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Manual de usuario Air Comm Systems, modelo Six Passenger ICS/Transmit Expansion Unit ACS 179A

Fabricar: Air Comm Systems
Tamaño del archivo: 169.52 kb
Nombre del archivo: 108ff1c1-6e5e-4f74-a105-d4346715d786.pdf
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Resumen del manual

1640W.AcomaBlvd.,SuiteA-118. LakeHavasuCity,A. 8640. Phone(928)854-540. Airborne Audio Products FAX(928)854-891. AC. 179. Installatio. an. Operation. Manua. Tabl. o. Content. . Installatio. PhysicalandOperatingSpecification. Pag. . PhysicalDimension. Pag. . InterfaceSchemati. Pag. . . Operatio. OperationoftheACS179. Pag. . TypicalSystemLayou. Pag. . . InstructionforContinuedAirworthines. InstructionforContinuedAirowrthines. Pag. . . WarrantyInformatio. AirCommSystemsWarrant. Pag. . . SupplementalInformatio. ProductSchematic. AirCommSystems,Inc. Page. AC. 179. Installatio. an. Operation. Manua. Physica. an. Operatin. Specification. . PhysicalSpecification. SIZE. 5.750. . WEIGHT:1.0lb. 1.875. . 4.550. Dw/connecto. ILLUMINATION:n/. MOUNTING. Dzu. rai. moun. o. remot. mountin. usin. . hol. configuration. CONTROLS. Unitslavesoffofanexistingaudiomixerpanel,typicallyaco-pilo. o. cre. member. . OperatingSpecification. INPUTS. . audi. inputs. . fo. mixe. audi. an. . fo. th. IC. buss. Mixe. audi. i. mute. durin. transmi. andnorma. ICS. Mixe. audi. i. unmuteddurin. ho. ICSoperation. DUTYCYCLE. Continuou. POWERREQUIREMENTS. 28VDC+/-10. MAXIMUMOPERATINGALTITUDE. 20,000ft. OPERATIN. TEMP. RANGE. -4. . t. +8. . (operating). -65. to+12. C(storage. CURRENTDRAIN. 20mAat28V(standby). 800mAat28V(max.signal. AUDIOOUTPUT. 500mWinto600ohm. FREQUENCYRESPONSE. Within6db-300-3000H. ICSINPUTIMPEDANCE. 600ohm. INPUTISOLATION. Notlessthan60dbbetweenmixedaudioandICSbuss. AUDI. MUTING. No. les. tha. 40d. durin. transmit/IC. (optional. MIKESENSITIVITY. 300mVforratedoutpu. DISTORTION. Lessthan10%at1000Hzformaximumoutpu. AirCommSystems,Inc. Page. AC. 179. Installatio. an. Operation. Manua. Physica. Dimension. . PhysicalDimensionOutlin. PhysicalInstallatio. Th. AC. 179. i. designe. t. b. Dzu. o. remot. mounte. an. shoul. b. installe. i. th. aircraf. usin. th. AC. 179. Installatio. ki. tha. wa. include. wit. th. unit. Th. abov. outlin. drawin. o. th. uni. wit. dimension. wil. facilitat. th. installation. Th. AC. 179. Installatio. Ki. consist. o. th. following. Tw. (2. 2. pi. AM. D-Subminiatur. femal. matin. connecto. complet. wit. crim. pins. hood. andslidelock. Th. connecto. pi. configuratio. o. th. AC. 179. rea. connecto. an. th. recommende. wir. sizefo. th. aircraf. cableharnes. i. show. onthefollowingpage. AirCommSystems,Inc. Page. Air Comm Systems, Inc. Page 5 The ACS 179A wiring harness should be constructed of Tefzel aircraft wire (M22759/16 grade). Power and ground wires should be 20 AWG, and all other wires may be 22 AWG. Shielded wires should be used where noted. Adequate protection against wear and chafing should be taken by using a braided cable sleeving or jacket. Before completing installation, verify that all cable connector pins are seated properly and that the connector is securely mounted to the unit mating connector. Important .please note the power of the unit before installing; it will be either 14VDC or 28VDC and clearly marked as such on the unit.s data tag. Pre-fabricated cable harnesses are available from Air Comm to expedite installation . consult our sales department for details. n Connector Schematic ACS 179A Installation and Operations Manual Interface Schematic AC. 179. Installatio. an. Operation. Manua. Operation. o. th. AC. 179. . Descriptio. Th. AC. 179. i. . compact. remot. slav. uni. whic. provide. interco. an. receiv. capabilit. fo. u. t. si. (6. aircraf. passengers. Additionally. tw. (2. hav. transmi. capabilit. i. desired. Di. switchprogrammable. . MethodofOperatio. Th. AC. 179. i. slave. t. . maste. Audi. Mixe. Pane. fo. receivin. an. transmitting. Th. maste. Audi. Mixe. i. normall. . co-pilo. o. rear-cre. membe. unit. Th. audi. input. selecte. bythemaste. pane. wil. b. heardbytheACS179A. Th. AC. 179A.. transmi. an. interco. function. ar. activate. usin. . switc. an. cor. assembl. (suc. a. th. Carte. Engineerin. o. Com. Innovation. models). Th. switc. cor. assembl. als. provide. . volum. contro. fo. ...


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