Fabricar: AKG Acoustics
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Resumen del manual
Absolutely astounding. AKG SOUNDS BETTER Versatile. Outstanding. Absolutely astounding. AKG SOUNDS BETTER • •• High sensitivity and extremely lo High sensitivity and extremely loHigh sensitivity and extremely low self- w self-w self- noise - one of the quietest microphones noise - one of the quietest microphonesnoise - one of the quietest microphones in the world (6 dBa-A only) in the world (6 dBa-A only)in the world (6 dBa-A only) • •• High sound pressure level ca High sound pressure level caHigh sound pressure level capability up pability uppability up to 158 dB SPL to 158 dB SPLto 158 dB SPL and incredible d and incredible dand incredible dynamic ynamicynamic range of range ofrange of 152 dB 152 dB152 dB • •• Nine s Nine sNine switchable polar pa witchable polar pawitchable polar patterns for tterns fortterns for placement and a placement and aplacement and applica pplicapplication flexibility tion flexibilitytion flexibility • •• Rugged double mesh for unaffected Rugged double mesh for unaffectedRugged double mesh for unaffected acoustics and high RF immunity acoustics and high RF immunityacoustics and high RF immunity • •• Lock Mode: Lock Mode:Lock Mode: all controls can be easily all controls can be easilyall controls can be easily disabled for trouble-free use disabled for trouble-free usedisabled for trouble-free use • •• P PPeak Hold LED: eak Hold LED:eak Hold LED: displays even the displays even thedisplays even the shortest overload peaks shortest overload peaksshortest overload peaks •• TTwo-colour LEDs provide quick visual indica indicaindication of selected polar pa tion of selected polar pation of selected polar pattern and ttern andttern and output overload output overloadoutput overload • •• Three s Three sThree switchable bass cut filters and witchable bass cut filters andwitchable bass cut filters and three pre-a three pre-athree pre-attenua ttenuattenuation pads tion padstion pads • •• Cutting edge technolog Cutting edge technologCutting edge technology and sta y and stay and state-of- te-of-te-of- the-art components ensure shortest signal the-art components ensure shortest signalthe-art components ensure shortest signal pa papath and extra protection a th and extra protection ath and extra protection against moisture gainst moisturegainst moisture • •• Elastic ca Elastic caElastic capsule suspension grea psule suspension greapsule suspension greatly tlytly minimises structurally-transmitted noise minimises structurally-transmitted noiseminimises structurally-transmitted noise from chassis vibra from chassis vibrafrom chassis vibration tiontion • •• Both versions are also a Both versions are also aBoth versions are also available as vailable asvailable as stereo sets (selected by stereo sets (selected bystereo sets (selected by AKG's sophisti- AKG's sophisti-AKG's sophisti- ca cacated ma ted mated matching method) tching method)tching method) • •• Comes complete with metal carr Comes complete with metal carrComes complete with metal carrying yingying case, case,case, spider spiderspider-type shock mount H 85, -type shock mount H 85,-type shock mount H 85, pop poppop filter H 85 and windscreen filter H 85 and windscreenfilter H 85 and windscreen W 414 W 414W 414 • •• Designed, Designed,Designed, engineered and built in engineered and built inengineered and built in Vienna, Vienna,Vienna, Austria AustriaAustria TheTheReference C 414 XL IIC 414 XLS Ever EverEveryone who is used to working with a C 414 yone who is used to working with a C 414yone who is used to working with a C 414 will find the acoustic advantages of an will find the acoustic advantages of anwill find the acoustic advantages of an AKG AKGAKG large-diaphragm microphone ver large-diaphragm microphone verlarge-diaphragm microphone very familiar y familiary familiar. .. Since the mid-1980’ Since the mid-1980’Since the mid-1980’s, s,s, the C 414 has been the C 414 has beenthe C 414 has been THE reference microphone of the recording THE reference microphone of the recordingTHE reference microphone of the recording industr industrindustry and a proven workhorse for the stage. y and a proven workhorse for the stage.y and a proven workhorse for the stage. The new C 414 XLS and the C 414 XLII offer The new C 414 XLS and the C 414 XLII offerThe new C 414 XLS and the C 414 XLII offer nine pickup patterns that enable it to choose nine pickup patterns that enable it to choosenine pickup patterns that enable it to choose the perfect setting for ever the perfect setting for everthe perfect setting for every application. y application.y application. For ForFor live-sound applications and fixed installations, live-sound applications and fixed installations,live-sound applications and fixed installations, all controls can be easily disabled for trouble- all controls can be easily disabled for trouble-all controls can be easily disabled for trouble- free use, free use,free use, and the peak hold LED displays even and the peak hold LED displays...
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