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SystemOverview 1-5 . Select Maximum Performance to conserve power but allow greatest system performance. When this setting is selected, the StandbyTime-Out option is set automatically to 4 minutes, and theSuspend Time-Out option is disabled. The Smart CPU Mode option is set automatically to Off. . Select Maximum Power Savings to conserve the greatest amount of system power. When this setting is selected, the StandbyTime-Out option is set automatically to 1 minute, and theSuspend Time-Out option is set automatically to 5 minutes. The Smart CPU Mode option is set automatically to On. 6PDUW&380RG. Smart CPU Mode allows the computer to slow down the microprocessor automatically if it is not being used. Settings for this option are: . On — Allows the computer to slow down the microprocessor when it is inactive . Off (the default) — Keeps the microprocessor running at its normal operating speed regardless of microprocessor inactivity To increase battery operating time, set the Smart CPU Mode option to On. 6WDQGE\7LPH2X. Standby Time-Out conserves battery power by turning off various devices in the system, including the display, but leaves the computer ready to resume operations immediately. Use Standby Time-Out when you leave the computer unattended for less than a few minutes. Standby Time-Out lets you determine how long the computer remains idle (no I/O activity) before activating standby mode to conserve battery power. Settings for this option are Disabled, 1 min., 2 min., 4 min., 6 min., 8 min., 12 min., and16 min. To increase battery operating time, set this option to a lower number of minutes. Press any key on the built-in keyboard to resume normal computer operation. 6XVSHQG7LPH2X. Suspend Time-Out lets you determine how long the computer remains idle (no I/O activity) before activating suspend mode. Settings for this option are Disabled, 5 min., 10 min., 15 min., 20 min., 30 min., 40 min., and 60 min. To increase battery operating time, set this option to a lower number of minutes. 1-6 'HOO,QVSLURQ6HUYLFH0DQXD. 6XVSHQG0RG. The Save-to-disk option under Suspend Mode copies all system data to a reserved area on the hard-disk drive and then turns off all power to the computer. When you resume normal operation, the same programs will be running and the same files will be open that were loaded before you activated this mode. Use Save-to-disk suspend mode to conserve battery power or to preserve system data by quickly saving it to the hard-disk drive if you are about to run out of battery power. ,QWHUUXSW$VVLJQPHQW. Table 1-1 lists the interrupt assignments. 7DEOH,QWHUUXSW$VVLJQPHQW. ,54/LQ. 8VHG$YDLODEO. IRQ0 Generated by the system timer IRQ1 Generated by the keyboard controller to signal that the keyboard output buffer is full IRQ2 Cascade to second interrupt controller IRQ3 Reserved IRQ4 Used by the communications port (COM1) IRQ5 Used by the audio controller IRQ6 Generated by the diskette drive controller to indicate that the diskette drive requires the attention of the microprocessor IRQ7 Used by the parallel port IRQ8 Generated by the system real-time clock IRQ9 Free IRQ10 Generated by the USB IRQ11 Generated by the cardbus controller IRQ12 Generated by the keyboard controller to indicate that the output buffer of the integrated touch pad or external PS/2 mouse is full IRQ13 Used by the math coprocessor on the microprocessor IRQ14 Generated by the hard-disk drive to indicate that the drive requires the attention of the microprocessor IRQ15 Generated by the secondary IDE controller (CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive) to indicate that the drive requires attention of the microprocessor System Overview 1-7 7HFKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQV. Table 1-2 lists the technical specifications for the Inspiron 7000. 7DEOH7HFKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQ. . 0LFURSURFHVVR. Microprocessor type . . . . . . . Intel Mobile Pentium II microprocessor with MMX technology Microprocessor speed . . . . . . Inspiron 7000 D266XT or D266GT: 266 MHz Inspiron 7000 D300GT: 300 MHz Internal cache . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 KB External cache . . . . . . . . . . . . 512-KB pipelined-burst SRAM Math coprocessor . . . . . . . . . internal to the microprocessor &KLS6HWDQG%X. System chip set . . . . . . . . . . . Intel Mobile 440BX AGP Data bus width . . . . . . . . . . . 64 bits DRAM bus width . . . . . . . . . . 64 bits Address bus width. . . . . . . . . 32 bits Flash EPROM . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Mbits 3&&DU. PCI controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas Instruments PCI 1220 cardbus controller PC Card connectors . . . . . . . . two type I, two type II, or one type III Cards supported . . . . . . . . . . 3.3-V and 5-V PC Card connector size . . . . . 68 pins Data width (maximum) . . . . . 32 bits 0HPRU. Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SDRAM Memory module capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32- and 64-MB Standard RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-MB SODIMM (13.3-inch display) 64-MB SODIMM (14.1-inch display) Maximum RAM . . . . . . . . . . . 192 MB...