch switch of the Performance parameter is set at POLY{P). n = MIDI channel No. w = Control value wH : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l 15 =ch.,16 : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) 0 - 63 = OFF 64 - 127 = ON * Holds or releases the part corresponding to the receiving MIDI channel number. * Recognized when the hold receive switch (performance parameter) is On(o). ®PRN MSB, LSB Status Second Third BnH BnH 64H 65H mmH 11H n = MIDI channel No. OH - FH (0 - 15) ch.l 15 =ch.16 mm = Upper byte of the parameter No. designated by RPN. 11 = Lower byte of the parameter No. designated by RPN. (4)Channel Pressure Status Second DnH wH n = MIDI channel No. : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l 15 =ch.l6 w = Value : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) * The S-760 accepts this message when the Aftertouch switch of the Performance parameter is set at Channel(C) . (5)Control Change «Modulation Status Second Third BnH 01H wH n = MIDI channel No. : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l 15 =ch-16 w = Modulation depth : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) * Recognized when the modulation receive switch (performance parameter) is On(o) . «Data entry MSB, LSB Status Second Third BnH 06H mmH BnH 26H 11H n = MIDI channel No. : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l 15 =ch.l6 mm = Upper byte of the parameter data designated by RPN.. 11 = Lower byte of the parameter data designated by RPN. ** RPN ** Control change includes RPNs (registered parameter numbers), functions which are defined by the MIDI standard. Each RPN may be used to change parameters of equipment. To effect PRN, first designate the parameter to be controlled using PRN MSB and RPN LSB, and then specify the value of the designated parameter in the data entry. The S-760 can recognize the two RPNs, pitch bend sensitivity (RPN#0) and master fine tune (RPN#1). RPN Data Function MSB LSB MSB LSB 'Main volume i, 00H 00H mmH 11H Pitch bend sensitivity * Sets bender up/down of the patch Status Second Third parameter. n = MIDI channel No. w = Main volume : OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.l 15 =ch-16 : 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) Adjusts the volume of the part corresponding to the receiving MIDI channel number. mm: 00H-30H (0-48 in unit of semitones) * Up to 4 octaves, common to bender up and down. 11: 00H-7FH (any value in this range) * mm becomes effective when 11 is received. * Recognized when the volume receive switch (performance parameter) is On(o). * When the receiving MIDI channel No. matches the control channel No. (system parameter) the S-760 adjusts the master level (system parameter) but does not control the volume of the part (even if exists) corresponding to that MIDI channel number,. Example: Set bender range to 2., MIDI DATA [HEX] Description BO 64 00 RPN LSB = 00H BO 65 00 RPN MSB = 00H BO 06 02 Data entry, MSB BO 26 00 Data entry, LSB 1 Master fine tune * Sets system master tune. Received on the S-760 system control channel. mm: 00H-7FH (0-127) MSB 11: 00H-7FH (0-127) LSB * e .g.. Center 440Hz can be tuned up or down up to 50 cents in steps of 100/ 8192 cents., 100/8192 cents are translated into 1 cent in the S-760. A value below 27H 00H is translated into -50 cents, and value above 59H 00H into +50 cents. MSB LSB 27H 00H -50 cents 40H 00H 0 cent 59H 00H +50 cents Example: Set master' tune to A = 440Hz, MIDI DATA [HEX] Description B0 64 01 B0 65 00 B0 06 40 B0 26 00 RPN LSB = 01H RPN MSB = 00H Data entry, MSB Data entry, LSB ** Other control changes ** Status Second Third BnH mmH wH n = MIDI channel No. mm = Control No., w = Control data OH - FH (0 - 15) 0 = ch.1 15 =ch-16 00H - 5FH (0 - 95) 00H - 7FH (0 - 127) 4 By selecting a control number (0-95) with Controller select (patch parameter), a control change can be recognized as a controller. * A control change can be received through the control channel (system parameter) to change settings of an EQ (equalizer, a performance parameter). The control number can be one of 1-95 and memorized...