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The Setup 10 nNWizard configures your computer to connect automatically to your service provider. A full e-mail package enables you to send and receive mail - including attached files - across the Internet. NetMeeting, Outlook Express and Microsoft Chat are just some of the components bundled with Internet Explorer 6.0. Internet Explorer 6.0 also includes 128-bit encryption, the highest possible level of protection for all your Internet communications, including credit card use and financial transactions. A complete online tutorial helps new users become comfortable using the Internet. For questions and technical assistance, go online to: support.microsoft. com/ directory Adobe ® Acrobat ® Reader 5.0 Adobe Systems Incorporated Acrobat ® Reader software allows you to view, navigate, and print electronic documents in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), an open file format that is intended to preserve the conformity of documents created on all major computer platforms. Once Acrobat ® Reader is installed, you can open and view PDF files from within your Web browser by clicking a PDF file embedded in an HTML file. You quickly see the first page while the rest of the document is being downloaded. For questions and technical assistance, go online to: adobe. com About the software on your Sony notebook About the software on your notebook Symantec Norton AntiVirus Symantec With Norton AntiVirus, you can scan files, folders, or entire drives for viruses, and quarantine infected files 11 nNfor submission to the Symantec AntiVirus Research Center ( SARC) . Files submitted to SARC are analyzed and the results are reported automatically within seven days. When you configure Norton AntiVirus adequately, your computer is safe. Norton AntiVirus can automatically check boot records for viruses at system startup, check programs for viruses at the time you use them, scan all local hard drives for viruses once per week, and monitor your computer for any activity that might indicate the work of a virus in action. It can also scan files you download from the Internet and check floppy disks for boot viruses when you use them. The third time you start your computer, you will be prompted to configure and update the antivirus software. This is normal as new viruses have come out since your VAIO left the factory. For more information, see the online help files and the website at: symantec. com/ techsupp About the software on your Sony notebook About the software on your notebook Real Entertainment Center Real Entertainment Center contains two software programs: RealPlayer and RealJukebox. RealNetworks - RealPlayer 12 nN RealPlayer is the RealNetworks video and audio player, which lets you access 2,500 radio stations featuring music, news and sports. For further information, see the website at: RealNetworks - RealJukebox RealJukebox is your personal music management system. RealJukebox lets you build, manage, and play your digital music library on your personal computer. For further information, see the website at: QuickTime 5.0 Apple QuickTime is the Apple technology that makes video, sound, music, 3D and virtual reality come alive for your Internet browser and Windows. For further information, see the website at: apple.com/ quicktime About the software on your Sony notebook About the software on your notebook Panorama Maker ArcSoft Panorama Maker ™ 2000 is an easy- to-use image entertainment program that seamlessly stitches multiple 13 nNphotos into a single panoramic picture. It enables you to create eye-catching, large-format panoramas with point- and- click simplicity. You can also view your panoramas from different perspectives. For further information, see the website at: arcsoft. com/products/software/ en/ panoramamaker2000. html About the software on your Sony notebook Discover VAIO Remote Control Discover VAIO Remote Control VAIO Remote Control is your gateway to the VAIO world. VAIO Remote Control is easy to use and 14 nNincorporates everything you need to start using your VAIO computer. Launch software applications and go to Sony websites from here in an instant. . The functionalities of the VAIO Remote Control application can only be used if you have administrator rights on your computer. Other users will be able to access the VAIO Remote Control screen, but cannot use it to launch other software applications. By default, you can find VAIO Remote Control in the Start menu, after which you can copy it to your desktop for easy access. Overview 1 Info Box Contains a brief description of an item when you move the cursor over it. 2 Language options Click to select your preferred language. 3 Language display Click to display/ hide the language list. 4 License Click here to view the End User License Agreement in 13 languages. 5 Links Reveals the links to useful Sony websites. 6 Central Remote Control buttons Click an application ...