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The larger the digital word, the more accurate the representation of the analog value. See Quantization and Sampling frequency. The 02R uses 20-bit linear analog-to-digital converters for most of its analog inputs. Aliasing – A form of distortion which can occur during the conversion of analog signals into digital. If the input signal is more than one half the sampling rate, only portions of the signal will be present when the system samples the waveform. A false image of the waveform, based on the components that were actually sampled, is created. A system which samples at 48 kHz can correctly process signals of up to 24 kHz. To remove signals above the Nyquist frequency (see Nyquist Sampling Theorem), all A/D converters employ anti-aliasing filters. The 02R employs over-sampling A/D converters to allow the anti-aliasing filter to be performed in the digital domain. See over-sampling. Attenuation – After the signal has been converted to digital, the 02R can apply numerous forms of signal processing, such as equalization or effects. Some of these processes may boost the signal to digital clipping. The 02R allows you to attenuate the digital signal to reduce the chances of clipping. Automation system – The 02R has an on-board automation system that memorizes fader positions, switches individual channels on or off, adjusts the equalization or pan positions, and changes the auxiliary sends – all based on timecode. It can recall scene memories and programs from the equalizer, effects, dynamics, and channel libraries, also determined by the recorded timecode. You can record an entire mixing session, and then edit the individual channel settings in multiple passes. You can punch-in to fine tune a specific parameter or you can use one of the event editors to adjust the timecode position of channel settings or scene and library changes. Automix Memory – The automation system records each parameter change and the associated time as an event. The parameters that are recorded include fader movements, channel status and equalizer changes, and library recalls. The more complicated the mix, the more memory it consumes. The 02R has a default of 512 kbytes of automation memory. Auxiliary send – The auxiliary sends are used to feed signals from the input or tape return channels to external effects processors, amplifiers, or multitrack recording equipment. The 02R has eight auxiliary sends. Two of the sends feed the internal effects processors. See Internal Effects. 15 Digital Recording Console 02R User’s Guide 226 Glossary 226 Glossary Bulk Dump – A MIDI function that allow the transfer of system specific data, such as sample files or mixer settings, between MIDI capable devices. The data are transmitted as MIDI System Exclusive messages. Bus – A circuit that connects the input or tape and effect return signals with the output connectors. The 02R has eight output buses plus the stereo output. Channel Library – An area in 02R memory used to access and store channel settings – stored as programs. There are 64 user programs for you to store your channel settings. Compander – A compander is a compressor/expander – a combination of signal compression and expansion. The compander attenuates the input signal above the threshold as well as the level below the width. For very dynamic material, this program allows you to retain the dynamic range without having to be concerned with excessive output signal levels and clipping. See Dynamics Processor. Compressor – A compressor provides a form of automatic level control. It attenuates high levels, thus effectively reducing the dynamic range, making it much easier to control signals and set appropriate fader levels. Reducing the dynamic range also means that recording levels can be set higher, therefore improving the signal-to-noise performance. Limiting is an extreme form of compression, where the output signal is sharply attenuated so that it cannot exceed a particular level. See Dynamics Processor. Confidence monitoring – Listening directly from a recording medium to ensure the program material is being recorded correctly. Most analog recorders have a playback head trailing the record head, allowing you to hear the material directly after it has been recorded. Professional DAT recorders usually have four heads for confidence monitoring, as do a number of the modular digital multitrack recorders. Hard disk recorders offer their own form of confidence monitoring. D/A converter – The conversion of a digital data stream into analog signals. The digital word is buffered and then converted into an analog signal. After conversion, the analog signal is usually processed through a smoothing filter which removes the step transitions between the digital words. The 02R uses 20-bit linear digital-to-analog converters for most of its analog outputs DAT cassette – Metal chrome cassette tape (thickness 13.m, width 8.8mm). Delay – A delay applied to the input signals processed by the 02R to compensate ...