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Manual de usuario Roland, modelo SH-2

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Practice to control how each note will sound. NOTE: this patch is excellent to add a dynamic ‘live feel’ to sequenced bass patterns using a Roland CSQ digital sequencer. Record slow, playback fast. i G*TE CV QAZl CV ÍHGW5 OkJ^uT O © @ Ô Ô O QuTP-jt ......................i ............... • /rs,..J .............................U-iRi.......à J! • “ ■•••......... 41 ij 0 o -Cl- oo -&W' OOO êpjz} j ^ i ™ A.' j ...................R................J ¿TflíísT '■U'liliJl ■ Roland SVHTHESI2ER sh-2 A more synthesized bass sound with a thick, growling tone and an instant attack and release. GAFE CV AUO-O I fmOnES © © x&hO uif< VC* j -j * ÎÏJfr # i' o -ES- oo OOO ;tHf; .3 &S..sQ-a-e g|. .j^íÍ 1 ■ Roland SVÍ1THES12ER SH-2 □ A funky synthesized bass sound. Good with pitch bend. Try bending during a rest before long notes, bending back into the note as it begins. Experiment with other envelope shapes such as ‘O' Attack and Release times or an occasional longer Attack time adjusted as you play Try the keyboard technique described for Shuffle Bass patch 28 Inverted Punch Bass C- *-ONiS i 3BF3E A synthesized bass with an initial 'punch' with a slow a ¡tack. Use a detached followed by a rise in tone and volume. keybaord technique to get the 'punch' — Allows fast playing with clear attacks and legato technique gives an alternative growl- the dynamic forward motion you would get ing bass without tine 'punch'. Tonewhee! Organ a,::»vT . © o <.*>■->« "i j ....................rf .. ...!.r-T.___ [ «JOfi wii * ..........1 v"! J y I..; -i H i~ p # i' o -a- oo "Ö" . ooo tfiBj iSiiWr' • Roland SVilTHESlEEfi SH- There are many good variations on this one: 1) The ‘key click' is brought in with the VCF Envelope slider — it can be removed or altered to taste. 2) The ‘drawbar’ sound may be altered by lowering the VCF cutoff to taste. 3) Experiment with other waveforms and Sub-Oscillator settings. 4) Vibrato may be introduced with the VCO MOD slider at different Modulator rates. 1 Upper and Lower Register Flute IaT GAT t Cv Cv pmO**S | ® © ® ® © © AUHiO \f* «»»PUT OutPul 1 ¡iif Tg F jf n r 1 rll 1 —@ — o 00 1 ooo J Ü ^ L j! . a , -|‘"S"5^ j§| pj*' in Roland SYnTHESlEEPi SH-2 Play with a detached keybaord technique except for scale funs and trills - this is m character and avoids 'clicks' between notes. Upper register (shown) is best played on the keybaords top end. Switch to S’ VCO range for lower register and play the lower end of the keyboard This g;ves a good breathy sound for slow passages. When playing remember to put in rests for 'breathing' Adjust volume when switching registers as needed. Chancing volume during playing adds expression — try a volume pedal between the SH-2 and amp Use reverc -J available Echo ¡s also very effective v.^:n fiute. 29 Jazz Trumpet i L*7 ¿дт* çv G*:e Cv j ,.0.,« HjO'G 'f* q© O'JTP'jr 1 о 1ГеУ1Гг% ШйС-,0 О -01-00 ШRoland SVflTHESlSEñ sh-2 Notice the biting attack, the brass tongumg effect that a short attack gives. Longer attacks give wah-wah mute or french horn options. Gate and Trigger Envelope Mode gives accurate attacks to ail notes. Quickly chipping the VCO bend one octave at the very beginning and end of notes gives a jazz/rock ‘pincn for the high notes, the lack of stability from reaching for those ‘impossible’ notes. Use reverb if available. - @ -i-® a_ * с •о -•W .i Û & о -0-00 ООО 1Ш1 ДМЩ- Й í Clarinet a Roland SYiTTHESISER sh-2 Sax is difficult to synthesize because it sounds many different ways, even within one solo, and because its technique offers very- fast and technical playing ability. For best results use the flexibility of this patch, practice, and listen to sax players. Legato and detached playing sounds different — use both. Bend the VCF before a note or passage to add variety while playing. Move the Modulator Rate to ‘10’ to get a growling tone which may be used as shown or with ‘O' Delay. You may also bring the VCF MOD slider in only as needed with your left hand. i C*rf Cv >NPL)t GAIE CV #hO*£S OLifouT О о ......................... -/Я 1 1 ..... «ж«-.,. «. j Í f ч. •У-дТт| ffiïrï ■© ш О -Э'ОО i OOG ;1|г ш\ П 1; ШRoland 5YÍTTHE5ÍBER sh-2 !lHrv L U : This patch is a good, simple example of combining a manual VCF cutoff setting with ADSR modulation of the VCF Both legato and detached keyboard qtues sound correct, each contributing a different Clarinet playing style. Practice both so that you may alternate between them to get the most out of thts patch. 30 Violin/Viola o o G*Te cv O Ö 5 j OUl^'jT ! o ; — i A . « i : i #i 3-00 1 -i.© -.¿£> Jj ■©■'SI ooo 1 1 i!IB' H ! L? ! ^ ö te te S" j - m ~-i —R. rr r..-; f."j : ¿«i i Roland SVriTHESi2ER sh-2 Play with a detached keyboard technique. Short notes will be softer and lighter than longer notes. Set the Release time just long enough to sound natural. Use reverb if a! all ...


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