Resumen del manual
4 This equipment uses a frequency bandwidth from 2,400 MHz to 2,483.5 MHz. 3. TOSHIBA Direct PC Monday – Friday: 10:00 – 17:00 Toll Free Tel: 0120-15-1048 Direct Dial: 03-3457-4850 Fax: 03-3457-4868 Device Authorization This device obtains the Technical Regulation Conformity Certification and the Technical Conditions Compliance Approval, and it belongs to the device class of radio equipment of low-power data communication system radio station stipulated in the Radio Law and the Telecommunications Business Law of Japan. 13 The name of the radio equipment: refer to the equipment label provided on the computer Approved by both the JAPAN APPROVALS INSTITUTE FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT and the TELECOM ENGINEERING CENTER The following restrictions apply: . Do not disassemble or modify the device. . Do not install the embedded wireless module into other device. . 5.17 GHz to 5.23 GHz for indoor use only. Europe - Restrictions for use of 2.4 GHz Frequencies in European Community Countries Belgie/ Belgique: For private usage outside buildings across public grounds over less than 300m no special registration with IBPT/BIPT is required. Registration to IBPT/BIPT is required for private usage outside buildings across public grounds over more than 300m. For registration and license please contact IBPT/BIPT. Voor prive-gebruik buiten gebouw over publieke groud over afstand kleiner dan 300m geen registratie bij BIPT/IBPT nodig; voor gebruik over afstand groter dan 300m is wel registratie bij BIPT/IBPT nodig. Voor registratie of licentie kunt u contact opnemen met BIPT. Dans le cas d’une utilisation privee, a l’exterieur d’un batiment, audessus d’un espace public, aucun enregistrement n’est necessaire pour une distance de moins de 300m. Pour une distance superieure a 300m un enregistrement aupres de l’IBPT est requise. Pour les enregistrements et licences, veuillez contacter l’IBPT. Deutschland: License required for outdoor installations. Check with reseller for procedure to follow. Anmeldung im Outdoor-Bereich notwendig, aber nicht genehmigungspflichtig. Bitte mit Handler die Vorgehensweise abstimmen. France: Restricted frequency band: only channels 1 to 7 (2400 MHz and 2454 MHz respectively) may be used outdoors in France. Please contact A.R.T. (for applicable procedures to follow. Bande de frequence restreinte: seuls les canaux 1- 7 (2400 et 2454 MHz respectivement) doivent etre utilises endroits exterieur en France. Vous pouvez contacter l’Autorite de Regulation des Telecommunications (pour la procedure a suivre. Italia: License required for indoor use. Use with outdoor installations not allowed. E necessaria la concessione ministeriale anche per l’uso interno. Verificare con i rivenditori la procedura da seguire. 14 Nederland: License required for outdoor installations. Check with reseller for procedure to follow. Licentie verplicht voor gebruik met buitenantennes. Nee...
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