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Remove and clean or replace check valve DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN. Remove end replace the releasevalve.. A defective CHECK valve resultsin e constant_ir leak at t_ pressure relgase valve when there i_ pressurein thetank_nc_thecompressor isshut off. Remove and clean or replace check valve. DO NOT OVER-TiGHTEN, AJrtank must be replaced Do notrepair tt_:leakl i w.,.,.o .... I DO NOT DRILL INTO_ WELD, OR OTHERWISE MODIFY AIR TANK OR tT WILL WEAKEN, Torquehead screwsto8 It, Ibs, Itthisdoes notstop leak replace gasket If t_ere is an excessive amountof pressure drop when the _essory is usecl,adjust _heregulator following 1heinstructionson pg. 6., Note Adjust tt_eregulated pressure under flow conditibns (while a_cessory is being use_,) .......... TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE (Continued) PROBLEM Air leak fror_S_,fetyValve KnockingN_ise Compressorisnotsupplyingenoughairtooperate _ocessorl_s, Molor Wllt NotRurl R_guiatorknob -con|inu- OUSsir leak,, Regulatorwltl not shut-offat air outlet. CAUSE Possibledefect inSalety Valve. Defective Check Valves. v_,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,_ -. Prolongedexcessive use of air. Compressor is not large enough for air requirement. Restrictedair intakefilter. Holetn hose. Cheek Valve restricted., Air leaks. .... Motor overloadprotectionswitch has tripped° Tank pressureexceeds pressure _witch "cut-in" pressure, Wrong gauge wire or length of extensioncord, CheckValvestuck open. Loose electrical connecltonso Possibledefective capacitor, Paint spray on internal motor parts. Possible defective motor, Fuse blown, circuit breaker tripped, Pressurerelease vatve on _res. sure switch has no1 unloaded I_ea0pressure, Dirty or damaged re_ju_a_orinternal p_,rts, CORRECTION (_rate safetyvalvemanuaJlyby pulting on dngoif vaJvestill ieaks,it shouldbe re_laced. i_move and cleanor repl_ce. , , ..... 0ecrease amount of air usage. Checkthe accessoryairrequimmerd.If it is higher than the SCFM or pressuresupplied by your a_r compressor, you needa _argercompressor. Cleanorreplaceair intakefiller, Donc_operateIhe air compressorinlhe paint spray area. Checkand replaceif required, Removesndclean or r_place,. Tighten fittings, (See Air Leaks Section of _ubleshooting Guide.) Lit motorcoo! off and overloads_tch wtftauto- n',atlcsllyreseL Motorwill start automatlc_Jiywhen tank 1oreseure dropsbelow °'cut-in" pressureof pressureswilch. Che._ forproper gauge wire andcord length, Removeand clea.nor replace_ Check wiringconnection inside pressureswitch and terminal box area. Return to Sears Service Centertor ir.spectionor replacementif necessary, Have check,L_ at Sears Service Center. Do not operate the compressorin the paint spray area, Si_eflammable vapor wartungon p_ge 3. Have checkedat a Ioce_Sears Servlce Center. t._Che_kfuse box _r btownfuse randreplace if necessary. Re-set circuitbreaker°Oo not use a fuse or circuitl:_aker withhigherr_tJngthan that s;)eotfied for your particularbranch circUlL 2. Check for proper fuse: only 'Fusetren" type T fuses are acceptable, 3, Checkfor low voltageconditionsandtor proper extensioncord. 4,Disoonnecl the other elec_icaiappliancesfrom ctmult or operate theoompessoron itsownbranch cir_uiL Bleed the fineby pushingthe leveron thepressure switch to the "Off" position;if the vaive does not open, replace it Cle_n or r_ptace regulator, or internal parts. AIR COMPRESSOR DIAGRAM t 4 44 45 46 47 X 42 25 33 32 23 21 2O KEY NO. 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ?.3 24 26 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 38 37 3S S9 4O 41 42 PART MUMBER LA-1976 LA-1979 LA.2035 LA4_;7 LA-IB_'7 LAd779 CAC.33t._ LA-1975 LA-2035 CAC-107;) 5SF-0129-ZN CAC-1080 LA.1994,1 CAG.I062 CAC-1099 SSF-S05 CA,C-1098 TA-4136 TA-4135 TA.4140 TA-4139 STD541437 CAC,4293 CAC-4313 CAC-60 LA-1610-1 SUDL-B-1 LA-1gT8 CAC-1087 CAC.1086 CAC-334 SSF-t318-ZN CAC,4290 SSP-7513 CAC-333-1 BSN-8001 SSP.71;21 CAC-1120 CAG-f083 C-GA,344 CAC-1084 SS-20"t2 88.2071 H-Z0S9 CAC-487 SS-3_-CD CAC.36S TIA-4-325 TIA-412S CAC,61 8UDL-403-1 PARTS LIST DESCRIPTION Model No. Label (Model No. 919.154120) Model No, Label (Model No, 91B,_4020) Model No. Label (Model No. 9t9,_4320) Model No, Label (Model No. 919,154420) Maintenance Label Hot Surfsoe Label 9kroud -front Performan=e Label (Model No, _19.154120& 919.154020) Performance Label (Model NO,_9.1S4320 & 919.1544:_0) Not USed Braolmt (2 ueed -included with _€11) I,ooknut '/4"-20(2 used) Tool troy Advanoad toch. Label Rear ahrou_ assembJy (include_ 2 ea. #7) U-Channel isolator Shoulder screw (2 used) Isolator (2 used) Air Tank (Model No. 919.154020) i Air "lllnkASME (Model No. 919,1r_4120) Air Tank (Model No. 919.154320) Air Tank (Mod_l NO.919.154420) Nut _/o"-16(2 u=ed) Wheel (2 used) (Model No. 919,11_4020& 919.154120) Wheel (z u_d) (,Model N_. e_e.l_20 s _g._4420) Shoulder bolt . -tB . 21/=(2 ut_.) Beam Craftsman Label Rubber foot strip Dmln Tank Label Handle (black firdah) Handlegrip Control cover Sorew -onntrol oaver Check valve Nut sleeve assembly (for %" O,D_,Tube) Shroud Plate RMchet Fastener (2 used) Nut...
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